18 Things Foreign Visitors Find Baffling About The United States - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 Things Foreign Visitors Find Baffling About The United States

The United States of America is a vast and vibrant country with many completely different areas. That’s what attracts foreign visitors who enjoy traveling to see other states, which is a lot of fun. But certain aspects of America are similar, and those who live there take them for granted. Yet when foreigners visit the country, they are completely shocked by them, despite these aspects feeling normal to Americans.

The Expense of Healthcare

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

While most foreign visitors don’t tend to use the American healthcare system, whenever they find out about it, there’s no doubt it will surprise them. That’s because of how expensive it is. It’s something that can financially cripple some people, which is a real shame, but those living in the country are just used to that.

The Flag is Everywhere

Editorial credit: Andrea Izzotti/ Shutterstock.

Americans are notorious for being extremely patriotic, which many people love about the country. While foreign visitors often like their own countries, few showcase them as proudly as Americans. That can be seen by the fact that the American flag tends to be all over. Americans have grown up knowing and expecting this, but for visitors, it can come as a shock.

Paying Tax Afterward

Editorial credit: FAMILY STOCK / Shutterstock.

In most countries, the price they see when agreeing to purchase something is what they pay. That’s why the American tax system can shock people, as it’s added on afterward, leading to more expensive things. It often catches tourists out initially as they must learn to shop differently.

Coffee Refills

Editorial credit: polinaloves / Shutterstock.

In most foreign countries, if someone wants to get a coffee refill, they will be charged for another cup. But that’s not necessarily the case in the United States, as the country typically provides complimentary drip coffee, which is a fun bonus for tourists.

Drinking Root Beer

Editorial credit: bogubogu / Shutterstock.

Every country tends to have specific drinks that people in that location enjoy, but foreigners aren’t sure about. When it comes to the United States, that is root beer. It’s a distinct and unique flavor, with many finding it quite medicinal, yet Americans will happily accept this as a standard option in most places.

Extreme Friendliness and Confidence

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

While there are certain countries where everyone loves to talk with each other, few manage to match the friendliness and confidence that comes from a visit to America. It’s unlike any other place, and many foreign visitors aren’t prepared for it.

Garbage Disposals

Editorial credit: sdf_qwe/ Shutterstock.

Garbage disposals are a typical household item in America, with most places having them next to the sink. But that’s not the case for most other places, which is why many visitors are shocked when they see them, often not understanding how they work or what their function is.

School Mascots

Editorial credit: George Sheldon / Shutterstock.

Schools in America take their sports seriously, and the competition between them is a big deal. They draw in vast numbers of people to watch the matches, and the schools often have their own mascots, which is a crazy concept for most foreign visitors.

Huge Highways

Editorial credit: Brandon Burris/ Shutterstock.

America is a massive country, so the highways are extremely large, as there are a lot of cars on the roads. American citizens accept and appreciate them, but it can take foreign visitors a while to get used to them, mainly because they seem overwhelming and daunting at first glance.

The Tipping Culture

Editorial Credit: Maryna Pleshkun / Shutterstock.

The tipping culture in America is vastly different from anywhere else in the world. It’s commonly expected that tips will be provided for almost every act of service, whether that’s a server or someone serving a Starbucks. That isn’t the case elsewhere in the world, and that can lead to many people being surprised when they’re asked to leave tips.

Wearing Shoes Inside Homes

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Shoes being worn inside homes is something that many foreign visitors find strange. It’s not common practice in many other countries, as people tend to take them off because they’ve been outside and they’re dirty, but that’s not the norm in America.

The Majority of Cars are Automatic

Editorial credit: RossHelen / Shutterstock.

Automatic cars are more accessible to drive, so it makes sense that the majority of vehicles in America have automatic transmissions. But for foreign visitors, this can be confusing as the majority of other countries, particularly in Europe, tend to have a gear shift that they learn from.

Chips or Crisps

Editorial credit: sasirin pamai / Shutterstock.

One confusing situation many foreign visitors have in America, particularly European visitors, is what chips stand for in the country. Most of the time, when people order chips, they’re expecting something totally different, which Americans obviously never even consider to be unique.

Public Bathrooms are Very Different

Editorial credit: Idealphotographer / Shutterstock.

Everyone will visit public bathrooms at some point, but those in America tend to be very different from those in other places in the world, particularly Europe. That’s because the toilets tend to be much lower to the ground, yet there are often bigger gaps around the doors, which some foreigners may not be comfortable with when it comes to privacy.

Expensive Cabs

Editorial credit: Andrey Bayda / Shutterstock.

Public transport is popular within the United States, and a big reason is the sheer price of cabs. Foreigners often use them to make their journeys quicker, only to be stung by the expense, which Americans understand and are accustomed to.

The Love of Ice

Editorial credit: Alter-ego / Shutterstock.

Because many areas of America are scorching, the need for refreshing and cool drinks is paramount. That’s why a lot of areas in the U.S. tend to use tons of ice in their drinks. That normally takes up a huge amount of space, which is something foreign visitors aren’t always used to.

The Huge Food Portions

Editorial credit: Oleksii Marusyk / Shutterstock.

American food is a big reason many people want to travel to the country. Every state has completely different cuisines, but one thing they all have in common is the huge portion sizes. It doesn’t matter what meal it is; the portions tend to get loaded up, which is something that many foreign visitors aren’t used to.

Long Car Journeys are Normal

Editorial credit: simona pilolla 2/ Shutterstock.

Many foreigners underestimate America’s sheer size, with people often putting together some road trips that they assume will be close because of how they look on the map. But that’s only sometimes the case, as it’s common for Americans to take on massive drives regularly. A long-distance trip behind the wheel between neighboring areas might seem normal to those who live there, but for foreign visitors, it often comes as a huge shock given they can access other countries with speed at times.

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