Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 93

Articles for category: List Building, Wellbeing

What Are The Best Hosts For Your Site?

I thought it would be a good idea to write down a few of my thoughts about web hosting services for those considering hosting their own site; which I highly recommend.

I have been building my own hosted websites and I have built or redid a few sites for several clients of my webmaster business over the past five years. I have been through a few web hosting companies.

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Why Making Your Content Easy To Scan Is Important

Let me ask you something. How much content is thrown at you on any given day? It’s a lot, isn’t it? We’re bombarded by articles, social media posts, emails, podcasts, videos etc. We come across a lot more content than we could possibly consume any given day. And chances are that a lot of it is good stuff.

As a result, we’ve all gotten pretty good at scanning and then picking and choosing what we actually want to read, watch, or listen to.

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4 Ways To Ensure Safety In Your Construction Business

To ensure safety in your construction business it goes beyond ticking boxes. You want to lead by example by embedding workplace safety into your business’s DNA. According to research, 924 workplace deaths occur in the construction industry, making it essential to be cautious when running a construction business. Safety starts from the top, but it’s … Read more

Beyond the Screen: Unleashing the Business Potential of Printables

Digital marketing this, digital marketing that—but have we stopped to consider other avenues? Other platforms? Nowadays, businesses are constantly looking for innovative ways to capture the attention of their target market, and there’s one method that we so often overlook: printables.  Flyers, brochures, posters—all of these offer a tangible and impactful way to communicate with … Read more

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