The Unforeseen Impact of Florida’s Permitless Carry Law on Crime Rates - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

The Unforeseen Impact of Florida’s Permitless Carry Law on Crime Rates

Florida announced a new constitutional carry in 2023 that came into effect later the same year. Many people were afraid that this would increase violence across the state. But recent data has shown that the opposite seems to be happening in some of the state’s largest cities, suggesting that this law may have actually had a positive effect.

Understanding Constitutional Carry

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Constitutional carry laws allow people to carry a hidden handgun without having a permit. Supporters say this allows people to defend themselves more easily, although not everyone agrees. Critics claim they are concerned about public safety and that being able to hide weapons like this can cause serious problems.

States With Constitutional Carry

Editorial credit: Lana U / Shutterstock.

Florida is not the only state with constitutional carry laws; 27 others also have them. These include Alabama, Texas, Utah, Indiana, and New Hampshire. Laws have changed in several states over the last twenty years, with many places pushing for more lenient gun restrictions. 

Florida’s Laws

Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy/ Shutterstock.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced House Bill 543, which allows constitutional carry in the state, earlier in 2023. He signed it into law on April 3rd of the same year, and it took effect a few months later on July 1st. Anyone 21 years or older in the state may carry a handgun or another weapon like a knife with a permit, as long as they are concealed.

The Bill’s Wording

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The Bill says that it “authorizes person to carry concealed weapon or firearm if he or she is licensed to do so or meets specified requirements; requires person who is carrying concealed weapon or firearm without license to carry identification & display upon demand by law enforcement; prohibits person who is carrying concealed weapon or firearm without license from carrying such weapon or firearm in specified locations.”

The Bill Continued

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

It continues, “authorizes nonresident to carry concealed weapon or firearm in this state if he or she meets same requirements as resident; requires Office of Safe Schools to develop behavioral threat management operational process.” The Bill was originally filed in January 2023.

Media Reaction

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When DeSantis originally announced the new Bill, many criticized him for it, particularly those on the left. In 2023 alone, there were 656 mass shootings and 18,854 gun-related deaths. Critics argued that passing House Bill 543 at that time would have sent the wrong message to people about gun violence.

Giffords Speaks Out

Editorial credit: Phil Pasquini / Shutterstock.

After DeSantis announced the Bill, Giffords, a gun safety group, called the law “dangerous.” They warned that it would make gun violence worse, and in a statement, Gabrielle Giffords, the group’s leader, said, “On the heels of a devastating week of gun violence, our elected leaders should be taking steps to make us safer—not putting communities in greater danger. We must raise our voices and loudly oppose the dangerous passage of permitless carry in Florida.”

Criticism from the Media

Editorial Credit: wellphoto / Shutterstock.

Similarly, Steve Benen of MSNBC also criticized DeSantis for signing the Bill. In an article, he said, “In the wake of deadly mass shootings, Republican officials in many states steadily keep expanding access to guns […] And now a permitless carry measure has been signed into law in Florida, too […] As GOP officials in several states take steps to loosen gun laws, we’re seeing mass shootings, on average, roughly every 16 hours.”

The White House’s Response

Editorial credit: Luca Perra / Shutterstock.

White House officials were also unhappy with the new Bill. Karine Jean-Pierre, the Press Secretary, released a statement saying, “It is shameful that so soon after another tragic school shooting, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a permitless concealed carry bill behind closed doors, which eliminates the need to get a license to carry a concealed weapon.” 

Lacking Common Sense

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She continued, “This is the opposite of commonsense gun safety.  The people of Florida — who have paid a steep price for state and Congressional inaction on guns from Parkland to Pulse Nightclub to Pine Hills — deserve better. President Biden has been clear: too many lives are being ripped apart by gun violence.”

President Biden’s Actions

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She added, “The President continues to call on Congress to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines, require safe storage of firearms, eliminate gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and require background checks for all gun sales, and for state officials to take action at the state level.”

