18 Ways California Stands Out from the Rest of the World - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Ways California Stands Out from the Rest of the World

California isn’t just your run-of-the-mill state, as it’s practically its own universe. It’s the kind of place where they invent the latest technology just two doors down from a world-famous organic market and across the road from a Hollywood starlet’s house. There’s no place in the world like it. Today, we’re looking at 18 things that make the Golden State so unique.

Great Geography

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

California has practically every type of terrain you can imagine. In the morning, you could go skiing in the Sierra Nevada, then catch the sunset in the evening on a sandy beach on the very same day. It’s a paradise for anyone who loves the great outdoors because there are just so many different types of landscapes.

International Trade

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Speaking of geography, California’s position on the Pacific Rim and its huge ports means that it’s an important part of international trade. They connect America with Asia and beyond, particularly since California’s ports handle over 40% of containerized goods in America. Without the Golden State, it’s likely our country’s economy would go bust.

Plenty of Technology

Editorial credit: ideadesign / Shutterstock.

Some of the world’s most famous tech companies, like Apple and Google, started right here in Silicon Valley. It’s become one of the most famous global technology centers in the world and for a good reason. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to cash in on the next big startup or just checking out some apps because you can do it all here.

Cultural Melting Pot

Editorial credit: AlbertArt / Shutterstock.

America is a melting pot, and no other state shows this off better than California. Walking through the state’s streets feels like going on a world tour because there are people from every corner of the globe here, each bringing their own cultures and traditions. With all those festivals and art, it’s no wonder the streets are alive year-round.

Environmental Leaders

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When it comes to green living, California is leading the pack because the state has helped to create a number of sustainability trends. The Golden State continually takes action to improve our environment, whether that’s through being the first state to ban single-use plastic bags or creating incentives for people to go solar. This inspires other states and countries to take the planet a little more seriously.

Iconic Entertainment

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Everyone around the world knows about Hollywood, and it’s right here in LA where movies are born and starts are made. But this place is more than simply glamorous movie premieres and celebrity sightings. The entertainment industry helps to create what the world watches, both on big and small screens.

Californian Cuisine

Editorial credit: DronG / Shutterstock.

You just can’t compare to Californian food as it’s so fresh and unexpected. Avocado on everything? They started that. Fusion food trucks? They have them on every block. Californians love pushing the envelope on what it means to dine out, and they’ve been supporting farm-to-table eating long before it was cool.

Excellent Education

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff/ Shutterstock.

If you’re trying to decide the best places to learn, chances are you’ll probably think about California. After all, it’s the home of world-famous universities like UC Berkeley and UCLA that have taught many of the brightest minds. Some of them have even gone on to win Nobel Prizes or create the biggest businesses around.

A History of Activism

Editorial credit: Carlo Prearo / Shutterstock.

California has always been a place for people to stand up and shout for what’s right, whether that’s in terms of environmental laws or civil rights. This state has a history of pushing the envelope to create change. Many Californians are passionate about being activists, and it keeps them driving forward on issues that matter.

So Much Art

Editorial credit: Gimas / Shutterstock.

Art is almost everywhere in California, including the giant street murals in LA and the unique galleries in San Francisco. It’s a place where everyone flexes their creative muscles so that there’s always something new to experience. Plus, the Golden State also has the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and other famous museums.

Film and Music Festivals

Editorial credit: Melinda Nagy / Shutterstock.

But it’s not just art here, as you can also go to plenty of film and music festivals for another slice of culture. If you fancy watching some indie films, check out the Sundance Film Festival, or for something more mainstream but still amazing, try the Coachella Music Festival. No matter what you’re into, you’ll find it in California.

An Abundance of Agriculture

Editorial credit: Suwin66 / Shutterstock.

Did you know that California practically feeds America? The state is America’s breadbasket and leads the way in producing a third of our nation’s vegetables and two-thirds of its fruits and nuts. With land as rich and fertile as Central Valley, it’s no surprise that the state’s agriculture is an important part of America’s economy and dinners.

Progressive Policies

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

Californians are always thinking about tomorrow, especially when it comes to social policies. For better or for worse, they’re always a step ahead with trying new ideas in terms of healthcare or education. They were the first state to legalize marriage equality, and they’re also known for being one of the most left-leaning states around.

Going Outdoors

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Even with all this technology, many people in California live an active and outdoor lifestyle. And it’s all thanks to the state’s stunning landscapes and climate, which make it easy to stay fit and healthy while also having fun. You can enjoy being in nature almost every day of the year in Cali. Is there anything better than that?

Famous Landscapes

Editorial credit: Bogdan Vacar/ Shutterstock.

California is jam-packed with lots of tourist spots and iconic landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge and Disney. These places capture everyone’s imagination, and they’re true symbols of our great nation’s culture. It doesn’t matter how you choose to experience them because, in California, there are plenty of landmarks to go around.

Global Fashion Icons

Editorial credit: Victoria Chudinova / Shutterstock.

California certainly has a unique approach to fashion that has set worldwide trends. Perhaps the most famous of these is the LA fashion scene, as its mix of laid-back beachwear and cutting-edge runway looks is something you’ll see people wearing from Tokyo to Paris. Fashion designers know to experiment with style here like nowhere else.

Super for Startups

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

If you’re looking to start a company, then California’s huge venture capital community might just give you the money you need to get it off the ground. There are so many investors and entrepreneurs here that, sometimes, it’s hard to know where to stop looking. It’s a place where you can turn your dreams into reality.

Health and Wellness

Editorial Credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

In California, people are big on living their healthiest life in ways like no other, with things like juice bars and vegan restaurants. The health and well trends that start in California, which, let’s be honest, they always do, usually catch on nationally and internationally. In the Golden State, they keep their bodies, minds, and souls in tip-top shape.

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