Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 92

Articles for category: Wellbeing

How You Can Plan Products to Promote

Interesting fact: It’s a lot easier to sell a second product to an existing customer than it is to find a new one. Keeping that in mind, it only makes sense then to plan out a product funnel that allows people to make multiple purchases from you. Instead of focusing all your time and energy on going out and finding new potential customers, you can instead focus on creating new products and serving your existing customer base.

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6 Super Simple Tips to Improve Your Focus

Maybe you want to focus on a single task, but find yourself easily distracted. You find it difficult to focus on what you are doing because you find your mind wandering, you’re worrying about everything or maybe you just have way too many things you need to do to make a choice of just one task to start with.

Here are six super simple tips to improve your focus.

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13 Essential Strategies to Improve Your Focus

You’d be surprised by how many people lose track of where their time goes. They might think they are focused on a single task but are they really? One way to find out is to keep track of how you spend your time for a week. You might find out you’ve been wasting time on little things like checking Facebook once an hour.

Here are my strategies for improving your focus and increasing your productivity.

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