Top 10 Blogging Mistakes - Boomer insight

Mike Gaudreau

Top 10 Blogging Mistakes

blogging, tips

There are common blogging mistakes that new and seasoned bloggers make. These mistakes can easily be avoided if you know about them. This top-10 list of blogging mistakes will help you a lot to improve your blogging skills.

Mistake # 1: Choosing a Broad Niche

Choosing a broad niche is a mistake that many new bloggers make. You can’t be everything to everyone.

If you want to be a successful blogger, specialize. Having a specialized niche means your blog posts can be much more focused and reach a more dedicated audience. When you choose a sub-niche, it’s much easier to provide the information/solutions they want and need.

Mistake # 2: Losing Focus

Losing the blog’s niche focus can happen to the best bloggers, especially if they’ve been covering the same topics and problems for years.

When they feel they’ve covered everything a million times, they often write about marginal topics, such as politics. This is a big mistake if it goes beyond a post or two.

Mistake # 3: Skipping Audience Research

In trying to get your site up and running, you may have skipped some of the research. Audience research is one of the areas business owners tend to skip altogether or do minimal research. Don’t assume you know your niche audience. That is a huge mistake, which can be detrimental to your business and profits.

Mistake # 4: Creating Bland Impersonal Content

Publishing bland, impersonal content is one of the worst mistakes you can make. Not only is it boring to readers, it doesn’t help to set you apart from the competition.

Incorporate your personality into the content. If you crack jokes, use puns, have a sassy attitude, etc., include those writing styles (or voice) in your content.

While you want to be yourself and give your readers a sense of what you’re like in person, you still need to be seen as a professional.

Mistake # 5: Focusing On Yourself

Your blog is not really about you, even if you are writing about your travels, cooking, decorating, or other experiences in a particular area of life. It’s about what your audience wants and needs to know regarding the niche.

Sharing your experience is a good lead-in when introducing a niche related concept. However, it’s easy to forget that your audience is more interested in what you can teach them rather than what you had for breakfast.

Mistake # 6: Using Out of Date SEO Best Practices

If you are still trying to use a keyword as many times as possible throughout your content, you are using out of date SEO best practices.

Implementing current SEO strategies will ensure that your blog is easily discovered and read by your target audience, while it also receives frequent search engine visits.

Mistake # 7: Failing To Edit Thoroughly

While you want to be yourself and give readers a good idea of your personality, you also want to avoid making errors that undermine your credibility and authority. Double and triple check your content using multiple editing programs.

A few things to address before publishing include misspelled and misused words, poor sentence structure, run-on sentences, unclear phrasing, and anything else that makes it difficult for visitors to read and understand your content, such as big words.

Mistake # 8: Inconsistent Posting

When you start blogging, writing post after post without getting a response or “like” can be quite discouraging.  Don’t give up! There will come a point when your devotion and determination pay off.

Make it a habit of posting on a schedule at least twice a week. Track the stats for when your people read the content. Schedule posts for those days and times. Train your audience to visit your blog on “new post” days to get the latest scoop.

Mistake # 9: No Clear Goal For Content

When it comes to creating effective, content, you need to have a content plan in place. Planning content 1 to 2-months before it’s to be published gives you time to identify a need/problem, choose the topics/issues you want to cover, set a goal for the content, and get it written.

Having a plan and a clear goal for your content keeps you accountable and on track with your marketing strategy.

Mistake # 10: Limited Site/Blog Promotion

Just as your living room is the center of your home and where you invite guests, your blog is the hub of your business and serves the same purpose. Most of the important activities and content are found on your blog.

If you aren’t actively “inviting” your target market to your blog or website, you’re making a terrible blunder. Sending your “invitation” is easy. Notify your email subscribers with a weekly update email to point out the new posts they may have missed. But more importantly, share the newly published post, on your social media networks to reach a broader audience.

Everyone makes mistakes but you don’t have to learn your lessons the hard way. Discover how these top-10 blogging mistakes can be avoided or fixed, if you did happen to make one of them.

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Blogging Mistakes”

  1. buenos consejos..
    Tiene ud. un sitio para teletrabajar.? puede enviar un link para verlo.? muchas gracias.


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