18 Great Traditions That Have Faded Away with Society’s Decline - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

18 Great Traditions That Have Faded Away with Society’s Decline

If you are lucky enough to remember life before the internet (or old enough, cough), you might recall a simpler time when smartphones weren’t pinging all day, and we still thought that a “notification” was a letter posted through the letterbox with some important writing on it. 

But alas, those days are gone, and in 2024, many people sense a loss of innocence and simplicity within society that it seems we might never get back. 

Here’s a list of 18 great things that society has lost.

Less Phones, More Human Contact

Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

Before the scourge of smartphones landed on planet Earth, people used to look into each other’s faces while speaking. I know, weird, right? All jokes aside, before mobile phone use was so prevalent and also so essential, people used to connect far more with each other, primarily because they had to, but also because they wanted to. 

Less is More

Editorial credit: Svetliy / Shutterstock.

A couple of decades ago, less really did seem like more, and people were easily pleased with a takeout meal and a VHS rental movie. Now, unless you are viewing the latest CGI action film in a giant 3D cinema, people feel underwhelmed. 

Loss of Trust 

Editorial credit: Panchenko Vladimir/ Shutterstock.

You used to be able to feel confident about placing your trust in official institutions like government, legal, and media organizations, but now it seems that we have to research facts, be on the lookout for scams, and double-check that news isn’t “fake news.” 

Playing Outdoors

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Many of us were fortunate enough to grow up playing outdoors or in the street next door with our neighborhood friends. However, nowadays, parents and children don’t feel as safe to do so. Unfortunately, we can understand why, as parks and play areas don’t feel as safe as they used to. 

Free Beaches and Nature Spaces

Editorial credit: Dmitry Molchanov / Shutterstock.

While you used to be able to go to any beach, park, or forest for free, it seems that in 2024, you have to pay to access any of nature’s beautiful spaces. This is really sad, as no one should be charged for enjoying the natural beauty of the Earth, and society seems to have lost this great freedom. 

Less Tech, More Talk 

Editorial credit: Xavier Lorenzo / Shutterstock.

Before Netflix, mobile phones, and Facebook, people used to talk to each other a lot more, and conversation was a big part of daily life. However, this is definitely one great thing that society seems to have lost, as now most people can go days without having a proper conversation with another human being. 

Carefree Childhoods

Editorial credit: Tatevosian Yana/ Shutterstock.

“Back in our day,” I know it sounds cringy, but this is one instance where we think that you are allowed to use this sentence, as back when we were kids, childhood did seem more carefree, people weren’t so hyper-focused on testing, and exam scores, and kids were allowed to be kids. Now, however, children are expected to be developing computer skills before they can hardly talk.

Overstimulation of a Generation 

Editorial credit: maramade / Shutterstock.

With only a few channels on cable TV and the choice of watching a VHS movie, there used to be a lot less stimulation in society. However, now there appears to be so much information and entertainment options coming at us from all directions, all of the time. Society seems to have lost one of its greatest assets, a slower, less stimulated way of life, as for now, this generation is constantly battling being overstimulated. 

Transactional Interactions

Editorial credit: hedgehog94 / Shutterstock.

Interactions used to seem more genuine and sincere between people. However, now, society seems to operate on a much more transactional basis, and everything feels a bit impersonal. Whether it’s paying at a checkout or asking for directions, people seem too busy to give each other time these days. 

Movie Mania

Editorial credit: Mr.Music / Shutterstock.

Nowadays, we have state-of-the-art CGI, visual effects (VFX), and massive movie sets that can create the most awe-inspiring films. However, some people claim that movies were better before all of the hyper-technology, as they took more time to plan and were carefully crafted works of art. 

Slower Pace of Living 

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

Before “hustle culture” was a thing, people used to live at a much slower pace, but now it seems like everyone is in a race just to get through life. However, there is beauty in slowing down to stop and smell the roses once in a while, and the fast pace of society today does feel like we are all missing out on quality time with ourselves, nature, and the people we love. 

Dating Dynamics

Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

This is going to sound super old-fashioned, but before Tinder, dating was a much more personal, respectful process, and to be asked on a date with someone was a big investment for both parties. Now, however, people can order new dates the same way they can order a pizza delivery, and it has somehow cheapened the entire experience of dating. 

More People, Less Machines 

Editorial credit: TZIDO SUN / Shutterstock.

Today, we can pay for our groceries with an automated checkout machine. We can buy food from a vending machine, get money from a bank machine, and the list goes on. However, in the not-so-distant past, all of these functions were carried out by human beings, and there was an interpersonal connection involved, now however, you just press a button and hear a beep. 

Paying for Water 

Editorial credit: ericlefrancais / Shutterstock.

Since when did we have to start paying for the stuff that falls from the sky when it rains? But apparently, in 2024, we do. Whether it’s paying a water bill for our household supply or buying bottled water at the store, it’s hard to believe that this natural resource has become so commodified by society. 

Less Stuff 

Editorial credit: Pinkystock / Shutterstock.

Although you would think having all this extra stuff is better, it’s somehow not. Before mass production took hold of industries like fashion, and consumer goods, etc, people’s houses were less cluttered as we all had less stuff. This meant more space for moving around and being a human, which was pretty great. Now, however, people’s living rooms are rammed with 50-inch plasma screen TVs and giant sofas, not to mention a multitude of gadgets and gizmos, leaving little space for ourselves to actually exist in. 

Childrens Cartoons 

Editorial credit: mike mols / Shutterstock.

The old technicolor vibe cartoons were the best; let’s be honest, who can beat Tom & Jerry or He-Man? They just don’t make them like they used to. 

Air Travel 

Editorial credit: Denys Kurbatov / Shutterstock.

Flying in an airplane used to be a sign of sophistication. We know that sounds funny, but it genuinely was. People used to feel like they were being treated like royalty when they boarded a plane. The stewards were kind and courteous, usually serving a glass of something fizzy while making sure everyone was happy and well settled in. Nowadays, passengers are squeezed into flights like tennis balls in a tin can; there are “no frills,” and in some cases, you’re lucky if you don’t have to travel with someone else’s random foot in your face as they sprawl out with little, to no consideration for others. 


Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.

This sounds like such an old-fashioned thing to say, but sadly, it’s true; society has lost a lot of traditions around manners and courtesy. Most young people today wouldn’t be able to tell you what the word courtesy means, never mind show you some. But, in the past, you were expected to show manners to others, such as opening the door for an elderly person, giving your seat to a pregnant woman on the train, and just generally making an effort to be polite and say please and thank you to others. 

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