25 Household Items You Should Never Waste Your Money On - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Household Items You Should Never Waste Your Money On

It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the hype of buying new things for our homes that promise to make our lives easier or stylish. But let’s face it, some of these things are just not worth the money. Here are 25 things you might want to think about before splurging on them. If you’re really keen on getting them, go for it, but we’d recommend keeping your money to yourself.

Fancy Coffee Makers

Editorial credit: FXQuadro / Shutterstock.

A fancy coffee maker sitting on your kitchen counter definitely looks cool, but here’s the kicker. Many budget-friendly coffee makers can whip up a brew that’s just as tasty, if not more so. If you’re shelling out hundreds for a machine, you’ve got to ask yourself if it’s really worth it when a $20 maker can do the trick. Sometimes, simpler is better.

Extended Warranties

Editorial credit: azrin_aziri / Shutterstock.

We all get tempted by those extended warranties at the checkout that make it sound like you’re paying for peace of mind. But guess what? Most appliances are built to last way past those warranties, and you’re basically just paying extra for something you might not actually need. Save your cash and forget the warranty.

Gourmet Spice Rack

Editorial Credit: Myvisuals / Shutterstock.

Those gourmet spice racks definitely make your kitchen look more chef-like, but let’s be hones,t how many of them do you actually use? A lot of them will just sit there until they’re out of date, and then you throw them out. It’s much smarter and cheaper to just pick up spices as and when you need them.

Designer Light Bulbs

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Designer light bulbs promise they’ll light up your life better than the average bulb, although this isn’t always necessarily true. Sometimes, good old regular LED bulbs will do the job just fine, so don’t get caught up in the hype. You can save or spend those extra bucks on something more fun.

Pre-Chopped Fruits and Vegetables

Editorial credit: Candice Bell / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that pre-chopped fruits and vegetables will save you a minute or two, but it’s just that, a minute or two. They’ll end up costing you quite a bit more than buying them whole, and it’s not really worth the time difference. If you want to save some cash, take a few extra minutes in the kitchen with a knife.

Bottled Water

Editorial credit: ericlefrancais / Shutterstock.

Buying bottled water is convenient for you, but what about your wallet and the planet? Investing in a good water filter will cut your costs by quite a bit, and you’ll also be helping the environment, too. Plus, tap water in most places is just as good, so get a simple reusable water bottle instead.

Cleaning Tools

Editorial credit: Alexander Ra / Shutterstock.

Of course, every house needs cleaning tools, although perhaps not those flashy new cleaning tools that look like they’ll cut your cleaning time in half. A simple old rag and some elbow grease will do the trick. Whenever you feel tempted to buy, just remember that the simplest tools can sometimes be the most effective.

Air Fresheners

Editorial credit: Monika Wisniewska / Shutterstock.

Instead of relying on air fresheners to make your place smell nicer, why not try some essential oils? They’re cheaper in the long run because they’re not a quick fix and don’t come with that artificial smell. Plus, you can customize the scents to suit your mood or season without the continuous expense of an air freshener.

High-End Candles

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Speaking of scents, high-end candles smell amazing and look even better, but their price tags aren’t so great. There are tons of great-smelling candles out there that won’t burn away your paycheck, so shop around to keep your place smelling sweet. If you find some affordable candles, you can stock up and change smells whenever you like.

Speciality Kitchen Gadgets

Editorial credit: kariphoto / Shutterstock.

Have you got a drawer full of gadgets like avocado slicers or strawberry hullers? Although they seem practical at first, you’ll probably end up just using a knife most of the time. Stick to the basics to save some space and money. After all, if it’s not the cost, it’s the clutter that these things create that gets annoying.

Name Brand Cleaning Supplies

Editorial credit: Sebastian Duda / Shutterstock.

Those name-brand cleaners aren’t the only ones you can use to scrub your tub spotless. Store brands often have the same ingredients, and they’ll do the job just as well as the ones with a fancy label. Your bathroom won’t notice the difference between the two, so why waste your money on them?

Overpriced HDMI Cables

Editorial credit: Alexander_Evgenyevich/ Shutterstock.

