25 Absurd Old-School Dating Rules That Sound Unbelievable Today - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Absurd Old-School Dating Rules That Sound Unbelievable Today

It’s time for us to take a trip into the past to look at some dating rules that, by today’s standards, are completely or not. Believe it or not, these 25 dating rules were, at one point, completely normal. Dating sure has changed.

Men Pay For Everything

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo / Shutterstock.

Back then, if you were on a date, guys were expected to pull out their wallets for everything, whether it was dinner or a trip to the movies. They had to prove they were good providers. Fast forward to today, and it’s a different story, as everyone either splits the bill or takes turns playing. Honestly, it’s a lot fairer.

Women For Men

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

No matter how much they’d eye up a man on the other side of the room, women had to wait for him to come over and say hi. It was a rule that ladies didn’t make the first move. Thankfully, today, anyone can walk over and seize the moment by striking up a conversation. Waiting around is a thing of the past.

No Living Together Before Marriage

Editorial credit: Avirut S / Shutterstock.

Moving in together was a big no-no until the wedding bands were on because they had to stick to traditional values and keep up appearances. But honestly, it seems pretty silly since you don’t really get to know somebody until you live with them. Most people will test the waters today by sharing an address before tying the knot.

Chaperoned Dates

Editorial credit: Fractal Pictures / Shutterstock.

Anytime someone went on a date, they had to go with an audience, like their older cousin or even their mom. Their chaperone was there to keep things proper and above board, which definitely would’ve made things awkward. Today, we understand the value of privacy, and we can talk freely without someone hovering over us.

Meeting the Parents Was a Big Deal

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock.

If you met your partner’s parents, things were serious, and it was practically an audition for marriage. But today, things are a bit more relaxed because meeting the parents is just another step to getting to know each other. We’d rather bond over a meal or during a casual visit instead of a formal sit-down.

Dressing Up for Dates

Editorial credit: GaudiLab/Shutterstock.

Going on a date meant wearing your Sunday best because you had to impress with your outfit. While it’s still nice to look sharp, you’re much more likely to see someone wearing jeans and a T-shirt for a coffee date. We’d much rather feel comfortable than look formal, and that means a lot less fuss all around.

Strict Curfews

Editorial Credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

In the past, it didn’t matter how much fun you were having because curfews were always there to be a buzzkill. They were meant to make sure everyone was behaving properly, but thankfully, we trust each other a little more now. Couples can be trusted to make their own calls on when the night should end.


Editorial credit: Eugenio Marongiu / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, holding hands or kissing in public was an absolute scandal. Today, we understand that some public displays of affection are sweet and normal as long as you’re not doing too much. We care more about having personal freedom than following strict public etiquette.

Waiting for Physical Intimacy

Editorial credit: WESTOCK PRODUCTIONS / Shutterstock.

Thanks to moral values and expectations in society, the rule for pretty much everything was “wait until marriage.” But we’ve changed quite a bit since then, as whatever feels right for the relationship is the most important of all. Couples talk about boundaries and consent much more openly, and this means a far healthier approach to intimacy.

Playing Hard to Get

Editorial credit: Tatsiana Kalasouskaya / Shutterstock.

If you wanted to seem more appealing to someone in the past, you had to keep them in suspense by playing hard to get. But let’s be real, that just doesn’t fly today because you’ll get accused of ghosting. People appreciate openness and honesty much more than the runaround, especially since it’s a sign of respect.

No Dating Until a Certain Age

Editorial credit: Nicoleta Ionescu / Shutterstock.

There used to be a strict rule until you hit a certain age, which was different for each couple. As strange as it sounds, you had to ask your parents about when you were “ready” for romance.” Thankfully, we understand now that it’s each person’s decision to make, as long as they’re prepared and comfortable with starting to date.

Avoiding Serious Conversations

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, bringing up serious subjects like politics or religion early in your relationship was a huge mistake. Why? Because you were meant to keep things light. Today, we encourage people to be upfront with their topics so you’ll be able to figure out right off the bat if you’re on the same page. After all, opposites don’t always attract.

