Wellbeing | Boomer insight - Part 10

Articles for category: Wellbeing

18 Things Not to Say When Shopping for Guns

In the gun store, there’s an unspoken code about what’s cool to say and what might raise some eyebrows. Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or just starting out, knowing how to speak with the people behind the counter can make your visit smoother and more enjoyable. Let’s break down some of the common things you … Read more

18 Frustrations Driving Gen X Parents to Push Their Kids Out

Generation X parents, known for their self-reliant and resilient ways, encourage their children to leave home more frequently. This trend speaks volumes to Gen Xers’ belief in instilling independence, responsibility, and personal growth into their kids. Therefore, pushing their kids out prepares them for life outside their parent’s care. A Push for Independence Gen X … Read more

25 Things Jesus Never Actually Said

There are plenty of quotes that people think Jesus said but don’t actually come from the Bible. Let’s set the record straight by looking at 25 things of them. It’s time to start busting some myths. Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child “Spare the rod, spoil the child” sounds like something from Proverbs, right? Wrong. … Read more

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