Don’t get tangled up in buying pricey HDMI cables because cheap ones work almost exactly the same way. Better yet, some TVs will let you mirror your phone’s screen, so you won’t even need to buy a cable. Save your cash for movie nights instead because this little change can really add up.

Branded Batteries

Editorial credit: garmoncheg / Shutterstock.

You might think that big-brand batteries are the better choice because they’ll last longer. But many tests show that some budget brands hold up just as well. Keep that in mind the next time you’re powering up your gadgets because this switch could save you a chunk of change over the years.

Expensive Phone Cars

Editorial credit: Marko Poplasen / Shutterstock.

There’s no point buying those expensive phone cases when you can get ones that do the same job for half the price. You’ll probably end up getting a new phone in a few months anyway, so there’s no point spending a fortune. If you’re more accident-prone, you should probably get insurance that’ll cover your devices instead.

Premium Laundry Detergents

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Who says you need to splurge on high-end laundry soap to get your clothes clean? Many of the budget-friendly detergents out there will do a pretty good job of keeping things fresh. You should stick to the cheaper stuff for your daily washes and only use the fancy detergents for those really tough stains.

Automatic Soap Dispensers

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Fancy automatic soap dispensers in the bathroom definitely look cool, but are they really better than the old-fashioned pump? You’re not exactly saving any time by using them. Stick with the simple stuff and save the tech for something that makes a real difference in your life instead of just giving you grief when they stop working out of the blue.

Elaborate Storage Systems 

Editorial credit: Kostikova Na / Shutterstock.

Custom closet setups are more hassle and cost more money than they’re actually worth. You’re better off setting up something that’s more straightforward and much cheaper, like a couple of shelves and some bins. They’ll keep your stuff organized just as well without costing you a small fortune.

Juice Extractors

Editorial credit: Tatiana Makotra / Shutterstock.

A fancy juice extractor might seem like a good idea for when you’re on a health kick, but how often will you use it? Unless you’re juicing every day, a basic blender works just as fine for whipping up a smoothie or juice when the mood strikes. It’ll save you some kitchen counter space and some cash.

Herbal Detox Kits

Editorial credit: Kerdkanno / Shutterstock.

All those herbal detox kits claim to do wonders for your body, but the science behind them is questionable at best. Staying hydrated and eating right is usually all you need. Keep your money in your pocket by relying on your body’s own detox organs, like your liver and kidneys. After all, they’re naturals at keeping you healthy.

Disposable Cleaning Wipes

Editorial credit: Shift Drive / Shutterstock.

While disposable wipes are useful for quick clean-ups, they’re not so great for your budget or the environment over time. You should probably switch to reusable clothes because they work just as effectively. You can also wash and reuse them, which is a win-win for your home and the planet.

Luxury Bed Sheets

Editorial credit: BondRocketImages / Shutterstock.

Advertisers will tell you that high-thread-count sheets are essential for a good night’s sleep, although that’s not always true. Bedding that’s moderately priced can usually be just as comfortable. You should save your money for something that’ll genuinely improve your sleep quality, like a support pillow or mattress topper.

Exotic Aquarium Decor

Editorial credit: Zakhar Mar / Shutterstock.

Exotic decorations for your aquarium make your underwater scene pop, but they’ll do the same for your budget, too. Your fish don’t care about the price tag, so why do you? Go for something simpler and more affordable, as it can look just as good and be easier to maintain. Plus, you can get more of them for the same price.

Expensive Pet Toys

Editorial credit: Masarik / Shutterstock.

Similarly, your pets will be just as happy with a simple chew toy or makeshift plaything as they would be with anything high-end. And if you’ve got cats, you’ll know just how much they like cardboard boxes. Skip the expensive toys by going for some DIY alternatives or budget-friendly options.

Digital Photo Frames

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

It’s hard to justify the price of digital photo frames, even with the sleek and modern look they give your photo displays. You should stick to using traditional picture frames or, better yet, a small tablet set to slideshow mode. It’ll save you money and also allow you to update your photos much more easily.

Quick-Dry Bath Towels

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Is the price tag of a quick-dry bath towel really worth it? They might be more convenient, but regular towels that you hang up to dry will do the job just as effectively. Instead of wasting your money on specialty towels, you should use that money on something like a trip to the spa or a new bath accessory.

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