18 Things to Leave Behind After You Turn 60 - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

18 Things to Leave Behind After You Turn 60

If you’re approaching this age the good news is that 60 is the new 40, however, if you want to keep up with those in their 40s, and younger, you might need to make a few adjustments to how you live your life. 

As we age we encounter many changes, whether it’s regarding our health, abilities, finances, and/or personal relationships, and to be able to cope with these changes in the healthiest way possible, there are some things that you can do to keep yourself fighting fit into old age. 

Here are 18 things that you should stop doing after 60: 

Negative Relationships

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Whenever we are younger, we sometimes don’t know better, and this might mean that we have entertained relationships with toxic people in the past. However, with time, you will have learned enough lessons, that by the age of 60, you’ll know how to recognize a toxic person when you meet one. 

At 60, it’s your time to live your life as you see fit, in the happiest, and healthiest way possible, therefore, you should surround yourself with positive influences, and cut contact with negative people. 

Unhealthy Eating 

Editorial credit: George Dolgikh / Shutterstock.

As we age our bodies are less able to bounce back from eating unhealthy food, and although we still might love a burger and fries, our bodies don’t. 

Now that you are a bit older it’s time to stop eating unhealthy fast food and start investing in a nutritious, healthy diet that can contribute to maintaining health and longevity. 

Fad Dieting

Editorial credit: Africa Studio/ Shutterstock.

Maintaining a healthy weight as we age can be a big plus for our health, and losing weight can help to preserve our health for longer. But, if you are going to attempt to lose weight over 60, now is not the time to try out any fad diets. A much more sensible option would be to consult your medical doctor and work together on a weight management plan. 

This is likely to be a much more sustainable, less risky way of losing weight over 60. 

Uncomfortable Clothing 

Editorial credit: Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock.

By the age of 60, I’m sure that you have stepped out in style at different parties, functions, and events, and whether it was a tight suit or uncomfortable high heels, I’m sure at one point, you were prepared to suffer for fashion. 

But, as you might agree, now you are likely to value comfort more over turning heads, and that’s ok. In fact, it’s your privilege to wear whatever you feel comfortable in, and not worry about what anyone thinks. 

People Pleasing

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

We’ve all been guilty of people-pleasing at one time or another. However, often with age comes confidence, and when you turn 60, I’m sure that you don’t feel the need to suppress your true thoughts and feelings just to please others. Now that you are 60 and have some life experience, you can speak your mind, and feel good about it. 

Work Stress

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

At 60, if you have not already retired, it is on the horizon, and soon your working days will be over. But, if like many people you are still employed at 60, it’s important to not let work stress get to you. 

At the end of the day, you have seen and done a lot in your working life, I’m sure that you have fought many battles in the board room during your career, and now you deserve to have a bit of relaxation in your last few working years. 

Keeping Up With the Joneses

Editorial credit: Alan Budman / Shutterstock.

Whenever we are in the prime of our lives with burgeoning careers, kids, and spouses, we can often feel the urge to keep up with the neighbors or be seen to have certain status symbols like a nice car, or a big house. 

But as we age, what matters to us changes, and often family and loved ones become the most important things in our lives, not cars, flashy watches, or wealth, but love, connection, and kinship. 


Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

By the age of 60, you should stop entertaining drama. This is a time in your life when you should be able to prioritize fun, relaxation, and happiness. So this is your sign to block all drama out of your life. 

Fashion Trends

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, we all chased a fashion trend or two, but as we age our priorities change, and by the age of 60 it’s your prerogative to wear whatever you feel good in, as true confidence never goes out of style. 

Ignoring Your Passions

Editorial credit: UfaBizPhoto/ Shutterstock.

Often, we end up putting our passion projects to one side as so many other things can get in the way. Whether it’s our career, children, or partners, with so many things competing for our time and energy, our passions tend to come last. 

Well, not anymore, now that you’re 60 it’s time to indulge in your passions and make them your number one priority, you’ve earned it. 


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Whether it’s in your romantic relationships, your career, or the country in which you live, if you’re accepting second best somewhere in your life, it stops now. 

Once you turn 60 settling is not an option, you didn’t come this far, just to come this far, so stand up, and reach out for what your heart truly desires. 

Neglecting Your Health

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

One thing that you must stop doing whenever you reach 60 is neglecting your health. While we are young our bodies can cope with much more, and bounce back sooner, however, aging requires us to prioritize our health. 

Now is the time to make sure you attend all your doctor’s appointments, and get regular checkups. 

Ignoring Your Own Needs

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

If you are like most people around the age of 60 you probably feel like you have lived much of your life for others. Whether you were a mother, father, boss, daughter, or husband, all of these roles come at the expense of your own needs. 

But not anymore, that stops now. This is your time to tune into your authentic wants, and needs and start living life for you. 


Editorial credit: RealPeopleStudio / Shutterstock.

As a mature adult, you are probably used to helping others out lots with things, and taking on extra responsibility. But, once you reach 60, you can give yourself permission to stop overcommitting to responsibilities that overstretch you. 

Others Expectations

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Whether it’s the expectations of our parents, partners, friends, or colleagues, often in life we can feel pressured into making certain decisions based on what other people think we should do. 

But not anymore, at 60 you don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations, as the most important expectation you will ever meet, is your own. 


Editorial credit: trekandshoot / Shutterstock.

After 60 years on planet Earth, you have probably accumulated a lot of “stuff,” even though some of it might be great, useful, and interesting if it is cluttering up your living space, once you turn 60, it is time to start thinking about downsizing. 

Financial Risk Taking 

Editorial credit: vitma / Shutterstock.

Now might not be the best time to start thinking about floating your savings on the New York Stock Exchange, instead, once you reach 60, it’s time to stop taking financial risks, and it’s time to start nurturing financial stability, and security. 


Editorial credit: ntkris / Shutterstock.

Everyone is putting something off, whether it’s a dream holiday, learning how to horse ride, or asking their cute neighbor out on a date. However, once you turn 60, it’s time to start advancing in the direction of your dreams. 

You’ve already lived a good portion of your life, you have enough experience, and confidence to go for it, so stop procrastinating and grab life with both hands. 

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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