15 Outdated Practices Boomers Adore That Millennials and Gen Z Have Abandoned - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

15 Outdated Practices Boomers Adore That Millennials and Gen Z Have Abandoned

Just what is it that keeps boomers ticking along with their traditions? It’s not simply nostalgia because they do plenty of things that the majority of us have simply forgotten about. Let’s look at 18 traditions that boomers just won’t give up and why.

Wearing Watches

Editorial credit: Nikita Savostikov / Shutterstock.

Lots of boomers still wear a watch, and we’re not just talking about those smart ones. Many of them like the simplicity of a watch that only tells the time instead of one that does a million other things as well. And for many boomers, a watch is a fashion statement or an important gift, not just a tool.

Baking Bread

Editorial credit: David9182 / Shutterstock.

Many boomers would rather bake their own bread than get store-bought loaves. For them, it’s the aroma and feeling that you’re part of the process that turns the whole thing into an experience. Honestly, they’re not wrong because nothing beats the taste of fresh bread that’s come just out of the oven.

Buying Full Albums

Editorial credit: Tood House / Shutterstock.

Music may have gone digital, but boomers stick to buying full albums instead of full singles. They like seeing the artist’s full vision every step of the way, including the cover art and the track order. They want to experience the music in the way the artist wants them to instead of just listening to the hits that play on the radio.

Celebrating Paper Anniversaries

Editorial credit: rj lerich / Shutterstock.

Boomers take their anniversaries seriously, especially those milestone ones like paper, which was one year, or gold, which was 50 years. Of course, some younger generations still do it, but they don’t really get these anniversaries like boomers do. Those dates on the calendar are a time to renew our vows to our loved ones.

Building Model Kits

Editorial credit: Nor Gal / Shutterstock.

Creating a model kit is certainly detailed work, and you need a lot of patience to do it, which is why so many boomers keep this tradition alive. It gives them a sense of achievement like no other, as well as a chance to unwind by focusing on something real. Younger generations can’t understand the joy in the process and would rather just have the final result.

Paying With Cash

Editorial credit: Malochka Mikalai / Shutterstock.

Many boomers are big on using cash because they like seeing and feeling where their money is actually going. This old habit keeps them from overspending while the rest of us tap and swipe away. There are plenty of benefits to using cash, and perhaps we could learn a lesson or two from doing so.

Reading Bedtime Stories

Editorial credit: Soloviova Liudmyl / Shutterstock.

Instead of letting kids zone out to screens before bed, many boomers stick to the tradition of reading bedtime stories. It’s a good way to wind down at the end of the day and spend some quality time with their loved ones. This way, they can help create a passion for reading in their kids, which will help them their entire lives.

Writing in Diaries

Editorial credit: Caftor / Shutterstock.

Writing in a diary has so many benefits, and boomers can tell you all about them. Just putting pen to paper to write about your daily thoughts or things that happened can help you keep your memories alive. Of course, most younger people would rather use blogs or social media, but a diary is just so much more private and intimate.

Playing Horseshoes

Editorial credit: Heinz Waha / Shutterstock.

If you ask a younger person to play horseshoes, they’ll probably think you’re talking about a weird video game or something. But most boomers will remember it as a simple game to play outdoors. It might not be as popular anymore, but lots of boomers remember a time when horseshoes were the highlight of every picnic.

Shuffleboard, Anybody?

Editorial credit: PlainJane33 / Shutterstock.

Another popular boomer game was shuffleboard, which was a game that took some serious skills to play. It was a great excuse to get outside or have fun on a long cruise with your loved ones. Since the rules are pretty easy, it’s a surprise that younger people aren’t really into it. Maybe they just can’t deal with something so slow-paced.

Hosting Potluck Dinners

Editorial credit: G.MARTYSHEVA / Shutterstock.

For many boomers, potluck dinners are the perfect way to get together and share food with the people you love. Everyone had to bring a dish to pass around, and that made each meal a surprise since you never knew what you’d get. It’s a tradition that made for a great feast and also brought everybody together.

Keeping Shoe Shine Kits

Editorial credit: njaj / Shutterstock.

Most younger people would rather throw a pair of shoes away than even think about getting them shined. Boomers? They’re the complete opposite. They take pride in their appearance, and they know that keeping their shoes looking good can also help them to last longer. After all, they’re the generation that practically created “make do and mend.”

Fixing Old Furniture

Editorial credit: ElenaYakimova / Shutterstock.

Similarly, when they have an old chair that’s seen better days, boomers try to make it look good again instead of throwing it out. They’ll sand it down or give it a lick of paint so that it’s almost new. But it’s better than that because it’s actually got stories to tell, unlike those new pieces you get from the store.

Watching Broadcast TV

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Although most of us are binge-watching the latest TV series, lots of boomers just watch their favorite TV shows live. It doesn’t matter if it’s a weekly sitcom episode or news because they prefer doing it all the old-fashioned way. For them, watching TV should be a shared experience that brings people together at the same time in the same space.

Writing Handwritten Letters

Editorial credit: Triff/ Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that emails and DMs make sending a message to someone a lot quicker, but they’re nothing compared to writing a letter. Boomers prefer taking the time out of their day to write something using pen and paper, as it’s a far more personal way of communicating with someone. And that feeling of getting a real letter in the mail? Simply magical.

Going to Church IRL

Editorial credit: Laszlo66 / Shutterstock.

There’s something about being in a church that many boomers really enjoy. It might be that sense of community that you get from being around like-minded people, or maybe it’s the feeling of singing together. Either way, it’s a weekly ritual that keeps boomers’ spirits alive and beats an online sermon any day.

Using Rotary Phones

Editorial credit: 7713 Photography / Shutterstock.

Before the days of touchscreens, we had to use rotary phones to speak to people, and that’s why so many boomers still have them. Unlike our modern telephones, these old-fashioned phones are pieces of decor that brighten up any room. Lots of boomers like the tradition of physically having to make a call instead of just tapping some buttons.

Name Days

Editorial credit: Tonka Meriac / Shutterstock.

For boomers, even your name got the party treatment, as many of them would celebrate their name days. This was based on your name’s saint, and it was a great way to get together and have some food and cake. It was a nice tradition that gave you another excuse to have some good times with your loved ones.

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