Men Drive to Pick Up Their Dates

Editorial credit: ViDI Studio / Shutterstock.

Men were always behind the wheel to pick up and drop off their dates, which was pretty much because they were the only ones who were allowed to drive. These days, it’s just as normal for dates to meet up at a spot that works for both of them. Convenience and comfort are way more important than any silly rules.

Always Bringing a Gift

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

If you were going on a dent, you had to show up with a gift in hand to show your thoughtfulness. Of course, you can still do that today, but it’s not something that you have to do. The greatest gifts of all are how much effort and attention you bring to the date, which is worth more than any bouquet could ever be.

The Man Walks On the Street Side

Editorial credit: Hananeko_Studio / Shutterstock.

The old rule was for men to walk on the street side so they could protect their dates from any roadside splashes or dangers. Today, most people won’t even think about what side they’re walking on, although it does make an impression when it does. Some women still like this chivalry, even as dating roles are becoming more equal.

No Kissing On the First Date

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Sharing a kiss on the first date seems completely normal now, but not in the past. It used to be off-limits because people thought it was too forward to proper rules of etiquette. But these days, if it feels right, why not? Our personal connection and feelings affect what we’ll do more than any rules.

Parents’ Approval Matters Most

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

If you wanted to get serious with your partner, you couldn’t do anything until you’d gotten their parents’ blessing. Of course, it’s still important to many people, but we mostly care about our own happiness and compatibility with our partners instead. What our families think doesn’t have the final say on our love lives.

Formal Introductions

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo / Shutterstock.

Remember the days when you’d meet someone and use their full title and last name? You weren’t allowed to be on a first-name basis until they’d given you permission if they ever did. Today, it’s all first names right from the start, which is much nicer because it means we can feel comfortable from the get-go.

Sending Love Letters

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Whipping out your best stationery to write a love letter used to be the peak of romance, but not anymore. You’re much more likely to share your love for someone through a text or an email. But for anyone who loves a bit of old-school charm, a handwritten letter has a certain kind of timeless magic to it.

Being Escorted Home

Editorial credit: OPOLJA / Shutterstock.

An important part of the dating drill used to be making sure your date got home safe because it showed you cared. You’d wait for them to reach their door or at least check that they’d been picked up safely. While some people still do this, there’s nothing wrong with just heading home on your own instead.

No Phones At the Dinner Table

Editorial credit: Friends Stock / Shutterstock.

No phones during dinner isn’t exactly an ancient rule, but the reasoning behind it is totally timeless. You were meant to focus on each other without any kind of distraction to show you’re all in for the time together. It’s a real shame this rule has disappeared because it could teach people to make every moment count.

Strict Gender Rules

Editorial credit: Ronnie Chua / Shutterstock.

A lot of the rules about dating followed strict gender roles, but this has thankfully changed. Today, we care more about what feels right for everyone, no matter if it’s who asks who out or who’s paying for the meal. This way, the foundation of a relationship is mutual respect and whatever works best for both people.

Waiting For the Weekend

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

There was also an unwritten rule that you had to wait until the weekend to call someone if you were interested. You didn’t want to seem too eager or available for them. Now, things are different because if you’re thinking about someone you just met or had a date with, what’s the point in waiting?

Avoiding Movies on the First Date

Editorial credit: StockLite / Shutterstock.

Going to the movies on the first date wasn’t something you did because you couldn’t talk or get to know each other. Honestly, the logic behind this makes sense, although lots of people see the movies as the perfect first date. It takes the pressure off the conversation, and you can always grab a bite afterward to talk more.

Calling Instead of Texting

Editorial credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

In the old days, if you wanted to ask someone out, you’d have to call them on the phone. Of course, that was mostly because people couldn’t text each other, but it was also seen as a way to build a real connection with the other person. Texting might be quicker, but you can’t deny that a phone call is much more charming.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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