Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 83

Articles for category: Wellbeing

18 of the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries Ever

Everyone loves a good mystery, and today, we’re looking at 18 of the craziest unsolved ones. These are mysteries without any answers but plenty of speculation about them. Let’s take a look at them and ask ourselves, “What on Earth happened here?” The Disappearance of Flight MH370 The mystery of flight MH370 sounds like a … Read more

18 Baffling Habits of Older Generations That Younger Generations Can’t Stand

While habits are inherited from one generation to the next, others are abandoned, reinforcing a generational divide. From family gossip to the way they message people online, here are some boomer habits that young people often don’t understand.  Worrying about young people’s weight As social media is making the younger generation more self-conscious than ever, … Read more

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