18 Issues That Made Boomers Question Their Elders’ Wisdom - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 Issues That Made Boomers Question Their Elders’ Wisdom

Wisdom is often associated with age, as older people are usually deemed to have become wise throughout their years of experience. Whether dealing with family situations, working life, or just society in general, the fact they’ve lived for longer is usually beneficial. But the boomer generation often looked at their elders and was left questioning them. Whether they cannot adapt or make consistent mistakes, it proves that older adults are only sometimes the smartest.

Communication Breakdown

Editorial credit: BearFotos/ Shutterstock.

Boomers often felt a disconnect with their elders due to differing communication styles. Thesilent generationtended to keep things to themselves, which Boomers saw as a lack of transparency. The decision to remain quiet and not share certain aspects of their lives often had a negative impact as it didn’t allow them to communicate and tackle the issues.

Resistance to Change

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers were baffled by the older generation’s resistance to change. Whether it was a reluctance to embrace new technology or clinging to outdated social norms, this stubbornness created a significant generational rift, as people attempted to make changes to move society forward, only to be met by stubbornness.

Strict Gender Roles

Editorial credit: rayjunk / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up during a time of social upheaval and questioned the rigid gender roles upheld by their parents. The expectation for women to be homemakers and men to be breadwinners felt increasingly outdated and unfair, which society has managed to reverse. But the parents of those in the boomer generation often found that challenging to come to terms with, which led to awkward conversations.

Attitudes Toward Mental Health

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

Mental health was often a taboo subject for the older generation, who preferred to sweep issues under the rug. Boomers found this attitude dismissive and harmful, advocating for more open discussions and treatment options, which is why this subject has become more widely accepted to talk about over the years.

Environmental Awareness

Editorial credit: TR STOK / Shutterstock.

Another sticking point was the lack of concern for environmental issues. Influenced by the environmental movement, Boomers were frustrated by their elders’ disregard for pollution and conservation efforts. Their parents did not think much about global warming, which is one of the reasons Earth is in its current state.

Parenting Styles

Editorial credit: VGstockstudio / Shutterstock.

Boomers often questioned their elders’ authoritarian parenting style. They favored a more nurturing and communicative approach with their own children, emphasizing understanding and emotional support over strict discipline. That’s the opposite of how many of their parents acted when physical punishment was deemed acceptable.

Financial Conservatism

Editorial credit: Ekkasit Rakrotchit / Shutterstock.

The financial conservatism of the older generation, shaped by the Great Depression, often clashed with Boomers’ more dynamic economic views. Boomers were more inclined to take risks and invest in their future rather than be completely strict with their spending at all times.

Civil Rights and Equality

Editorial credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/ Shutterstock.

Boomers, who came of age during the Civil Rights Movement, were critical of their elders’ passive or even hostile attitudes towards social justice issues. They pushed for greater equality and inclusion across various aspects of society, which allowed people to feel more comfortable going about their daily lives.

The Role of Religion

Editorial credit: Doidam 10 / Shutterstock.

The older generation’s devout religious practices often felt rigid to Boomers, who sought a more personal and spiritual approach. This difference in belief systems was a common source of tension, although that’s not to say that Boomers aren’t religious themselves; they tend to approach religion differently.

Technology Adoption

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

Boomers embraced the rapid technological advancements of the late 20th century but were often met with skepticism from their elders. This hesitance to adopt new technologies created practical and philosophical divides. It was hard for many of their parents to trust all of the changes that were happening before their eyes, mainly because it was all things that hadn’t been seen before.

Work-Life Balance

Editorial credit: takasu / Shutterstock.

Boomers were critical of their parents’ work-centric lifestyles, often prioritizing career over family. They sought a better balance, valuing personal time and family connections more highly, not relying upon spending all of their time and focus on work, which ultimately was to benefit other people and the companies they worked for.

Social Etiquette

Editorial credit: Bojan Milinkov / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers found their elders’ strict focus on social etiquette and formalities to be overly rigid and unnecessary. They preferred a more relaxed and informal approach to social interactions rather than being limited to what they should say and do. Not having shackles allowed many Boomers to feel more free when they got older.

Education Priorities

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

Another point of contention was the emphasis on traditional education paths. Boomers were more open to diverse educational experiences and non-traditional career paths, sometimes clashing with their parents’ old-school expectations.

Health and Wellness

Editorial Credit: Jinning Li / Shutterstock.

Boomers questioned their elders’ approach to health and wellness, advocating for preventative care and holistic approaches over the reactive methods preferred by the older generation. Their parents would often rely on pharmaceuticals to solve all problems, but that’s not always beneficial.

Political Views

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Political ideologies were a significant source of conflict. The more conservative views of the older generation often clashed with the progressive ideals of the Boomers, leading to heated debates and disagreements. But this situation is often generational because arguments about politics continue to happen today between younger people as views and opinions change.

Cultural Consumption

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The cultural consumption habits of the older generation, including preferences for music, movies, and literature, were often seen as outdated by Boomers. They embraced the counterculture movements of the 60s and 70s, which celebrated new and diverse forms of expression.

Gender and Sexuality

Editorial credit: Adam Wasilewski / Shutterstock.

Boomers were at the forefront of challenging traditional views on gender and sexuality, advocating for greater acceptance and rights for LGBTQ+ individuals. This progressive stance is often met with resistance from their more conservative elders, but it has allowed people to express themselves more nowadays.

Personal Freedom

Editorial credit: Cat Box / Shutterstock.

Boomers highly valued the concept of personal freedom and individualism. They often felt stifled by their elders’ collective mindset. They championed personal expression and autonomy in ways that sometimes baffled their parents.

Marriage and Relationships

Editorial Credit: HDesert / Shutterstock.

The Boomers’ views on marriage and relationships, including the acceptance of divorce and non-traditional family structures, were often at odds with their elders’ more conservative and rigid opinions on these institutions. Their parents would typically stick together regardless of their happiness simply because they viewed divorce as unacceptable.


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The rise of consumer culture during the Boomers’ formative years led to a more materialistic outlook, which was often criticized by their elders, who valued frugality and simplicity.

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