There are some clear rights and wrongs when designing a website.?Here are a few of my website design tips.
Use open technology. All my sites are built with WordPress which allows for easy changes since WordPress is a content management system (CMS)
Use??a web hosting company that is proactive.?I use BlueHost ?or GoDaddy; two of the biggest and most reliable suppliers around.
Use open technology like WordPress
Consider SEO.?There are some benefits to enhancing search engine optimisation where you target a niche. Here is training?(here is a review) I consider to be amongst the best available.
Monitoring your website is important.??Google analytics?is a free tracking tool which tells you who is going to your site and what technology they are using.
Speed of your website is important.?To ensure speed you ?should make sure the site is hosted in the US, Canada,or the EU. They have the best internet infrastructure in the world at the moment.
Use social media.?Websites?that do this are likely to be more proactive and innovative.?
Use social media to widen your following
It is important to have a biography.??Include a biography and an address where you can be reached for questions or comments. Photos are a way of making the site more personal and help increase trustworthiness.
Design your site around your audience`s needs.?Complex functionality and descriptions irritates the audience. The site should be service centric rather than product centric.?
?Design your site around your audience`s needs?
Your site should show the visitor what you do.?Case studies and blogs have helped develop this message.
Site Design is important.?Web surfers?have become used to attractive designs. A site that is self built and unprofessional looking may put potential clients off. Use A tool like WordPress.
Learn internet marketing?Learn how to market online properly. Follow a course like?Wealthy Affiliate?(see my review).
Need Help? ?If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below or contact me through my Wealthy Affiliate profile . I would like to hear from you and help you. I try to respond within 24 hours.