18 Modern Issues Baby Boomers Struggle to Relate To - Boomer insight

Ethan Knight

18 Modern Issues Baby Boomers Struggle to Relate To

Many discrepancies between Gen X, Gen Z, millennials, and boomers highlight the inevitable generational divide. Whether it’s something significant, such as the economy and job market, or something seemingly irrelevant, such as an emoji or a meme, here are 18 modern issues boomers don’t get.

Being Left on Read

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

Communication is easier than ever in an age where we depend on smartphones. You can talk to 10 friends at once. But being left on seen or read is something that is taken to offense by the younger population. Sending a message to a friend only for it to be read and ignored can upset someone, causing them to overthink and wonder what they may have done to annoy them.

Starting Families Late

Editorial credit: Tursk Aleksandra / Shutterstock.

Starting families late is something boomers cannot fathom among younger people. But this is because it was much more viable for boomers to raise a family in their early twenties. Today, it is incredibly costly to raise and support a family. Younger people are struggling to get by as it is, and once they finally get ahold of a well-paid job, they want to hang on to that. 

Student Debt

Editorial credit: ShutterstockProfessional / Shutterstock.

Student debt is only increasing, so, fortunately, many baby boomers have not had to deal with this. Also, acquiring a college degree had a much greater meaning back then, meaning that it enhanced one’s resume and job application. Today, many young people are burdened with student debt yet are still struggling to put their degrees to good use due to unemployment. 

Gender Pronouns 

Editorial credit: Angyalosi Beata / Shutterstock.

Gender pronouns can be confusing, especially for baby boomers. People identifying as nonbinary or LGBTQ+ recognize that gender pronouns symbolize empowerment and individual expression. However, baby boomers struggle with this new concept, which their generation would see as eccentric. 

Perfect Social Media Presence

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Social media is an effective tool for keeping in touch with friends and letting them know what you’re up to. But it’s also a potential detriment to your mental health as you try to establish the perfect social media presence. Whether younger people worry about not getting enough likes on their latest posts or their friends, or they don’t reply quickly enough, baby boomers struggle to understand the importance social media presence can have on someone’s life.  

Online Dating

Editorial credit: Rachel Moon / Shutterstock.

Boomers are much less likely to engage in online dating apps, even if they are single. Boomers often like to think of themselves as romantic, engaging in long yet rewarding bouts of courting. But in today’s age, it’s much easier to pick up the phone and swipe instead of going from one bar to the next to find a suitable partner. Online dating is immensely popular among the younger crowd and even older people, but boomers prefer a more traditional route of getting out and meeting new people. 

Opening up About Mental Health

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

The boomer generation is used to an environment that requires perseverance and grit, and it rarely allows people to open up about their mental health. But younger people are being encouraged more and more to open up about their mental health struggles. This allows them to externalize their feelings and receive support, which boomers could not benefit from when they were younger. 

Celebrity Culture 

Editorial Credit: Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock.

Celebrity culture can be outlandish. From paparazzi stalking celebrities through the streets to fans getting caught up in the latest beef and gossip, celebrity culture can seem almost crazy to boomers. 


Editorial credit: Basicdog / Shutterstock.

Whether for health or ethical reasons, veganism and vegetarianism are strange concepts for boomers who are used to traditional meals. Boomers thrived on eating dinners that contained a portion of meat alongside their vegetables. Not only are they worried for their grandchildren’s physical health, but boomers are often irritated by how oppressive some vegans can be about other people’s dietary choices. 

Genderless Fashion 

Editorial Credit: Sabelnikova Olga / Shutterstock.

Genderless fashion is becoming increasingly popular today, breaking boundaries and blurring the lines between genders. But boomers are used to strict gender roles, and this is another confusing and unfamiliar concept to them. 

Cancel Culture 

Editorial credit: PeopleImages. com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Saying the wrong thing can have anyone canceled these days. Rather than being able to apologize and move on, social media can be used aggressively to ruin someone’s career due to a mistake or unpopular opinion. 

Housing Crisis 

Editorial credit: Inna Dodor / Shutterstock.

Boomers were fortunate enough not to grow up during an erratic economic climate. The housing crisis has made it incredibly difficult for younger people to become homeowners, especially when combined with rising living costs. 

Job Hunting 

Editorial credit: Pixsooz / Shutterstock.

Unemployment rates are at their highest in many states. While young people and aspiring workers tirelessly search for jobs that provide a good salary, benefits, and a healthy work environment, boomers often interpret someone’s current unemployment as laziness. 

Workplace Boundaries 

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Once in the workplace, younger people are better at establishing boundaries. Some boomers cannot fathom these boundaries, Whether by working from home or rejecting overtime. This is because they come from a work environment that very rarely questions authority and prioritizes loyalty and work ethic. 


Editorial credit: David Brickner / Shutterstock.

Protests are a necessary evil to bring positive change in the modern world. Whether it is nurses protesting for better pay or people demanding justice in crime cases, boomers may see these protests as a form of entitlement among many protesters. 


Editorial credit: Pixels Hunter / Shutterstock.

AI is a huge concern, especially among younger people in the workforce. This is because there is a threat AI can facilitate many skills related to IT. Boomers are often unfamiliar with the concept of AI, and many will fortunately not experience the potential financial insecurity and unemployment that it may bring for many people.

OK Boomer Memes

Editorial credit: Cagkan Sayin / Shutterstock.

What baffles boomers is that you can communicate with friends without actually saying anything. A meme can express your emotions or opinions on a hot topic without needing to articulate anything or type something out. The popular OK Boomer meme is often used by a younger person to an older person giving advice or their perspective. This can not only be seen as dismissive but can also highlight the generational divide. 

Climate Change

Editorial credit: Piyaset / Shutterstock.

Climate change puts us at risk, and the longer we ignore it, the more our great-grandchildren will have to pick up the pieces. However, with dairy farms and meat consumption being blamed for heavy CO2 emissions, many boomers are reluctant to adapt their lifestyles to combat this global issue.

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