18 Ways Boomers Are Revolutionizing Retirement - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Ways Boomers Are Revolutionizing Retirement

Boomers have always done things a little differently, and that includes retirement. They’re not following the norms but actually setting new rules for how to do it. Let’s look at 18 ways that they’re completely changing retirement and why.

No More Tech Troubles

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Forget what you might think about Boomers and technology because they’re coming to terms with the latest gadgets. They’re using technology to improve their daily lives in a way that helps them stay connected with their family. They’re also managing their health and finances more efficiently than ever before.

Happy With Health

Editorial credit: CCISUL / Shutterstock.

Health is a big deal for Boomers, and many of them are ditching that couch potato lifestyle for something more active. Some of them are doing pilates or yoga, while others are even doing marathons. Being so active helps them improve their physical health, which is also great for their mental well-being.

Lifelong Learning

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Boomers know they’re never too old to learn, so they’re taking online courses and going back to college to keep learning. It keeps their minds sharp and their skills relevant. They’re also taking this time to learn some new things while refreshing their old knowledge to keep their curiosity alive and kicking.


Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers are spending their free time giving back to the community by volunteering at local charities and hospitals. They’re providing important services and staying engaged because there’s no feeling greater than helping others. It also keeps them connected to the world around them.

Financial Planning

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Boomers are becoming pretty smart with financial planning as they’re focused on securing their future. Lots of them are speaking to financial advisors to help them invest wisely and plan their estates. They’re also going to seminars so they can fully understand how finances work and make informed decisions.

Traveling the World

Editorial credit: potowizard / Shutterstock.

For Boomers, retirement usually means having the freedom to travel, and many of them are exploring new countries or learning about different cultures. They’re enjoying experiences they didn’t have time for during their working years, and they’re having plenty of adventures during their golden years. Honestly, that sounds like a dream.

Learning Languages

Editorial credit: Ground Picture /Shutterstock.

Lots of Boomers are picking up new languages to help them travel, which also helps them make some international friends. Some of them choose to learn at local community centers, while others have turned to online platforms like Duolingo. It’s a great way for them to keep their brains active, too.

Starting New Businesses

Editorial credit: insta_photos / Shutterstock.

Just because you’ve retired doesn’t mean you have to quit work completely, as some Boomers are turning their passions into new careers by starting their own businesses. They’ve been bitten by the business bug, and they’re keen to bring their years of experience to startups. Sometimes, this involves mentoring young entrepreneurs along the way.

New Community Living

Editorial Credit: Lomb / Shutterstock.

Instead of simply being places to live, Boomers are changing retirement communities to become places to thrive, thanks to all those senior-specific programs. You can do practically everything in these communities, whether that’s making art or learning about woodwork. Boomers have made these communities a place to truly be the best version of yourself.

Being Activists

Editorial credit: Iryna Inshyna / Shutterstock.

Some Boomers are using their retirement as a time to be activists and fight for the causes they believe in. They’re changing politics and making an impact on the world, whether that’s for environmental issues or healthcare reform. Boomers have a powerful voice, and it’s not going to be silenced anytime soon.

Going Green

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

Similarly, many Boomers are more aware of being environmentally friendly, and many are being more sustainable at home. Whether installing solar panels or following recycling programs, Boomers are showing us that it’s never too late to make a difference. They’re also cutting down on single-use plastics and supporting sustainable businesses.

Focusing on Mental Health

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

Mental health is always important, and that doesn’t change when you get older. Boomers are going to therapy and joining support groups so they can live more fulfilled and balanced lives. Though they might’ve grown up during a time when mental health discussions were stigmatized, Boomers are encouraging each other to get help when they need it.

Smart Downsizing

Editorial credit: NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock.

Instead of clinging to large and empty homes, many Boomers are choosing to downsize by moving to smaller and more manageable homes. It’s a practical shift that frees them from all that unnecessary upkeep, giving them more time to enjoy their life. Plus, it’s good for your wallet as well.

Staying Informed

Editorial credit: Freebird7977 /Shutterstock.

Boomers aren’t just sitting and letting the world pass them by, as they’re keeping up-to-date with world events and new trends. They’re using the internet and subscribing to news services to keep informed about everything going on. It also gives them a thirst for knowledge that keeps conversations lively.

Family First

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Family comes first for many Boomers, which is why many are spending more time with their loved ones. Many Boomers are trying to create lasting memories because they know that will make their retirement years even more valuable. Sometimes, this just means looking after the grandchildren.

Spiritual Self

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

With all that time on their hands, some Boomers have decided to explore spirituality during retirement. They might start meditating or attend religious services so they can find another meaning for this time of their lives. It’s also a way for them to feel a sense of community and peace that you just can’t put a price on.

Inter-Generational Living

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Some Boomers have chosen to live in multi-generational homes because it helps them bridge the gap between generations, which is good for everyone. Living with children and grandchildren also helps Boomers to stay young. They can share their experiences and teach the younger ones a thing or two.

Senior Sports Leagues

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers are starting to take part in senior sports leagues, like golf and pickleball. After all, it keeps them active and competitive because age truly is just a number. And when they’re keeping fit, they can meet some new friends and enjoy a little healthy bit of friendly competition with them.

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