Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 91

Articles for category: Blogging, Wellbeing

8 Reasons Why Emotions and Customer Loyalty Go Hand in Hand

Emotions affect every part of our lives. From our friendships to what we eat and what we buy, everything is affected by emotions – whether we realize them or not. If you want to be serious about marketing, you have to understand how to evoke emotions in your audience that encourages customer loyalty as well as purchasing. In fact, emotions are often more important than other factors when consumers make decisions.

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How To Strike A Balance Between Free Content And Paid Offers

Successful email marketing is a balancing act between sharing quality free content that shows your readers that you know what you’re talking about and keeps them on your list and offers for paid products, so you can earn some income. Let’s talk about how you can find that balance, and come up with a successful email marketing strategy.

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18 Common Missteps in Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits: What Many Retirees Overlook

Social Security is a vital source of income for most retirees in the United States, but the system can be overwhelming, leading many people to underclaim. Our guide to navigating the U.S Social Security will tell you all you need to know to maximize your retirement benefits: Understanding Your Benefits The Social Security Administration (SSA) … Read more

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