25 Experiences Only Those Raised Before the Digital Age Will Remember - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Experiences Only Those Raised Before the Digital Age Will Remember

If you grew up before the internet took over, you’ll remember life was a bit slower and, dare we say it, simpler. Today, we’re looking at 25 things only people who knew a world before online everything will remember. No matter how old you are, we can all agree that these were some pretty unique experiences.

Homework Meant Hitting the Books

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

Google wasn’t around, so when we had a school project, we had to go to the library or look in encyclopedias. We’d spend our afternoon flicking through them just to write a paragraph about ancient Egypt or the water cycle. It was a time when you worked hard for every fact, and learning something actually felt real.

VHS Tapes

Editorial credit: TurboYoda / Shutterstock.

If your favorite show was on TV and you couldn’t watch it live, you had to have a blank VHS tape ready to go. Recording meant dealing with the complexities of programming your VCR and praying that the timer was set correctly. And then there was the anxiety of hoping you hadn’t taped over something important.

The Real Map Quests

Editorial credit: A_B_C / Shutterstock.

Before GPS, getting lost was pretty easy unless you had an atlas in your glove compartment. If you wanted to plan a road trip, you’d highlight routes on a map and make sure you could actually read those tiny road names without squinting. Every road trip became an adventure, and wrong turns were just part of the journey.

Looking for a Payphone

Editorial credit: n_defender/ Shutterstock.

If you were out and needed to make a call, you had to just keep an eye out for a payphone and always have some spare change handy. There was no such thing as pulling out your smartphone to catch up on calls, and it meant you had to plan every outing. You had to know where the nearest payphone was, just in case.

Music You Can Touch

Editorial credit: Kite_rin / Shutterstock.

Music was more than a click away, as it was a physical experience. It didn’t matter if you collected tapes or CDs because arranging them just right in your collection was all part of the experience. And if you had vinyls, that meant you had to take extra care not to scratch them. People these days will never understand the secrets and stories of the liner notes.

Writing Letters

Editorial credit: Lucky Business / Shutterstock.

Long before texting, updating your friends meant sitting down with stationery and a pen to write a letter. Then, you put it in the letterbox and had to wait until you got a response, which could take weeks. There was nothing anywhere near as exciting as waiting for a letter, knowing someone had taken the time to write just for you.

Typewriter Troubles

Editorial credit: Nataliia Zhekova / Shutterstock.

There was no backspace or delete keys on a typewriter, so every mistake meant using correction tape or starting completely over. It was something that forced you to get to know your mailman because sending out a letter was a special event. That ding of the carriage return? That was music to our ears.

Video Store Adventures

Editorial credit: Derick P. Hudson / Shutterstock.

If you wanted to pick out a movie for the night, that meant taking a trip to the video stereo. You’d have to make the difficult decision of going for a new release or an old favorite and maybe grabbing some candy at the checkout. And if you had family members or friends with you, then good luck with choosing something to make everyone happy.

Always Busy

Editorial credit: Benjamin Clapp / Shutterstock.

Calling someone and hearing a busy signal meant you had to try again later because there was no voicemail or texts to leave a message. You had to get the timing just right to call when you thought they’d be free or at least close enough to answer the phone. Of course, a little luck didn’t hurt your chances either.

The Old-Fashioned News

Editorial credit: Red Herring / Shutterstock.

Getting the news meant waiting for the daily paper or watching the broadcast on TV. The paper had a special smell, and the feeling of spreading it out on the kitchen table is something that iPads will never compare to. You’d flip through the pages just to find your columnist or comic strip, which took a bit of effort.

Magical Malls

Editorial credit: William Perugini/ Shutterstock.

Before online shopping, malls were where you went to shop, hang out with your friends, and maybe even sneak in a cheesy pretzel or two. It was a place where we’d have our teenage dramas and first dates, a place where you could see and be seen. And the best part of all? Ending it with a movie. It’s a real shame they’re dying out.

Floppy Disks

Editorial Credit: Yongcharoen_kittiyaporn / Shutterstock.

Floppy disks were absolute gold because they had all of our important information, and we guarded them with our lives. Losing a floppy disk was a disaster, especially if it had a project you’d been working on for weeks. You had to label them with a permanent marker and store them in a special tray, just in case.

