Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 13

Articles for category: Wellbeing

18 Rules Legal Gun Owners Should Never Break

Owning a gun is a big deal, and it comes with some serious responsibilities that everyone should know about. Why? Because there’s nothing more important than safety and legality with firearms. There are 18 things you should absolutely avoid as a gun owner and why. Always Do Your Background Checks If you’re thinking about skipping … Read more

What Was the Real Cost of Living in 1980?

Arguably, life was a lot easier in the 1980’s. Fashion was louder, and technology began its rapid ascent. Beyond these cultural milestones, however, is an interesting look at the economic conditions of that era. Let’s travel back in time to see what life was like, including everyday expenses and how they differed from today. Average … Read more

25 Behaviors That Scream ‘I’m Old’

We’ve all had those moments where we catch ourselves doing something and think to ourselves, “Does this make me look old?” Most of the time, it doesn’t, although there are some habits you might do that will definitely put you in the upper age bracket. Here are 25 of those things. Calls Over Text There’s … Read more

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