5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Confidence - Boomer insight

Mike Gaudreau

5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Confidence

confidence, motivation

We all know them. You know the ones, those self-confident individuals who always seem to be in control. They make snap decisions, appear to be more successful than most people, and possess an inner strength that is almost visible.

You admire their self-assurance and firmness of opinion. Such characteristics arise from inner beliefs in one’s ability. If you would like to be more self-assured, practice the following 5 ways to elevate your confidences which can help you create a strong, healthy self-image, full of conviction and self-confidence.

1 – Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Self-confident people know what they are good at, and what they are not very good at. Confidence definitely means feeling good about your ability to do certain things. However, it also means understanding those areas where you need to improve. A confident person readily accepts they are not the best at everything.

2 – Look On the Positive Side of Things

Bad things happen all the time. You need to look no further than your daily news broadcast to see that the world has a lot of problems. Self-assured individuals understand this. However, they do not focus on the negative side of life. They can always find the silver lining in every cloud, and a positive spin on a negative event.

3 – Don’t Let Failure Stop You

A failure is an event, it is not what you are. The most successful, self-assured individuals with true conviction in their beliefs and abilities have failed many times They are not scared of a failure, and certainly don’t let it keep them from succeeding in the future. William Hewlett & David Packard invented many things. But some things they created were failures. But

William Hewlett & David Packard invented many things. But some things they created were failures. But despite failure, they forged on and created many successful measurement instruments and later of course computers, printers, and networking equipment.

4 – Spend Time with Positive People

Confident people surround themselves with other confident people. These people tend to be positive as opposed to negative in nature. Their self-belief is contagious, and makes people want to be around them. Negative people want to bring others down to their level. But positive, self-assured individuals spend time with confident believers in self-convictions that push them to be more of who they are.

5 – Use the Right Body Language

You can “trick” your mind into believing that you are self-confident. This will lead to confident, assured actions and behaviors. Pull your shoulders back. Stand erect. Look people in the eye. Practice good posture. Don’t slouch. Shake hands firmly. Smile more often. For tips as how you can get yourself a ‘Hollywood smile’ chech more at SimplyDentalChatswood.com.au. Speak slowly and clearly. These are all traits of self-confident people, and simply by adopting these postures and confidence boosting tips, you will begin to feel more self-assured.

These are all traits of self-confident people, and simply by adopting these postures and confidence boosting tips, you will begin to feel more self-assured.

2 thoughts on “5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Confidence”

  1. Hi Mike,

    I love the inclusion of using the right body language. There is a whole course in that point all by itself.

    Point 4 is so critical. Internet marketers don’t pay enough attention to this detail. It seem minor but being around positive people effects all of your other points.

    I’ve purposely gone out of my way to associate with positive people. They bring me inspiration, creative ideas, a better outlook, more confidence, more laughter and more joy. Which makes the time spent working alone in my home office a much richer experience. I stay focused and more persistence.

    I have a very hard time now tolerating CNP (constantly negative people).


    • Thanks Nick for backing up what I have written. Yes. we need to stay positive and project the right visual gestures.


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