18 Poor Hygiene Habits Americans Don’t Realize They Have - Boomer insight

Ethan Knight

18 Poor Hygiene Habits Americans Don’t Realize They Have

As a highly developed nation with a strong economy, it’s easy to take pride in the high quality of life in the United States. But this can also make people complacent, allowing them to develop bad habits that compromise their hygiene.

Wearing Sneakers Indoors

Editorial credit: Andrii Nekrasov / Shutterstock.

In many Asian cultures, you’re expected to take your shoes off before entering the home. There is good reason for this. Sneakers can carry millions of bacteria, among other nasty things left on the street. Microbiologists estimate that there are around 421,000 units of bacteria on our shoes. Bringing this into the home can compromise your hygiene significantly, as it spreads germs into the place where you eat, clean, and relax. 


Editorial credit: SasaStock / Shutterstock.

You would have thought that a global pandemic would have made people more careful and less inclined to spit their saliva out on the streets. While it’s more socially acceptable to remove flem, many people in the US have a bad habit of spitting for the sake of it. A percentage of the spit remains airborne, making it a risk factor in spreading diseases and germs to other people. 


Editorial credit: AylinGuneyiPhotograpy / Shutterstock.

You don’t need to be a scientist to understand the harmful effects of smoking. Many cigarette packages even contain warnings and pictures of the ill-health effects of cigarettes. Smoking not only leads to lung cancer but health issues such as gum disease, oral cavities, tooth loss, and mouth cancer. Sharing cigarettes isn’t the only concern when it comes to spreading germs, as smoke and vapor can spread saliva, phlegm, and bacteria through respiratory droplets.

Irregular Brushing Teeth

Editorial credit: bbernard / Shutterstock.

Studies show that Americans fail to fulfill basic hygiene responsibilities such as brushing their teeth twice a day for a week. A study shows that a proportion of Americans forget to brush their teeth up to five times per week.

Not Showering Frequently Enough

Editorial credit: TORWAISTUDIO / Shutterstock.

While the average American showers daily, a significant percentage don’t. While it is important not to shower too many times because it may harm our natural oils, it is essential to keep our skin clean from bacteria and prevent infections. Underbathing can lead to skin issues, particularly in private areas. If someone is active in their lifestyle or occupation or lives in a warmer climate, they will likely need to shower more frequently than others.

Not Washing Hands

Editorial credit: Maridav/ Shutterstock.

Washing your hands after using the bathroom is an important habit, not just because you’re relieving yourself but also because you’re touching handles, locks, and flushing buttons that others have shared. A study shows that over 40% of Americans don’t wash their hands after using the restroom

Hand Dryer Instead of Paper Towels

Editorial credit: Stanislaw Mikulski / Shutterstock.

Although convenient because you don’t have to touch anything, hand dryers are thought to spread more germs and bacteria. A Harvard analysis claims that hand dryers suck bacteria from the air only to propel them at not only the person drying their hands but also others in the room.

Sleeping With Pets

Editorial credit: Nitiphonphat / Shutterstock.

While it’s fun to welcome your cuddly pet onto the couch or bed, they may carry plenty of muck, insects, and dirt. By allowing them into our beds, we expose our skin to insects and matter, which can lead to parasites, skin infections, and more. 

Not Flossing Their Teeth or Tongue Scraping

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Less than half of Americans are thought to floss their teeth and even fewer clean their tongues. Tongue scraping can eliminate bacteria, and flossing removes food particles, which can lead to plaque and bacteria buildup. This can lead to issues related to gum disease and even heart disease. 

Using the Same Bath Towel For Extended Periods of Time 

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Shockingly, a study shows that the average American uses the same bath towel for as long as one month before washing it. Not only do these towels remain damp, which can lead to mold, but the person’s dead skin cells, oils, and dirt remain on the towel. This can lead to skin irritation and diseases. 

Dirty Linen

Editorial credit: World_of_Textiles / Shutterstock.

Not washing your bedsheets is a bad habit that can lead to conditions such as scabies. Not only do we carry dead skin cells and dirt into the bed if we lack basic hygiene, but we also sweat during our sleep. People who don’t wash their bedsheets and linen may also experience bed bugs.  

Not Using Deodorant 

Editorial credit: Diego Cervo / Shutterstock.

While using deodorant won’t prevent diseases or ill health, it can certainly improve someone’s hygiene and appearance. For most people, body odor is one of the biggest indicators of poor hygiene in a person.

Biting Nails

Editorial credit: BeautyStars / Shutterstock.

Biting nails can cause a range of problems. Not only can it lead to fungal infections or skin and nail issues, but it spreads germs and bacteria into our mouths. Ingesting bacteria by biting your nails can even lead to stomach or intestinal infections

Eating Low-Quality Foods

Editorial credit: Juliana_haris / Shutterstock.

Hygiene is defined as the prevention of spreading diseases, which means that a healthy diet is also a part of our hygiene. The average American consumes less than the required amount of fruits and vegetables per day. This is often because American culture offers many convenient fast food options as alternatives. 

Not Visiting the Dentist 

Editorial credit: pikselstock / Shutterstock.

While the average American visits their dentist twice a year as recommended, as much as 42% admit that they fall short of this guideline. Visiting the dentist is essential to maintaining basic oral health, which most Americans agree is crucial for hygiene. 

Scratching Mosquito Bites

Editorial credit: nechaevkon / Shutterstock.

States such as Texas, Florida, and California deal with mosquito problems. An irritating symptom of mosquito bites is their itchiness. But scratching mosquito bites can lead to a range of skin infections, especially in warmer climates. 

Not Seeking Medical Help 

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Higher costs of living and medical care mean that more Americans are taking their chances when they fall sick. Due to the high costs of medical care in the US, many skip seeking medical help if they are suffering from an illness or injury that is not deemed an emergency. Not all Americans have health insurance, and this makes them less inclined to visit the doctor because of its expenses. 

Not Cleaning Phone Screens 

Editorial credit: CGN089 / Shutterstock.

In the age of overreliance on mobile phones, they are exposed to the germs and bacteria on people’s hands frequently. Phones are almost always exposed to germs and bacteria in one way or another. Whether you use your phone in the bathroom, handle your dirty earphones, or leave your phone on dirty surfaces, cleaning phone screens is an often overlooked aspect of maintaining basic hygiene. 

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