18 Classic Baby Names Resurging from Your Grandparents’ Era - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 Classic Baby Names Resurging from Your Grandparents’ Era

Specific baby names haven’t aged well, with many simply going out of style. This is largely because people choose names that are popular for specific times, but as modern ones are created, those that were once deemed cool no longer fit. Names that boomers might have aren’t necessarily ones that people are choosing today, but that’s not the case for every name, as there are plenty that are simply timeless.


Editorial credit: stoatphoto / Shutterstock.

James might not be the most extravagant name in the world, but that’s one of the reasons why it’s so popular. Countless people are called this name each year, and given how many famous people also have this name, it keeps inspiring people to choose it. It also has royal links, which is why many pick this one.


Editorial credit: Drew McArthur / Shutterstock.

Olivia is a name that dates back to the seventeenth century. While William Shakespeare might’ve helped make it popular originally, it remains as big of a hit as ever. Given that major celebrities such as Olivia Rodrigo rock the name while dominating the charts, it’s unlikely this is going to change anytime soon.


Editorial credit: Andreas von Mallinckrodt / Shutterstock.

Elizabeth is a name that has maintained popularity, mainly due to the regal connections with several Queens having had this name. It brings a lot of class, which is a reason for many to choose it, and it’s one that people enjoy, significantly since it can be shortened down to Liz or Lizzie, which many people with this name tend to do.


Editorial credit: brackish_nz / Shutterstock.

Charlotte is a name that works for any class system and is one that people consistently choose. It can create several fun nicknames, such as Lottie, while the full name is more traditional and classic, making it an excellent option for many.


Editorial credit: Chase D’animulls/ Shutterstock.

Joseph is another name that has never gone out of style, mainly because it’s such a strong option. Whether it’s the full-length name or being shortened down to Joe, there are many ways to use it. Given the rise of Jo, it can also be applied to a male or female, which has only amplified its popularity.


Editorial credit: Stefan Petersohn/ Shutterstock.

Luke is a simple but very popular name. It plays a key role in the Bible and is a name that Christians consistently choose, always looking to use. The fact that it works so well in a modern setting helps, too, with the popularity of Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars franchise, which also leads to many people choosing this one.


Editorial credit: Africa Studio/ Shutterstock.

Noah is another name with a biblical background, which guarantees that people will always choose it. But this name has remained very popular in modern times, proving it’s set to be around for a long time.


Editorial credit: Nenov Brothers Images/ Shutterstock.

Mary has been a big hit, and from 1918 to 2017, it was the most popular name, showcasing just how many people have ended up with it. This has continued since that stage, with Mary remaining just as big of a hit today as it was over 100 years ago.


Editorial credit: Ian Peter Morton/ Shutterstock.

William has been the second-most popular male name since the 1700s, which showcases just how timeless it is. While it can have royal connotations, it’s also a simple name that can be given to anybody, which is why it provides such a wide appeal. Given that many different nicknames can come from it, this one is easy for people to tweak as they see fit.


Editorial credit:David Pereiras / Shutterstock.

Oliver is a name that has been used for years, but it remains just as popular today as ever. That’s because it suits a variety of age groups, making it easily accessible, which is why people choose this one for their children.


Editorial credit: Oana Raluca/ Shutterstock.

David is another name that has remained relevant over the years, and that’s likely going to be the case for a long time to come. It suits people regardless of how old they are, which isn’t the case for every name. That’s one of the reasons why people opt to choose it, as the name can mature nicely with people. Plus, with celebrities such as David Beckham rocking it, many end up being inspired to choose it.


Editorial credit: stoatphoto/ Shutterstock.

Whether it’s Thomas or the shortened version of Tom, people love and consistently choose this name. The fact that tons of celebrities have this name helps to push others in this direction, and that’s a big reason why it has yet to go out of style.


Editorial credit: Stefan Petersohn/ Shutterstock.

Elijah is a unique name that sounds completely different from what everyone else tends to choose. That’s one of the big draws that people have to use the name, while the popularity of Lord of the Rings and the role Elijah Wood played led to this one becoming an even bigger hit amongst people.


Editorial credit:Cucogreen / Shutterstock.

Benjamin is a name that can work for various people and opens it up to a broader range. Whether it’s someone wanting to be upper-class or the everyman, this name is adaptable, and that’s led to its popularity. It can also be shortened in several different ways, and that’s another reason why many people choose it.


Editorial credit: chrisdorney/ Shutterstock.

Betty might seem quite old-fashioned on paper, but it’s one that has ended up being just as popular with modern generations. It has come back in popularity, and it’s an example of how classic names can be just as successful in a modern climate.


Editorial credit: Andreas von Mallinckrodt/ Shutterstock.

One of the reasons Jack has always proven to be popular is that it’s quite simple and short. That makes it easy to pair with specific middle names or longer surnames, which is why a lot of people continue to choose it.


Editorial credit: yournameonstones/ Shutterstock.

No matter how it’s spelled, Sarah has become an evergreen name. Many celebrities have taken this one on, and that has inspired many others to choose it. But because it’s a name that suits many people and can easily be paired with surnames, it’s easy to see why it’s common.


Editorial credit: Ian Peter Morton/ Shutterstock.

While it can be spelled in several different ways, Muhammad is often considered the most popular name in the world. It’s currently believed that at least 150 million people have this name, showcasing just how important it is. It’s been used for an incredibly long time, and that’s not something that’s going to change anytime soon.

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