18 Crazy American Laws You Need to Read to Believe - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Crazy American Laws You Need to Read to Believe

Across the United States, plenty of laws might seem downright bizarre, but they still exist. In some places, there are prohibitions on where you can sleep, whereas in others, there are rules about your beach behavior. Let’s take a look at 18 of the most unusual laws still on the books.

Cheese Factory Naps Are a No-Go

Editorial credit: dotshock / Shutterstock.

In South Dakota, it’s illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory, which sounds pretty specific, but think about it. Sleeping among the Gouda and cheddar might be comfy, but it’s not exactly clean. This law probably helps keep things sanitary where our favorite cheeses are made, so you might want to save your naps for somewhere a bit less cheesy.

Don’t Fake Your Sleep on the Sand

Editorial credit: Maridav / Shutterstock.

Speaking of sleep, if you’re planning to hit Delaware’s beaches, keep this in mind. Pretending to sleep is a big issue, likely stopping the beach from turning into a free-for-all sleepover. It keeps the sands open for people who are actively enjoying the sun and the waves and not simply looking for a place to lounge all day.

Bingo Marathons Limited to 5 Hours 

Editorial credit: Anatoliy Cherkas / Shutterstock.

You can’t play bingo for more than five hours in North Carolina unless it’s at a fair. Apparently, they’re serious about their bingo games but don’t want them turning into all-nighters. It’s likely aimed at keeping things fair and fun without letting gambling get out of hand, meaning that any bingo fans need to watch the clock!

Keep Your Silly String to Yourself 

Editorial credit: Olga Donchuk / Shutterstock.

Don’t spray cans of silly string around Southington, Connecticut, especially during public events. The law completely forbids it. The main goal is to keep public gatherings neat and tidy without the messy aftermath of a silly string battle. That means no sticky situations are allowed at any kind of public celebration. 

Whistling Underwater

Editorial credit: Parilov / Shutterstock.

It might sound like something out of a cartoon, but you’re not allowed to whistle underwater in Vermont. While it’s a bizarre law, it’s probably one of those old regulations that got left on the books that nobody follows. But the next time you visit a Vermont pool, you might still want to keep your tunes above water.

Say It Right

Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

This one’s all about state pride. In Arkansas, mispronouncing “Arkansas” as “Arkansaw” is technically illegal to ensure everyone respects the state’s heritage and says the name the way it was meant to be said. If you don’t get the pronunciation right, you could get into trouble with the locals, although there’s no legal punishment.

No Ice Cream in Your Back Pocket

Editorial credit: yurakrasil / Shutterstock.

Don’t walk with ice cream in your back pocket in Kentucky, as they have a law against it. It dates back to when people used to steal horses by luring them away with a sweet treat, but today, it’s just a funny reminder of old tricks and old laws. Whatever you do, just make sure to leave your back pocket for your wallet.

Night Time Seaweed Gathering

Editorial credit: brainjam / Shutterstock.

In New Hampshire, you can’t collect seaweed at night. Why, you ask? It’s probably an old law aiming to stop people from sneaking around and claiming the best seaweed under the cover of darkness. This way, seaweed harvesting stays fair and square, so ensure the sun’s out if you’re gathering it in New Hampshire.

Sandwich Shop Horn Honking After Dark 

Editorial credit: Fotos593 / Shutterstock.

Honking at a sandwich shop after 9 PM is off-limits in Little Rock, Arkansas. This law aims to keep the peace and quiet in the neighborhood when it’s time for people to wind down. And really, can you blame them? There’s really no need to honk; you just need to park your car and grab your sandwich the old-fashioned way.

Feeding Pigs Garbage Requires a Permit

Editorial credit: Aleshia Butler / Shutterstock.

In Arizona, you can’t just feed your pigs any old garbage unless you’ve got a permit. this is meant to encourage farmers to give pigs a healthy diet, which probably helps manage waste and public health. After all, healthy pigs mean a healthy farm, so check your paperwork before you toss your scraps into the pigpen.

Netflix Password Sharing? Not So Fast 

Editorial credit: wisely / Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, in Tennessee, sharing your Netflix password can cause you some trouble, which is part of the state’s efforts to fight digital media piracy. Of course, it’s highly unlikely you’d ever be prosecuted or even caught by the police for doing this, but it’s still worth mentioning. Think twice before you hand out your login information.

Ring My Bell

Editorial credit: Kinek00 / Shutterstock.

If you’re cycling through Fort Madison, Iowa, your bike must have a bell. Honestly, this law isn’t so bad because it means that everyone’s just a little safer, both cyclists and pedestrians. We’d all manage to avoid accidents if this was a law across the States, but sadly it’s not.

No Drunken Horse Riding 

Editorial credit: yuris / Shutterstock.

In Colorado, it’s illegal to ride a horse while drunk because they think of horses as a form of transport. You need to be sober when you’re in the saddle, and this law helps prevent accidents. Riding sober is the only way to keep your hooved friend and yourself safe on those scenic Colorado trails.

Whale Hunting in the Heartland 

Editorial credit: Andrei Stepanov / Shutterstock.

Oklahoma might be the last place you’d think of for whale hunting, but there’s actually a law against it. Even though there’s not a coastline in sight, this a statute that’s outlived any possible use. We’re not sure why anyone would want to try whale hunting in Oklahoma, but now you know it’s actually illegal. 

Keep Your Tune in Tune 

Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

In North Carolina, hitting the wrong note in public could technically get you in trouble, although something tells us this law isn’t enforced. It ensures public singing doesn’t annoy any bystanders, so keep that in mind if you decide to show off your skills at the local park. As long as you’re pitch-perfect, you should be good.

Water Balloon Shenanigans

Editorial credit: Smiltena / Shutterstock.

Watch those water balloons in Virginia because throwing them around is against the law. This is meant to stop this technically harmless activity from ruining someone’s day or causing injuries. If you’re having a water balloon fight, make sure you do it responsibly and that everyone wants to be part of the splash zone.

Dress Code on Noble Street 

Editorial credit: Alena Ozerova / Shutterstock.

Who would’ve thought wearing jeans could land you in jail? On Noble Street in Anniston, Alabama, wearing blue jeans is illegal, thanks to an old rule about casual wear in this part of town. This law likely comes from the days when what you wore was a much bigger deal, though it’s hardly an enforced law now.

No High Heels Without a Permit 

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Anyone who loves wearing high heels should listen up. If you’re walking through Carmel, California, you’ll actually need a permit to wear shoes with heels over two inches high. It was meant to stop people from filing lawsuits because they’ve tripped on the uneven pavement around town, although you’d think they’d just make the pavement a little better.

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