21 Skills Boomers Possess That Millennials Are Envious Of - Boomer insight

Rosie Richards

21 Skills Boomers Possess That Millennials Are Envious Of

Living in the digital age has many benefits, from instant internet access to working from home. But, modern ways of living can sometimes overshadow the valuable skills perfected by previous generations. We take a look at 21 skills that Boomers have that Millennials are envious of:

Analog Problem-Solving

Editorial credit: aslysun / Shutterstock.

In a world dominated by digital solutions, Boomers can navigate a situation without relying on smartphones or the internet. Their resourcefulness and ability to think outside the box can be valuable assets that many Millennials lack. 

Map and Compass Navigation

Editorial credit: highlight Mike / Shutterstock.

Before GPS, boomers relied on physical maps for navigation. Their ability to read maps and understand directions without electronic aids showcases a level of spatial awareness and self-reliance that millennials find impressive.

Face-to-Face Communication

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up in an era where face-to-face communication was paramount. They excel at reading body language, maintaining eye contact, and engaging in meaningful conversations. These skills promote deeper connections and trust in personal and professional relationships, which many Millennials feel lacking. 

Basic Car Maintenance

Editorial credit: Audio und werbung / Shutterstock.

Basic car maintenance and repairs are second nature to many boomers, as they learned from their parents. Skills such as changing oil, replacing tires, and understanding engine components are practical abilities millennials envy. According to Chime, the average person spends $66 per month on car maintenance, so it is worth taking a course on basic car maintenance for Millennials. 


Editorial credit: Robyn Mackenzie / Shutterstock.

While a dying art, some Boomers are masters of shorthand, a skill that allows them to take notes quickly and efficiently. This ability can be surprisingly useful in a fast-paced world, as we can’t always rely on our devices. 

Sewing and Mending

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers possess the practical skill of sewing and mending clothes, as they didn’t have access to fast fashion like we do now. Whether it’s hemming pants or repairing a torn shirt, this talent saves money and promotes sustainability, a concept millennials are increasingly embracing.

DIY Home Repairs

Editorial credit: monte_a / Shutterstock.

Boomers are often skilled in various DIY home repair techniques. From fixing leaky faucets to painting walls, their hands-on experience in maintaining a home is a valuable asset that many millennials wish they had so they could save money paying handymen to do the job. 

Financial Literacy

Editorial credit: izzuanroslan/ Shutterstock.

Many Boomers grew up in an era of higher interest rates and witnessed periods of economic inflation. This experience may have instilled a stronger focus on saving, budgeting, and financial planning in their generation. Millennials seeking financial stability and independence look at Boomer tactics to strengthen their bank accounts. 

Work Ethic

Editorial Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

The “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality is often associated with Boomers. Their strong work ethic and dedication can be admirable, even if the work-life balance ideals differ between generations. Many Millennials are criticized for lacking work ethic but argue that they simply need more opportunities as Boomers did. 

Professional Networking

Editorial credit: metamorworks / Shutterstock.

Boomers may often have a well-established network of professional contacts built over years in the workforce. According to The U.S Career Institute., these connections can be valuable assets for career advancement, but Millennials often lack opportunities, as 36.5% of them work from home. 

Public Speaking Confidence

Editorial credit: Algernon77 / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers grew up when public speaking was a more common requirement in education and professional settings. This may have instilled greater comfort and confidence when speaking in front of an audience that some Millennials don’t experience. 

Adaptability to Change

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

The workplace has undergone significant changes throughout the Boomer generation’s careers. Their ability to adapt to new technologies and evolving business practices is a valuable skill in today’s ever-changing world. 

Hosting and Entertaining

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

The art of hosting and entertaining guests is something Boomers often do with ease after years of hosting hot-pot parties. Their ability to plan, prepare, and execute social gatherings is a talent that millennials find impressive and often seek to emulate instead of always meeting friends at a restaurant. 

Strong Work Relationships

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Older generations may have had the opportunity to build stronger, more personal relationships with colleagues over longer careers at a single company. This camaraderie can be a positive aspect of work life that some Millennials never experience as they tend to only stay in one role for a short period. 

Investment Knowledge

Editorial credit: Jester-Flim / Shutterstock.

Boomers may have had more time in the market to invest and may possess a deeper understanding of different investment vehicles. This knowledge can help navigate retirement planning, which many Millennials feel less confident in.

Life Without Social Media

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

While social media can be a great tool, it also has downsides. Boomers who grew up without it may have a healthier relationship with technology and more time for real-world interactions. Millennials are seemingly addicted to their phones, which leaves less time for other activities. 

Strong Community Ties

Editorial credit: Altrendo Images / Shutterstock.

Boomers may have a stronger connection to their local communities, having grown up in a time with less emphasis on social media and online interaction. Neighborly bonds these days are less intimate, with some Millennials not even knowing their neighbor’s names. 

Appreciation for Physical Media

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

Boomers may have a deeper appreciation for physical media like books, records, and movies. These physical connections offer something different than online reading and streaming that Millennials experience in the digital world.

Focus on Physical Activity

Editorial credit: Cat Box / Shutterstock.

Boomers often prioritize physical activities like sports or outdoor recreation, especially when they retire.  This focus on physical well-being can be a healthy habit for all generations and runs deeper than simply signing up for a gym membership that is only used once a month. 


Editorial credit: Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock.

Boomers are known for their thriftiness and resourcefulness, traits developed during economic hardship. Their ability to make the most out of available resources and find creative solutions is a valuable skill set that millennials greatly respect.

Canning and Preserving Food

Editorial credit: Daniel_Dash/ Shutterstock.

The knowledge of canning and preserving food is a traditional skill that boomers excel in. Storing seasonal produce for future use is a sustainable and economical method that many millennials are eager to learn as they look at creative ways to tackle the rising cost of living. 

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