Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 90

Articles for category: Retirement, Wellbeing

How To Get Your Blog Readers On Your List So You Can Get Them Back To Your Blog

How many times do you find yourself browsing the web, just one of those blog readers hopping from one site to the next and actually finding some pretty cool blogs? It happens to me all the time and I have every intention of going back to some of those blogs to read more. Sometimes I … Read more

3 Different Ways To Monetize Your Blog

Let’s start with a big assumption. You’re writing your blog to make money, to earn a living, not to share fun stories about what’s going on with your family or what you’re up to with your favourite hobby or activity. If you’re putting in the work, doing the research, and growing the audience, chances are you’d like to get paid for your hard work. And for that to happen, you have to monetize your blog posts. Let’s look at three different ways to do just that.

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