18 Current Issues Boomers Were Completely Right About - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Current Issues Boomers Were Completely Right About

While we might sometimes think the older folks are just stuck in their ways, you’d be surprised at how often their old-school advice is actually right. It turns out that many baby boomers are onto something with things like the importance of face-to-face communication. Let’s look at 18 modern problems that this generation was completely right about and why.

Talk It Up, Face-To-Face

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Boomers often nag everyone about always being on their phones at family dinners, and they might have had a point. Talking face-to-face gives the chance to connect deeper and beats texting any day. Plus, you won’t have to deal with as many misunderstandings from emojis, so maybe give that coffee date a chance next time instead of sending a GIF.

Save Now, Smile Later

Editorial credit: lovelyday12 / Shutterstock.

Boomers always talked about the importance of saving, and it’s not just one of those things you roll your eyes at. With all the ups and downs in the economy, having a little bit tucked away can really save the day. Essentially, it’s a form of insurance you’ll thank yourself for having when needed.

Careful With Technology

Editorial credit:TippaPatt/ Shutterstock.

Of course, technology is amazing, but becoming too dependent on it can backfire, which is why so many boomers are skeptical of the latest gadgets. They’re careful about things like privacy issues and the strain all those screens put on our eyes and brains. Maybe sometimes, less truly is more.

Keeping Work at Work

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

When you left the office, work stayed there back in the day, but now we’re essentially always on call. Boomers cared about having that clear line between work and play, and it kept them from burning out. Clear boundaries between personal and professional life also give you more room for hobbies and family time, so perhaps it’s something to consider.

Home Sweet Home

Editorial credit: Julia Karo / Shutterstock.

For many boomers, owning a home is the ultimate sign that you’ve made it, and it’s also a pretty good investment. Having a place to call your own is a safe bet, particularly when the economy’s not doing so great, and it’s a great way to build wealth. It’ll also give you a sense of security that you might not get from other investments.

No Shortcuts to Success

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

As tempting as quick fixes are, boomers are big on doing things right, even if it takes longer. This approach often leads to better results in everything, especially since there’s something to be said for taking your time and doing it right the first time. When you put in the effort and patience, the rewards are more satisfying and often more substantial.

School Is Cool

Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Many boomers took education seriously, and they might be on to something. With the job market as it is, having a solid education can set you apart and give you a better future. Beyond getting a degree, it’ll also help you develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that you’ll use for a lifetime. Who knew being curious could be so useful?

Respect Goes a Long Way

Editorial credit: RedStock/ Shutterstock.

Boomers tend to pay much respect to authority and rules, which might seem odd, but it helps keep things organized. Showing a bit of respect can open doors and help you avoid potential conflicts, which is always a good thing. Since so many people seem to lack manners these days, a little respect goes a long way.

The Magic of Home Cooking

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

No amount of fast food will ever beat the taste of a home-cooked meal, which is why boomers much prefer cooking at home. After all, it’s healthier and a great way to connect with your loved ones, so maybe it’s time to dust off some of those old family recipes. You’ll get to control what goes into your food and perhaps even create memories along the way.

Books Over Bytes

Editorial credit: Valeriy Karpeev / Shutterstock.

Even with e-books and audiobooks, many boomers love the feel of real books and the joy of seeing a bookshelf that’s filled with stories. Just the simple act of holding a book in your hands and flipping through the pages is enough to give you a bit of a break. They also make for some pretty nice decorations.

Get Your Hands Dirty

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Boomers love their DIY, like gardening or knitting, and guess what? Doing these hands-on activities can actually improve your mood and keep your mind sharp in a way that binge-watching another series just can’t. You’ll also get a real sense of accomplishment from saying, “I made that.”

Community Spirit

Editorial credit: franz12 / Shutterstock.

There’s something truly special about being part of a community; boomers value this quite a bit. Getting involved makes everyone feel better and will improve your bond with those around you, so maybe it’s time to step out and connect. This sense of community will help you create support networks that can be so important in times of need. 

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Editorial credit: Cozine / Shutterstock.

Starting to save for retirement early is advice that many boomers followed, and it’s more important now than ever. We’re all living longer and need more to stay comfortable in those golden years, meaning that getting a head start allows you to take advantage of compound interest. Over time, your money will work harder for you.

Keep the Traditions Alive

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Whether it’s holiday traditions or family dinners, boomers are passionate about keeping them alive. These traditions are important in keeping families together across generations because they create a sense of belonging and identity. This is particularly important for younger people and helps build strong family ties that last a lifetime.

Debt-Free Is the Way to Be

Editorial credit: Drozd Irina / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that living within your means is difficult, but it is quite freeing. Boomers mostly hate debt because they know that living debt-free means less stress and more money for fun. It gives you greater financial freedom and flexibility to choose based on what you want, not just the bills you must pay. 

Skills Over Stuff

Editorial credit: Photon photo / Shutterstock.

Boomers care more about practical skills than the latest gadgets, as knowing how to fix a leak or change a tire can come in way better than having the latest phone. These skills will only save you money and teach you a little independence because you won’t need to call for help whenever something breaks. Handling things on your own is the best.

Patience Is a Virtue

Editorial credit: Min C. Chiu / Shutterstock.

Everything now is instant, but some things take time, and boomers are masters of the waiting game. They understand patience often pays off with better outcomes, so waiting for things to happen in their own time can give you better results. Being patient helps you deal with life’s problems gracefully and become stronger on the other side.

Silence Is Golden

Editorial credit: Olena Yakobchuk/ Shutterstock.

Similarly, everything today is so noisy, and there never seems to be a moment when things are quiet. But taking a moment just to enjoy the silence is something boomers know all too well. Those quiet moments are good for your brain and your soul, so it could be worthwhile sitting in silence every now and again.

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