Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 63

Articles for category: Wellbeing

18 Overused Phrases by High-IQ Individuals That Sound Pretentious

Certain expressions are common in conversations among people with higher-than-average IQs, indicating a more in-depth way of processing information. Here are 18 phrases people with high IQs commonly use. “Let’s Consider the Evidence” People with higher-than-average IQs frequently approach discussions with a critical perspective. They want to make their arguments based on evidence rather than … Read more

18 Acts Considered Elegant if You’re Wealthy but Gaudy if You’re Poor

One of the benefits of wealth is the ability to make trashy behavior look sophisticated. Poorer people don’t have this luxury. What’s considered unique and a form of self-expression in wealthier communities is considered tacky and attention-seeking among working-class and poorer communities. Here are 18 things considered classy if you’re rich but trashy if you’re … Read more

20 Outdated Items You Should Toss Immediately

As we mature, our standards for the things (and people) we surround ourselves with should increase in quality. Gone are the days of a cheap and cheerful student lifestyle. While, at one time, having a blow-up chair in our bedroom might have been acceptable, as time passes, so should our taste and ability to purchase durable, … Read more

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