The most important part of your blog post is your title. If you don’t grab your reader’s attention with the title and get them to actually read the post, nothing you put inside the post matters. It doesn’t matter how great and helpful your content is.
Articles for category: Blogging
Why Making Your Content Easy To Scan Is Important
Let me ask you something. How much content is thrown at you on any given day? It’s a lot, isn’t it? We’re bombarded by articles, social media posts, emails, podcasts, videos etc. We come across a lot more content than we could possibly consume any given day. And chances are that a lot of it is good stuff.
As a result, we’ve all gotten pretty good at scanning and then picking and choosing what we actually want to read, watch, or listen to.
Top 10 Blogging Mistakes
There are common blogging mistakes that new and seasoned bloggers make. These mistakes can easily be avoided if you know about them. This top-10 list of blogging mistakes will help you a lot to improve your blogging skills.
5 Types of Blogs You Should Create to Make a Profit
There are numerous different types of blogs out there. Which types of blogs should you create? Not all will make you money and even those that you suppose will produce an income, might not if you commit a few fundamental errors. This piece will shed light on a few types of blogs and what you … Read more
5 Vital Tools You Require for a Lucrative Blog
Creating a business by blogging is a low-cost task but it’s not free of charge. So often, novice marketers attempt to make money online without wanting to pay a penny. They neglect to understand that you cannot multiply by zero. 5 Vital Tools You Require for a Lucrative Blog If you intend to develop a … Read more