Waiting for Weeks

Editorial credit: PhotoRedHeart / Shutterstock.

Binge-watching wasn’t a thing, which meant you watched an episode a week, and that was it. This meant you had plenty of time to guess what would happen next, and it made TV shows an actual topic of conversation. You’d spent ages talking to your friends and family about what would happen during the week.

DIY Learning

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

If you wanted to learn how to knit or change a tire, you’d ask a family member or a friend to show you the ropes. Learning was much more of a memorable experience because you weren’t just watching a quick video. Instead, you were spending time with others and learning their skills, making these moments into important memories.

Coupon Clipping

Editorial credit: igor kisselev / Shutterstock.

Saving money meant clipping coupons from newspapers and magazines, which became almost like a competitive sport. Yes, you still get coupons today, but digital ones can’t compare to the feel of a physical one. Sundays were the days for looking for the best deals, and that feeling of seeing the total drop at the register? That was pure magic.

Playtime Was Actually Outside

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

There were no screens or digital distractions back then, so kids played outside until it was actually dark. It was a time of good old-fashioned dirty and maybe a scraped knee or two. You’d use your imagination to create games with whatever you had at hand and maybe make some friends in the flesh.

The Business Essential

Editorial Credit: pryzmat / Shutterstock.

If you needed to send a document fast, you needed a fax machine, and watching your papers slowly disappear into the machine was weirdly satisfying. We always felt anxious about whether or not the other person had received each page correctly. That moment when you saw the green light blinking felt like a genuine office victory.

Buying Whole Albums for One Song

Editorial credit: Kraft74 / Shutterstock.

We all have those songs that we love, but back in the day, that meant you’d buy the whole album for just that one track. Yes, it was a gamble, but sometimes you’d find some pretty great tunes, and it meant that listening to an album was a genuine experience. Listening to music meant you were actually experiencing it.

Party Lines On the Phone

Editorial credit: Nopphadol Hongsriphan / Shutterstock.

Want to make a call? We remember a time when it meant you’d have to share the line with neighbors by using party lines. Sometimes, you’d pick up the phone and catch Mrs. Johnson next door finishing her chat, so you’d have to wait for your turn. But, of course, we were politely eavesdropping the entire time.

Roller Skating Rinks 

Editorial credit: Nomad_Soul / Shutterstock.

Long before social media platforms, roller skating rinks were where the action happened. It was a time for actually hanging out and showing your moves off to your friends. They were the perfect spot to catch your crush’s eye and glide around to the latest disco or pop tunes. Yes, there are still rinks today, but they’re nothing like the ones we remember.

Chain Letters and Forwarded Messages

Editorial credit: PopTika / Shutterstock.

Chain letters were the original “shares” on social media, and getting one meant you were part of a long chain of recipients stretched across the country or world. You had to decide whether it was worth sending copies to your friends to keep the chain going or risk the luck of breaking it. It really felt like life or death, didn’t it?

Smoky Bars and

Editorial credit: VideoPhotoDrone / Shutterstock.

Smoking indoors meant to be the norm, and that meant stepping into a bar or restaurant involved inhaling plenty of smoke. There weren’t exactly non-smoking areas, and it meant that many of us picked up the habit without meaning to. Honestly, this is one change we can get behind.

The Fun of Arcade Games

Editorial credit: Atmosphere1 / Shutterstock.

Arcades were the go-to spot for a good time back before gaming consoles took over our living rooms. It didn’t matter if you liked Pac-Man or pinball because each game was a challenge, and dropping quarters into a machine was pure joy. But it wasn’t a solo experience because arcades were a place for you to show off your skills with your friends.

Bulletin Boards

Editorial credit: Andrey Bayda / Shutterstock.

In the days before apps and social media, community bulletin boards were where you found out about local events and apartment listings. They could be at the grocery store or the community center, and they were packed with announcements. It was completely normal to check them out to find out what postings had popped up.

Making Mixtapes From the Radio

Editorial credit: FabianBarragan/ Shutterstock.

Creating a mixtape meant sitting by the radio for hours with your fingers over the play and record buttons. You had to time it just right so you wouldn’t catch the DJ’s voice, which took a lot of patience and perfect timing. But the result was definitely worth it, as you had a personalized playlist for someone you really cared about.

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