18 Reasons Behind the Rising Trend of Divorces After 50 - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 Reasons Behind the Rising Trend of Divorces After 50

Everyone wants to avoid divorce when they commence marriage, but unfortunately, many couples do split up over time. There are various reasons why that can happen, with some explicitly pointing toward why divorce is becoming a trending situation in romance.

Financial problems

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Money is often an issue for many people, whether they’re married or not. Combating bills and ensuring that enough money is earned can be a real stress, and that’s only amplified once people enter into marriage. That can eventually become too much for many people, which is why it’s such a big reason for divorce.

Getting married young

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Some couples fall in love fast and young, which can lead to them rushing into making big decisions before they’re genuinely mature or ready. Many people wind up involved in young marriages, but when they realize the difficulties that can come from them and the big decisions that need to be made, many end up falling out of love.

Empty nest syndrome

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This situation tends to affect older couples when their children grow up and leave the family home. It can leave the parents in a completely different position in life, and they might realize that the things they used to love about each other no longer exist.

Snooping on phones

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For people of previous generations, the idea of having secret messages on phones or being able to send pictures and videos was simply impossible. But that’s not the case anymore, and the rise in people cheating on their partners by doing this has increased. That has also led to many partners snooping on the other person’s phone, whether they were doing anything wrong or not, which can lower trust and lead to divorce.

Lack of intimacy

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People dive into marriages with certain expectations regarding the level of intimacy that will take place, and for a while, those expectations can be fulfilled. But as people mature and get older, desires can change, not necessarily with both members of the relationship. That’s how conflict can start, with arguments then resulting in divorce.

Consistent arguing

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Arguments happen in relationships, and everyone experiences them at some point. But resolving them is crucial because a couple that consistently argues and falls out is never going to last, and continuous arguing is a big reason for divorce in many cases.

Weight gain

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It might not be what people want to hear, but a change in physical appearance can lead to divorce in many cases. People originally fall in love with a certain look, and while it’s natural that it changes over time, someone gaining a lot of weight can be a turn-off for some and, in extreme circumstances, lead to divorce.

Unrealistic expectations

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Everyone has expectations of what their life or relationship will be like, but when these expectations become unrealistic, it can cause problems. People having lofty ideas of what they want from a partner can be a risky situation, as this can lead to many problems.


Editorial credit: Kzenon / Shutterstock.

An unfortunate reason that many people get divorced is because of abuse. Whether it’s physical or emotional, abuse is something that nobody should have to withstand, particularly from the person they’re supposed to trust and love the most. But the reality is that many marriages end because of this reason, with the victim eventually having enough.

Lack of equality

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Marriage comes with responsibilities, usually involving running a home. That is why many people typically look to share tasks and do things equally, whether it’s paying bills, doing the shopping, or cooking meals. When a lack of equality takes place, that can become a problem that people don’t want to continue living through.

Poor communication

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Marriage is all about communication, whether it’s who is doing a specific chore, what plans they have for the weekend, or something more important. Each member of the marriage needs to communicate and listen well, as someone falling short in that department can result in a lot of problems. Poor communication over time results in fallout and is often a big reason for divorce as lots of smaller issues build up.

A secondary marriage

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Sometimes, relationships don’t work out, but that can lead to many people jumping into another significant relationship and, eventually, a new marriage. While that might seem sensible, as people believe they’ve learned valuable lessons, that’s not always the case. Divorced people are more likely to divorce again, which is why going for a second marriage can be a risk in itself.

Longer marriages

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

Many dream of being married to the same person for the vast majority of their lives, as it builds up a great connection and many fantastic memories. But the sad reality is that the longer people are married, the greater the risk of divorce simply because people can grow apart over that period.

Health complications

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.

People might sign up to the idea of sickness and in health, but saying that during a wedding and living through it in reality are different things. For a lot of people, sticking by someone when they go through health complications is something they’re not capable of doing, which is why divorce can become common when one person ends up dealing with an issue, mainly if it’s a lifelong situation.

Having children

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For many couples, the natural steps are to get married and start a family, but that doesn’t always work out positively. Couples might be great as partners, but when they become parents and deal with their lives becoming utterly different due to the stresses and demands that come with children, that can change things for people. Many couples end up getting divorced after taking this plunge, which is a shame because then there are more people involved in the upset.

Not being compatible

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Some couples might seem like they’re meant to be before they get married, but once that happens, cracks start to appear. Knowing you’re with someone for the rest of life can lead to people thinking about things in a different light, and realizing there’s no compatibility can lead to divorce for many.

Having different ideas about family

Editorial credit:Robert Kneschke/ Shutterstock.

The decision to start a family is a big deal for any couple, and while most have this conversation before jumping into marriage to ensure they’re aligned, people can change their minds. One person wanting to start a family while the other has no interest can cause many people to split.


Editorial credit: Roman Chazov / Shutterstock.

Ultimately, the biggest issue a lot of relationships have to deal with is the idea of infidelity. Having an affair is often something that people are unable to come back from once they’ve decided to do that. The idea that the grass is greener on the other side usually leads people to seek out company from others, and whether they regret it afterward or not is often irrelevant as the trust becomes broken.

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