18 Hidden Struggles of Aging That Most People Don’t Talk About - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Hidden Struggles of Aging That Most People Don’t Talk About

Getting older comes with all kinds of challenges, like graying hair and needing reading glasses. Unfortunately, there are also a bunch of other difficulties that most people don’t talk about, yet they’re just as hard as the well-known stuff. Let’s look at 18 tricky parts of aging that nobody talks about.

Different Tastes

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Our sense of taste and smell changes when we age, meaning our favorite foods won’t taste as good as they did before. Sticking to a healthy diet is much harder because nothing seems appetizing. It can seriously affect how much nutrition we’re getting and how much we enjoy life.

Feeling Left Out

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

After you retire or lose people close to you, you’ll start to feel more alone than ever, which can have huge consequences on your health. Sadly, feeling isolated as an older person is quite common, and many feel the world has moved on without them. It’s not something that people talk about a lot.

Can You Hear Me?

Editorial Credit: thodonal88 / Shutterstock.

Hearing loss is one of the harsher parts of aging that just sneaks up on you. Soon enough, conversations are much more difficult, and you feel completely out of the loop. Of course, missing a word here and there is one thing, but missing a whole conversation is another, and it’s enough to isolate you from your loved ones.

Poor Eyesight

Editorial credit: mapo_japan / Shutterstock.

Similarly, most people expect their vision to change when they get older, but they don’t realize how much of a change it is. Just reading a book might mean you need more light while driving at night becomes practically impossible. These little adjustments all add up and can force you to completely change your lifestyle.

Too Many Goodbyes

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

One of the hardest parts of getting older is losing your friends, and it’s a painful reality that doesn’t get any easier. This kind of loss is pretty serious, yet it often goes unspoken among those who experience it most. It’s a silent struggle that has many consequences for older people’s emotional well-being and social life.

Skin Care

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In the later years, our skin becomes more delicate and heals slower. Although this might seem like a self-esteem issue, keeping your skin healthy will soon become a bigger part of your routine. This means you’ll be using more products, which can get expensive, depending on how comfortable you feel in your own skin.

Dealing with Healthcare

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Dealing with healthcare and insurance can feel like a full-time job when you get older. There are so many serious decisions to make, which can be quite complicated. Just trying to stay on top of medical appointments and understand your insurance coverage feels more hassle than it’s worth.

Driving Decisions

Editorial credit: AYO Production / Shutterstock.

It’s difficult to accept, but getting older means realizing that your days of driving might be behind you. Deciding to stop driving often means you’ve got to give up your independence by relying more on other people and public transport. Soon enough, your idea of freedom may change completely.

Pain Management

Editorial credit: Perfect Wave / Shutterstock.

Another major issue is pain, as it begins hitting harder and for longer when you’re older. It’s a huge part of aging, and finding ways to manage it effectively become more important than ever. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find the right balance without feeling overwhelmed by medication or treatment options.

Fears of Falling

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Nobody likes falling, but this can become deadly when you get older. This fear of falling down can keep many seniors from being as active as they should be because safety becomes their top priority. It limits the places they go and the things they do, meaning that their world shrinks by more than they’d like. 

Keeping Warm

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

More often than not, feeling cold is pretty common when you get older. Your body isn’t as good at keeping you warm anymore, so even a slight chill can force you to start looking for a thick sweater. Going out becomes an ordeal, and staying in isn’t much easier because your heating bills shoot up, too.

Losing Independence

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It’s not easy admitting that you might need a bit more help than before. This is a gradual shift for some people, but it happens suddenly for others. Understanding that you can’t deal with every task alone changes your sense of self, and being forced to ask for help just isn’t something most older people want to do.

Home Maintenance

Editorial credit: Jaruwan Jaiyangyuen / Shutterstock.

Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you can stop looking after your house, and this only gets harder. You’ve got to make sure the lawn looks nice and your house looks tidy, which feels much harder now that you’re older. There’s no easy way to make those chores disappear aside from just doing them.

Hot Coffee

Editorial credit: naito29 / Shutterstock.

Even drinking boiling hot coffee can become difficult because your teeth and gums are more sensitive when you’re older. You’ll have to be careful about every sip or bite to avoid any sudden pain, which does get annoying. It also means that eating meals or snacks isn’t as fun as it used to be.

More to Heal

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.

A simple cold or sprained ankle might not have bothered you so much in the past, but it certainly will when you get older. Your body takes its time to get back to normal, and this slower recovery is painful in more ways than one. Sadly, there’s not much else you can do apart from just waiting it out.

Prescription Problem

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Getting older also means you’ll likely start taking more medication, and keeping track of these can get difficult. You’ll need to ensure you’re on top of refills and not mixing the wrong meds. Although we understand that it keeps us in the best shape possible, that doesn’t make the ordeal any more manageable.

Empty Nest

Editorial credit: Roman Chazov / Shutterstock.

You may also find your house a lot quieter than it used to be, as your kids have grown up and your friends are less available to hang out. This silence is overwhelming for some people, particularly since it reminds them of how aging changes their lives. Adapting to these new ways of living can be a lot harder than you might expect.

Too Much Red Tape

Editorial credit: CLS Digital Arts / Shutterstock.

Dealing with government paperwork or understanding health benefits is no walk in the park. You might have to figure out your Medicare plan or renew your license, but all that red tape can drain your energy and patience. Jumping through all those hoops is part of the game, although we didn’t ask to play it.

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