18 Troubling Trends in Society Challenging Our Moral Compass - Boomer insight

Samantha Jenkins

18 Troubling Trends in Society Challenging Our Moral Compass

Society is constantly evolving, and with each change, we find ourselves questioning the implications and ethics behind these new transformations. We’ve seen some pretty extreme shifts in the last five years alone, so keeping a check on our moral compass has seemed even more overwhelming. Freedom of speech, inclusivity, and female empowerment are important to every one of us, but we occasionally have to question whether these newfound ways of living are moving forward or backward.

Social Media Influence

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock

Social media has undeniably revolutionized how we connect, share, and communicate. While we can’t deny that it brings people closer and offers a platform for self-expression, it also raises concerns about privacy, mental health, and the phenomenon of fake lives that prompt unhealthy comparisons. For each positive aspect, there is an equally negative one.

Beauty Filters

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Women are finally becoming empowered as they’re actively encouraged to love themselves in the modern era. It is a positive movement in every sense, but we’re also seeing a rise in women making radical changes to their appearance, and that can’t be a good thing. Beauty filters are falsely depicting images and creating an illusion of perfection. That in itself is damaging.

Online Dating

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

Dating apps might have brought convenience and perfect alignments to the fore, but it also raises questions about meeting people in more traditional ways. That said, norms have shifted so it’s hard to know what’s the right and wrong way these days. Are we being more efficient or losing the real meaning in relationships?

Fame Seeking

Editorial credit: DestinaDesign / Shutterstock.

As younger generations show an ability to make millions from YouTube channels and social media influencing, the rise in kids wanting nothing more than fame is alarming. It’s a tough one to navigate when there are viable opportunities to be had, but a good education shouldn’t be sacrificed for anything. It’s a big cost.

Remote Work

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

The shift to remote work has changed the workplace as we know it. There’s no doubt that it offers greater flexibility and reduces commuting stress but it blurs work-life boundaries and can lead to isolation. Sometimes, it’s hard to know if the convenience is worth the potential loss of social interaction and work-life balance.


Editorial credit: r.classen / Shutterstock.

Everyone seems to be talking about Cryptocurrency, and those who aren’t talking about it are probably using it. It promises decentralized financial systems, investment opportunities, and lower fees but its volatility, environmental impact, and association with illicit activities make it equally as controversial. It’s hard to know if it’s worth a punt or too much of a risk. Who can we trust to tell us?

Extreme Freedom Of Speech

Editorial Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

As a country of democrats, we have every right to speak freely and openly. Aside from the morally accepted social standards, we’re more outspoken than ever before. Voicing our opinions and truths is our human right, but are our younger generations slowly spiraling out of control and confusing liberation with a lack of respect?

Online Shopping

Editorial credit: VAKS-Stock Agency / Shutterstock.

E-commerce has made shopping more accessible and convenient, and often cheaper too. However, it threatens brick-and-mortar stores and raises concerns about data privacy and the environmental impact of increased packaging and shipping. We have to wonder if the convenience justifies the potential downsides.

Artificial Intelligence

Editorial credit: TierneyMJ/ Shutterstock.

We’ve firmly established that AI improves efficiency and enhances user experiences, It also poses ethical dilemmas about job displacement, and privacy, and might even promote laziness when used too freely. Knowing whether to embrace or avoid it is a tough call. Everyone seems to have an opinion on it, that’s for sure.

Streaming Services

Editorial credit: / Shutterstock.

Streaming services offer endless entertainment at our fingertips, yet the rise of binge-watching can affect our mental health and ruin our social interactions. It’s all about striking the balance between enriching our leisure time and sacrificing our well-being.


Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Smartphones have changed the modern world by keeping us connected, informed, and entertained. However, they also contribute to screen addiction and reduced face-to-face interactions. Younger generations are often viewed as slaves to technology so they might not be enhancing their lives at all. They might even be damaging them.

Climate Change Awareness

Editorial credit: Piyaset / Shutterstock.

We’re all trying to do our part in the name of climate change. The more recent social shifts aimed at reaching net zero by 2050 have led to significant lifestyle changes and policy shifts. However, balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability remains a challenge and will bring its own set of problems.

Plant-Based Diets

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Gen Z is wholly embracing plant-based diets in a bid to boost their health and well-being. Undeniably, plant-based foods also carry vast environmental benefits. It isn’t the first time we’ve seen dietary trends that later prompt conversations about nutritional concerns.  Is this trend a positive shift or are we doing more harm than good?

Online Education

Editorial credit: Miha Creative / Shutterstock.

Online education and e-learning are great ways of studying when face-to-face learning isn’t an option. They offer flexibility and a vast reduction in fees. They do raise concerns about the quality of education and social development in students, however. Remote learning diminishes real-life interaction which is all part of the learning curve. We might find that it isn’t as effective in the long term.

Mental Health Awareness

Editorial credit: ESB Professional/ Shutterstock.

Increased mental health awareness reduces stigma and encourages seeking help. It’s a great time in our lives given the vast support resources online. However, self-diagnosing and the commercialization of mental health raises ethical questions. It’s hard to know if we’re promoting genuine well-being or creating new dependencies.

Digital Privacy

Editorial credit: Tero Vesala/ Shutterstock.

We live our lives online which means that digital privacy is crucial. Balancing convenience and security with the need for privacy poses significant challenges. Simply being online puts us at a higher risk so what should we do for the best?

Diversity and Inclusion

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Efforts to promote diversity and inclusion are aimed at creating healthier cultural environments. They aren’t without their challenges as many of us try to keep up to date with new changes and terminology, occasionally facing conflict when we miss the mark. We’re all about an inclusive environment but we have to wonder if it’s creating its own conflict.

Body Positivity Movement

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

The body positivity movement encourages acceptance and self-love, and it challenges traditional beauty standards. We’ve waited years to see a shift of this size, yet it also sparks debates about health and well-being. Are we promoting self-acceptance or neglecting health concerns?

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