21 Characteristics That Distinguish a True Firearms Enthusiast - Boomer insight

Ethan Knight

21 Characteristics That Distinguish a True Firearms Enthusiast

Gun owners are a distinct breed of people with various values, skills, and characteristics. Whether it’s related to the technical aspects of shooting, personal values, or survival instincts, here are 21 unmistakable traits of gun owners. 

Survival Instincts & Practicality 

Editorial credit: Cristina RasoBoluda / Shutterstock.

Gun owners often have strong survival instincts. When you own a gun, you have a range of new responsibilities, which helps you develop practical thinking skills. Whether they assess the practicality of a particular facility, the threat level of wildlife, or they scout exit points in public places, gun owners have strong survival instincts. 

Interest in Outdoor Activities 

Editorial credit: laura.h/ Shutterstock.

Owning a gun isn’t just for home security. Gun owners are typically active and are interested in outdoor activities. Whether they engage in target practice, hunting, camping, or hiking, many outdoor activities go hand in hand with gun owners.

Values of Freedom 

Editorial credit: AJR_photo / Shutterstock.

Owning a gun also signifies freedom, and gun owners value this in abundance. The Second Amendment grants people the freedom to protect themselves by bearing arms, and gun owners do not take this for granted. Gun owners not only recite this amendment to reinforce their lifestyle and safety, but they protect it with immense responsibility. 

Law Conscious 

Editorial credit: Lana U / Shutterstock.

To own a gun, you have to be law-conscious. States vary regarding the types of models you are allowed to carry, restrictions in public, and a range of other concerns, meaning that they need to be aware of state laws.

Self-Defense Trained

Editorial credit: guruXOX/ Shutterstock.

To own a gun, you need to know how to use it. And if you know how to use a gun, you know how to defend yourself. But many gun owners go the extra mile by becoming self-defense trained in aspects outside of owning guns.

Hyperaware of Danger 

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

Gun owners understand the responsibility that they have, and in turn, they understand the potential for danger there is on the streets. A gun being in the wrong hands can lead to catastrophe, and gun owners must be hyperaware of danger on the streets with other gun carriers. Studies show that gun owners may even experience an increase in anxiety due to their constant worries. 

Security Focused 

Editorial credit: Joeprachatree / Shutterstock.

In addition to being hyperaware in public, gun owners reinforce their homes to ensure that they and their families are safe. Gun owners are conscious about installing home security methods such as CCTV, home alarms, reinforced windows and doors, and more to secure their homes. 

Responsibility & Accountability 

Editorial credit: Jamie Carroll/ Shutterstock.

Responsible gun owners are often seen as citizen protectors in the community. Owning a gun requires huge responsibility, whether it is in the form of establishing that the safety is on, keeping it out of sight and access from children, or steering clear from altercations. Gun owners understand the consequences of recklessness when owning a gun. 

Historical Knowledge

Editorial credit: Krikkiat / Shutterstock.

Guns also have a great level of cultural and historical significance. Whether you are interested in the M1 grand, which was used in World War 2, or 16th-century musket-wielding European infantry, guns are rich in heritage. The value of older guns used as relics is ever-increasing. 

Interest in Collecting 

Editorial credit: dotshock/ Shutterstock.

Because of its historical and cultural significance, many gun owners develop an interest in collecting. Even if they don’t know how to shoot or are interested in combat, they appreciate the cultural significance and historical value of a particular model. 

Appreciation of Human Life 

Editorial credit: Josiah_S / Shutterstock.

While guns are interesting and can be a source of entertainment, they are dangerous. Gun owners are aware of the potential damage that guns can cause, and this newfound responsibility can help them understand the fragility of people and appreciate human life even more. 

Critical of Other Countries’ Gun Laws

Editorial credit: Zerbor / Shutterstock.

Gun laws are a hot topic in most countries. Whether the British are critical of the US’s unrestrictive gun laws or vice versa, gun owners have plenty to say about gun laws in other countries. 

Traditional Values

Editorial credit: zimmytws/ Shutterstock.

Guns evoke a certain sense of tradition. Whether a gun has been passed down the family line or someone appreciates the Second Amendment, guns can signify traditional values in the US. 

Appreciation of Law Enforcement 

Editorial credit: Victor Velter / Shutterstock.

Gun owners understand the level of responsibility that law enforcement has. Not only do they have to be responsible for their own guns, but they have to be wary of dangerous criminals and even resist escalating confrontations into full-blown shootouts.


Editorial credit: Marcel Poncu/ Shutterstock.

Owning a gun improves a range of skills, such as hand-eye coordination, relaxed breathing, composure, and a steady hand. These skills transfer to a range of other activities. 

Mental and Physical Health Advocate

Editorial credit: guruXOX / Shutterstock.

Owning a gun encourages people to go outside, engage with communities, and practice their marksmanship. This promotes mental and physical health, and gun owners understand the range of new activities they can engage in with a gun. Whether it’s hunting, joining the local gun club, or visiting the shooting range, owning a gun opens up a whole new avenue for leisurely activities. 

Technical Knowledge 

Editorial credit: ARTFULLY PHOTOGRAPHER/ Shutterstock.

Owning a gun requires technical knowledge of the mechanisms, basic maintenance practices, and an understanding of bullets and cartilage. In addition, gun owners must master perfect form when aiming and firing at targets, using perfect technique to master precision.

Respect for Craftsmanship 

Editorial credit: SROOLOVE/ Shutterstock.

While guns are exciting, explosive, and dangerous, a significant degree of craftsmanship goes into making a gun. The intricate models of a gun rarely go unappreciated by gun owners, and the more they learn about guns, the more they appreciate the level of effort and detail that goes into the blueprint.

Keen Interest in Strategy 

Editorial credit: Rohak / Shutterstock.

Owning a gun isn’t just associated with marksmanship; you also develop a great interest in and ability for strategy. Whether it is in the context of hunting or a hypothetical last stand against the oncoming enemy, gun owners like to envisage scenarios where they can win a battle using the resources and facilities they have. 

Problem-Solving Skills

Editorial credit: Mikkel H. Petersen / Shutterstock.

In addition to strategy, gun owners develop skills related to problem-solving. Whether in the form of hunting and tracking down wildlife or military strategy, this improves problem-solving skills in gun owners. 


Editorial credit: JazzyGeoff / Shutterstock.

Gun owners can also be competitive in a good way. They can demonstrate who the best marksman at the shooting range is, who can assemble their rifle the quickest, or who is the most effective hunter. Owning a gun can encourage healthy competition among friends.

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