18 States with the Most and Least Competitive Teacher Salaries - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 States with the Most and Least Competitive Teacher Salaries

Teachers are amongst the most critical professionals on the planet. Shaping future generations with their work, they play a crucial role in providing young people with the information they need to thrive in a chosen career and helping mold them as people. Funding for these roles isn’t the same in every state across the United States, and it varies widely depending on budgets, cost of living, and funding, with some teachers earning significantly more than others.

California: Leading the Pack

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California consistently ranks as one of the highest-paying states for teachers, making this the place to work for those in this industry. With an average salary of approximately $95,160, educators in California benefit from solid union support and significant state funding for education. But it’s essential to consider the high cost of living in many parts of the state, which can offset these higher salaries​.

New York: Competitive Compensation

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

New York also offers competitive salaries, with the average teacher earning about $92,696. The state’s robust investment in education ensures that teachers are well-compensated for their work. The relatively high salaries help attract and retain quality educators despite the high cost of living in cities like New York City​.

Massachusetts: Consistently High Salaries

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

In Massachusetts, teachers earn an average of $92,307. The state is known for its high educational standards and substantial investment in public education. It is an attractive destination for teachers looking for better pay and professional development opportunities​, knowing they will be treated respectfully.

Washington, D.C.: A Unique Market

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The District of Columbia offers an average teacher salary of $84,882, which is substantial. Given its unique status and the high cost of living, these salaries are competitive and help attract educators to the nation’s capital​, with that location likely playing a critical factor in why they’re paid so well.

Connecticut: Strong Compensation

Editorial Credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

Connecticut’s average teacher salary is $83,400, reflecting the state’s commitment to high-quality education. This competitive pay helps to balance the state’s relatively high cost of living, ensuring that teachers can maintain a good standard of living​. Plus, the fact that this state is dedicated to giving quality education is a real draw for teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of those they teach.

New Jersey: Robust Teacher Pay

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

New Jersey educators earn an average salary of $81,102, one of the country’s highest. The state’s investment in education and relatively high property taxes contribute to these competitive salaries, which help attract skilled teachers to the state​. This raises the quality of education overall, benefiting everyone.

Maryland: Strong Salaries

Editorial credit: Art_Photo / Shutterstock.

Maryland offers an average teacher salary of $79,420. The state’s significant investment in education provides teachers with salaries that reflect their vital societal role. Teachers thrive and enjoy working in Maryland, knowing they will be treated with respect.

Rhode Island: High Salaries for a Small State

Editorial credit: Mihai_Andritoiu / Shutterstock.

Typically, the highest teaching salaries go to the larger states because there are high costs involved in living there, and it helps to draw people to the area. But Rhode Island proves that’s only sometimes the case, as, despite its small size, the average teacher salary is a respectable $79,289. The state values education highly, investing in its educators to ensure quality instruction across its school districts​.

Alaska: Competitive Pay in a Unique Environment

Editorial credit: dotshock / Shutterstock.

In Alaska, teachers earn an average salary of $76,371. The state’s remote location and higher cost of living mean competitive pay is necessary to attract and retain educators in its unique educational landscape​.

Pennsylvania: Strong Compensation for Educators

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Pennsylvania pays an average teacher $74,945. This substantial compensation reflects the state’s commitment to education and the importance placed on attracting skilled teachers to its classrooms​ to provide the students with the highest quality possible.

Illinois: Attractive Teacher Salaries

Editorial credit: ElenaR / Shutterstock.

Illinois offers an average salary of $73,916 for its teachers. With major urban centers like Chicago, the state needs to offer competitive pay to address the higher cost of living and attract top teaching talent​ to help ensure that the state remains at the forefront of the industry.

Oregon: Balancing Salaries with Cost of Living

Editorial credit: Zolak/ Shutterstock.

Oregon’s average teacher salary is $72,476. The state has made significant investments in education, but there is still work to do in that area. But, the wages help combat the higher cost of living in places like Portland which can impact the relative attractiveness of these salaries​.

Hawaii: High Pay in Paradise

Editorial credit: Izabela23 / Shutterstock.

Hawaii offers teachers an average salary of $70,947. While the cost of living in Hawaii is high, especially as the state becomes more popular and grows in population, the state compensates by offering competitive salaries to attract educators to its island school districts​.

Minnesota: Competitive Pay in the Midwest

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Minnesota teachers earn an average salary of $70,005. The state is known for its strong public education system and commitment to supporting its teachers through competitive pay and professional development opportunities​.

Alabama: Significant Salary Increases

Editorial credit: SevenMaps / Shutterstock.

Alabama has seen a significant increase in teacher salaries, now averaging $69,544, which makes the jobs more compelling for people to take. This recent boost reflects the state’s efforts to invest more in education and improve teacher retention rates​.

Delaware: Competitive Pay for Educators

Editorial credit: PeopleImages. com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Delaware offers an average teacher salary of $68,787. The state prioritizes education funding, ensuring that teachers are well-compensated for their work in the classroom​.

Michigan: Solid Teacher Salaries

Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Michigan’s average teacher salary stands at $67,011. The high wage proves that the state values its educators and invests in competitive salaries to ensure quality education across its diverse regions​.

Vermont: Steady Increases in Pay

Editorial credit: Matej Kastelic / Shutterstock.

Vermont offers an average teacher salary of $66,536. The state has been steadily increasing teacher pay to keep pace with inflation and the cost of living, making it an attractive place for educators​.

Ohio: Competitive Midwestern Pay

Editorial credit: EEJCC / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 4.0

In Ohio, the average teacher salary is $66,390. The state balances a relatively low cost of living with competitive pay to attract and retain educators​, which is beneficial for them.

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