18 Products Older People Buy That Make No Sense to Younger Generations - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 Products Older People Buy That Make No Sense to Younger Generations

When it comes to making purchases, everyone has their specific taste. Some things are universally needed by everyone, no matter their age, but there are certain items that specific generations will want to buy. That can lead to confusion, though, particularly when it comes to what older people purchase. Their choices can often lead to confusion for the younger generations as they question why they’re needed at all.

Landline Telephones

Editorial credit: RTimages / Shutterstock.

Older people often still opt to purchase landline telephones, which younger generations don’t understand or appreciate. Because they’ve grown up with mobiles readily available, the idea of having another phone that you can’t take with you on the go is simply baffling to many.

Television guides

Editorial credit: Polarpx / Shutterstock.

Television guides used to be a handy tool, as they were the only way to know when certain shows would be on for a long time. It allowed people to plan out their evenings ahead of time and determine what they wanted to watch. They’re something that older generations still opt to buy, likely because they’ve become accustomed to it, but given that you can see everything on the screen now, they’re no longer needed.

Address Books

Editorial credit: Sallehudin Ahm/ Shutterstock.

Address books were once necessary for retaining people’s phone numbers or physical addresses. They allowed people to have the information easily at hand, and that’s why many older generations still buy them today.


Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Calendars are useful tools for organization, whether for jotting down people’s birthdays or other special events. But lots of younger people don’t own a physical calendar to put up. Instead, they’ll use an app on their smartphones, which is why they don’t understand others buying them.

Printed Maps

Editorial credit: highlight Mike / Shutterstock.

As soon as GPS navigation became available, the need to own a printed map decreased heavily. People can be guided to a destination with a voice and clear directions, which lowers the risk of getting lost. But many older people still rely on physical maps instead, largely because it’s what they’re used to.

Disposable Cameras

Editorial credit: sergo iv / Shutterstock.

Many older people still like to print photographs and put them into an album to look through physically. That’s why disposable cameras are still an option people choose, as they’re easy to develop without much worry. It’s something younger generations struggle to comprehend as they often rely on their phones, sharing pictures on Instagram instead.


Editorial credit: rawf8 / Shutterstock.

Many older generations tend to own a printed cookbook, whether it’s because they can get recipes from their favorite chefs or because they want to have it available at all times. But given how many recipes are now online, many people don’t bother with these as they simply take up space.


Editorial credit: Nataliia Zhekova / Shutterstock.

Typewriters have a cool aesthetic, but their practicality compared to computers is seriously lacking. That’s why many younger people will be completely shocked and confused to see anyone buy a typewriter at this point in time.


Editorial credit: sebra / Shutterstock.

Newspaper sales are declining because the information in them is available online. Whether that be via social media or full articles on the newspaper’s online sections, the need to buy a physical paper is declining. But many older people still like to own a paper and sit down with it, which younger generations likely find strange.

Cable TV

Editorial credit: maramade / Shutterstock.

For most younger generations, streaming services are the focus when it comes to how they consume television. Whether it’s Netflix, Amazon Prime, or watching vlogs on YouTube, these services have become the most popular options. But older people tend to still rely upon cable television and will pay hefty fees for the monthly packages.


Editorial Credit: pavila / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, one of the only ways to communicate with someone else while on vacation was by sending a postcard. It would give the other person a glimpse of where they’ve been while adding a personal touch. Younger people now achieve that with an Instagram story, but boomers still prefer to send a physical postcard.

In-store shopping

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

While in-store shopping is still something every generation does, younger generations often rely upon online shopping and having things delivered. Boomers often don’t do that and instead like to go in and physically see everything that they buy.on 

Bars of soap

Editorial credit: Lana Langlois / Shutterstock.

Given the rise in popularity of liquid soaps and body washes, old-school bars of soap are no longer the go-to option for people. But boomers often still go for the bars, which also get the job done.

Sewing kits

Editorial credit: Miguel AF/ Shutterstock.

The boomer generation often had to fix a lot of things themselves, and that’s why they tend to be stronger when it comes to being hands-on. This is the reason many end up still buying sewing kits. Whether that’s something they do for fun or because they can fix specific problems for people, it’s a beneficial skill to have.

Specialty home appliances

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Many boomers still like to purchase as many major home appliances as possible, regardless of how much they cost or whether they are needed. From fancy coffee grinders to the most expensive gadgets, boomers will pick up everything possible, which isn’t often the case for younger people.

Fine China

Editorial credit: Alison Henley/ Shutterstock.

Many boomers own fancy China for certain occasions, and they normally continue to buy it to keep things updated. But younger people often don’t agree with these purchases, as they find them expensive without looking as good as something simple and to the point.

Greeting Cards

Editorial credit: MAYA LAB / Shutterstock.

Many younger people will say happy birthday via a text message or a post on social media, largely because it’s easier. But considering numerous boomers aren’t tech-savvy, they still like to purchase greeting cards to give to people, which younger generations are confused by.


Editorial credit: Derick P. Hudson / Shutterstock.

There was a time when CDs were seen as the easy, practical option for owning music. Being far smaller than vinyl, they were a great way to have more albums without taking up tons of space. But considering the rise of services like Spotify or the fact that music can be readily accessed via Alexa, there’s no need to own CDs anymore, which makes younger people confused when one is bought.

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