18 Skills That Boomers Have That Millennials Envy - Boomer insight

Naomi Watts

18 Skills That Boomers Have That Millennials Envy

The US has experienced significant cultural changes in the last 50 years, with Millennials leading the way and demonstrating their adaptability. But this evolving world has brought additional stress and an inability to disconnect, which Millennials often find overwhelming. As a result, many Millennials have become envious of some of the more traditional skills possessed by Boomers, which Millennials just can’t seem to get the hang of. Here are 18 skills that Boomers have, which Millennials envy.  

Cooking from Scratch  

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock.

The ability to look in the fridge and throw together a meal from what’s there without needing to Google recipes is a valuable ability. Knowing enough about which ingredients go together to make meals from leftovers or what’s in the cupboard is a handy Boomer skill. It saves time, energy, and money, but Millennials just can’t seem to grasp it. 

No Need for GPS 

Editorial credit: DavideAngelini / Shutterstock.

Who needs maps these days? Well, Boomers do, and they might be onto something. Yes, GPS is handy when travelling in a car or public transport, but what happens when the service drops, or your mobile phone runs out of charge? The ability to use maps to plot a route or even just read it to get you out of a sticky situation is a skill Millennials wish they had. 

Outdoor Survival 

Editorial credit: Brendt A Petersen / Shutterstock.

Knowing how to survive outdoors isn’t just about reading maps. Can you start a fire, figure out which plants you can eat, and find water? These old-school survival skills may not come in handy every day, but you never know when you might need them in the wild. 

Switching Off  

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

Millennials sometimes have a tough time switching off in today’s tech-driven world filled with phones, laptops, and GPS. They feel like they’re always expected to be available, unlike Boomers who know how to switch off, much to the frustration of Millennials. 

Attention Spans 

Editorial credit: Quality Stock Arts / Shutterstock.

The problem with never switching off is it’s hard to concentrate. Millennials aspire to possess the focus of Boomers, who demonstrate an impressive capacity to sustain attention on a single task for extended periods. 

Photo Albums  

Editorial credit: LiliGraphie / Shutterstock.

Phone cameras are awesome, right? It’s like having a camera in your pocket all the time, so more people are taking pictures. But it’s just not the same as old-school photos, and Millennials wish they had time to make photo albums like Boomers do. 

Quiet Time  

Editorial credit: Freebird7977 /Shutterstock.

Taking time to read a book, a newspaper, knit, or simply listen to music is crucial for your mental health and overall well-being. However, Millennials seem to struggle with this concept. The proof lies in the multitude of apps released in recent years aimed at helping Millennials relax, indicating their longing for the relaxation skills of the Boomer generation. 

Legible Handwriting  

Editorial credit: Nuttapong punna / Shutterstock.

Handwritten letters are a beloved novelty, and many millennials wish they had the skill to keep this tradition alive, just like boomers do. With numerous faster ways to communicate and word processing taking over, millennials haven’t felt the need to learn how to write properly like boomers. 

Fix It Attitude  

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Boomers believe that calling a plumber or builder is only for emergencies. Whether it’s a broken tap or the need to put up a shelf, Boomers know how to handle these tasks themselves, saving money and valuable time. On the other hand, Millennials don’t always know where to start, meaning for even the smallest task they call someone in. A tip for them is to begin by purchasing a tool set and not being afraid to give it a go.  

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle 

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

Millennials may believe that recycling is a new concept, but for Baby Boomers, it’s just a way of life without needing a special name. With many Millennials being the first to embrace the latest electronic upgrade or fashion trend rather than making what they have last. Many Boomers find recycling and reusing items to be self-explanatory, while it appears that younger generations consider this concept important but somehow challenging.  

Financial Planning  

Editorial credit: Kemal Taner / Shutterstock.

Budgeting and saving for the future are skills that Boomers excel at, but Millennials seem to struggle with. The rising cost of living has made it difficult for many Millennials to envision being able to retire before the age of 90. As a result, Millennials appear to have a harder time with financial planning compared to their Boomer counterparts. 

Enjoying The Little Things  

Editorial credit: Aleksandra Suzi / Shutterstock.

Boomers have a knack for enjoying life’s simple pleasures, such as smelling the roses, taking evening strolls, and observing the birds in the garden. On the other hand, Millennials often struggle to find the time to appreciate these small joys, which may lead to some envy. 

Green Fingers 

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Boomers love gardening and have a real knack for knowing the seasons and how to keep their plants alive, something Millennials only dream of. While many Millennials see the joy in gardening and indoor plants are all the rage, they often struggle to know the ins and outs of keeping these plants alive. 

Shopping Local  

Editorial credit: Marcos Campos / Shutterstock.

Boomers prefer to shop locally at places like the butchers and bakery, which is often a tradition for them. Millennials find this practice more complex, possibly due to increasing prices and the convenience of online shopping, leading them to shop from more distant locations. 


Editorial credit: Vladimir Sukhachev / Shutterstock.

Vinyl is making a comeback, meaning every Millennial is envious of their Boomer relative’s record collection. With the price of Vinyl increasing, Millennials only dream of getting their hands on some of those old gems.  

Dealing With Stress  

Editorial credit: Zoran Zeremski / Shutterstock.

The younger generations are experiencing increasing levels of stress, with young Millennials expecting to be the most stressed generation. Many Millennials say that not knowing what the future holds in a world of uncertainty is overwhelming, leaving them envrying this Boomer skill. 

Craft Skills  

Editorial credit: Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock.

Knitting and other crafts, once considered boomer skills, are making a comeback as Millennials recognize the value of fixing and making things themselves. This resurgence is influenced by the revival of Boomer knitwear and a growing emphasis on sustainability. 

Sensible Fashion 

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock.

These days, raincoats and wellies are fashion items that come and go with trends, but Boomers understand the importance of sensible and practical items that stand the test of time and work well in all seasons. Millennials are starting to recognize the value in this and wish they had the skills to know which pieces are best to invest in. 

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