Increased Crime

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

One of the major criticisms people had about the law was that it would cause crime rates to rise, although the opposite seems to have happened. In several major Floridian cities, crime rates have fallen, which some people claim is because of this new law. By December 13th, 2023, there were 28 mass shootings in Florida, compared to 31 in 2022 and 2021.

Big Cities, Lower Crime Rates

Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

In Miami, the number of homicides also fell between 2022 and 2023. Similarly, in most areas of Jacksonville, the number of homicides declined in 2023. Supporters of House Bill 543 argue this is proof that the constitutional carry law has been effective at reducing crime and claim that the earlier criticism was wrong.

Is It Successful?

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Of course, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact reason why crime has fallen in some areas of Florida. Although this seems to have happened around the same time as the new going into effect, it’s not clear if this was the main reason for this. Similarly, homicide rates in some Jacksonville neighborhoods actually increased.

Open Carry

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Open carry is still banned in the state, and it doesn’t look like this will change anytime soon. House Speaker Paul Renner and Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, for example, have both said that open carry won’t be legalized in Florida. Several local sheriffs have also supported this limitation.

More Gun Safety Training

Editorial credit: Jim Lambert / Shutterstock.

Even with the new law, many Floridians are actively looking for gun safety training. Local firearms instructors claim that more locals have enrolled in safety courses, which suggests that the community is trying to be responsible for gun ownership. Although the law’s not making people do it, many peopke want to handle their firearms safely.

New Strategies

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

In response to the new law, many law enforcement agencies in the state have changed their policies. This includes more training for officers to handle situations with armed citizens and more community outreach programs. They’re trying to teach the public about how to handle their guns safely.

Economic Impact

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Gun sales have also increased in Florida, with many gun shops and shooting ranges experiencing higher demands for firearms and ammunition. While this does mean that local economies are improving, some people are still worried about the effects of easier gun access. They believe this could cause more problems than it solves.

Effects on Crime Detection

Editorial credit: J.J. Gouin/ Shutterstock.

Since people can carry a concealed gun without a permit, this could make it harder for the police to track and manage gun ownership. They won’t be able to work out who owns what because they won’t have the paper trail that used to give them this information. As such, it might be harder for them to detect crime and prevent it. 

Changes in Public Spaces

Editorial credit: Maksym Dykha / Shutterstock.

Some residents are worried about how this new law has changed public spaces, particularly in urban areas. They believe that, since there are so many people in these areas, widespread gun carrying could become a huge problem. Currently, open carry is not allowed in Florida, and firearm owners must conceal their weapons.

Background Checks

Editorial credit: everything possible / Shutterstock.

Although it’s now easier to carry a gun, it’s not any easier to buy one. You’ll still need to take a background check before buying one, as the state government wants to prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands. The state also has an extreme risk protection order that allows the courts to ban a dangerous person from getting a firearm for up to a year.

Gun-Free Zones

Editorial credit: rblfmr / Shutterstock.

Similarly, there are some gun-free zones in the state where people are not allowed to carry firearms. These include government buildings, schools, and some private properties where owners have banned guns. Likewise, you’re not allowed to carry a firearm in a place where they serve alcohol for obvious reasons.

Gun Rights Groups

Editorial credit: T. Schneider / Shutterstock.

Gun rights groups like the NRA have tried to use Florida as an example to support fewer gun restrictions and greater access to firearms in other states. They argue that this law falls under the Second Amendment, and they’re encouraging other states to take similar actions. At the moment, it’s unclear if any will.

Interstate Carry

Editorial credit: rdlamkin / Shutterstock.

Floridians can get a concealed carry permit if they want, which they’ll need if they want to carry a concealed weapon in most other states. Several states recognize Florida’s Concealed Weapon or Firearm License (CWFL). Getting a permit means they can travel legally across state lines with their concealed weapons.

Other Provisions

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The legislation also includes several safety measures, particularly related to schools. It has expanded the school guardian program’s eligibility to private schools and includes a standardized system for referring students to mental health services. This is part of any behavioral threat assessments.

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