Why Antifeminism Is Taking Hold in Young Men - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

Why Antifeminism Is Taking Hold in Young Men

The question of whether young people today are more sexist is everywhere, and it’s an especially difficult conversation to have when we look at how young men are dealing with gender equality. Some people say these guys are stuck in a rut and that they’re struggling with what it means to be a man in a world cheering for feminism. Let’s find out what’s going on.

Young Men Feeling the Heat

Editorial credit: voronaman/ Shutterstock.

Many young guys struggle with their identity and where they stand with relationships, affecting their sense of self-worth. All these discussions about gender equality are making them question where they fit into the picture, and many feel unsure about their roles. It’s not easy adjusting to these changes.

A Quick History Lesson on Equality

Editorial credit: StunningArt/ Shutterstock.

Back then, women’s roles were pretty much dictated by what men wanted, and it’s only recently that this started to change significantly. However, understanding this change is important to understand why some young men are pushing back against gender equality. These sudden changes are quite different from what many young men were taught about gender roles. 

Gen Z’s Mixed Feelings About Feminism

Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

While society has made great strides in recognizing women’s rights, some young men in Gen Z are pushing back. They don’t support the feminist wave that’s been sweeping through, and many feel that the conversations about gender equality don’t always include them or address their experiences. As such, they’re confused about where they stand.

The Role of Feminism

Editorial credit: Kavun Halyna / Shutterstock.

Feminism isn’t always on the up and up. Just when it seems like everyone’s on board, plenty of young men are starting to question its goals and methods. Such a push and pull has created a situation in which young men are trying to figure out how they fit into the feminist narrative. It’s not all men, but a lot of them.

Where Young Right-Wingers Stand

Editorial credit: Aspects and Angles / Shutterstock.

Many young, often poorer, men are leaning toward political groups that don’t really support feminist ideas, and this is particularly noticeable among right-wing men. They find a sense of comfort in ideologies that seem to speak directly to their fears and frustrations. After all, many of them feel like mainstream feminist movements have left them behind.

The “Manosphere” as a Refuge

Editorial credit: Motortion Films/ Shutterstock.

As more people criticize traditional male roles, some guys find comfort in online spaces that support their views on masculinity. These forums give them a sense of community and a way to reclaim their identity that they can’t get elsewhere. They’re a platform for guys to have their concerns voiced and validated.

Feminism Splitting at the Seams

Editorial credit: megaflopp/ Shutterstock.

Inside the feminist movement, there’s a lot of debate and disagreement over everything, including sex work and how to treat trans issues. These debates can make it hard for everyone in the movement to stay on the same page, let alone those on the outside. For young men watching these debates, it’s pretty confusing to see such division.

Identity Politics Taking Center Stage

Editorial credit: Luis Osuna/ Shutterstock.

The focus on individual identities within feminism may also be causing some young men to feel left out of the conversation, making them feel isolated. Several young men believe the feminist movement is overlooking or minimizing their problems. Eventually, this feeds into their alienation and makes them distance themselves further from feminist ideas.

The Flip Side of Patriarchal Values

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The push against the patriarchy has revealed how these old-school beliefs can be pretty harmful to guys, too, affecting their health and how they handle relationships. Some critics argue that we should have conversations about how societal norms have boxed women in as well as men. They argue that patriarchy creates rigid expectations for both genders.

Are Men’s Support Networks Lacking?

Editorial credit: Black Kings / Shutterstock.

While feminism has done a lot to challenge harmful norms, there hasn’t been as much effort in building up support systems for men. As you might expect, some young men aren’t happy with this. They lack the resources or support systems that women increasingly have access to, causing men to feel neglected and frustrated.

Mental Health on the Edge

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

More guys between 15 and 24 are feeling the pressure, which has led to higher rates of depression and even thoughts of suicide. Clearly, we need to improve support and get real about mental health talk for guys. Some experts claim we should break down those tough-guy stereotypes so that guys know it’s okay to talk about their feelings.

Social Media Blues

Editorial credit: Primakov / Shutterstock.

We’re all glued to our screens these days, checking out everyone’s perfect moments on social media. For many young men, this can really affect their self-esteem, as they start wondering why they’re not on some epic adventure or looking photo-shoot ready. If that sounds like you, remember that everyone’s showing their best bits online.

Online Backlash in China

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com/ Shutterstock.

A recent tragedy in China led to a nasty wave of misogyny online, as young men started blaming women for a man’s suicide. They argued women were responsible for putting pressure on guys to act a certain way and claimed the man’s girlfriend drove him to suicide. Later, the Chinese government ruled she had no role in his death.

China’s Complex Gender Politics

Editorial credit: Tatohra/ Shutterstock.

Gender debates in China are often mixed up with politics and national pride, as Chinese feminists claim that foreigners are influencing opponents of the cause. Mixing nationalism and feminism makes this difficult for everyone, especially young men. Who would’ve thought that your thoughts on gender equality could test your patriotism, too? 

Girls Getting Ahead

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Thanks to feminism, girls now have more opportunities to break away from old stereotypes. Most of the time, we encourage them to do well in school and do what they truly want rather than what’s expected of them. While such progress is great for girls, many boys are unsure about how they fit into the new gender expectations that celebrate female success.

School Struggles

Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

While girls do better in school, research shows that guys generally lag behind, particularly since more young men skip college. This could bite them later when it’s time to look for a job. As such, we may need to determine why so many guys are struggling and ensure they stick to their education.

Rethinking Masculinity

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic/ Shutterstock.

For boys, redefining masculinity means moving away from traditionaltough guyroles, which can be pretty confusing. Sometimes, guys feel like they’re being criticized just for being guys, and this kind of sexism is never acceptable. We’ve got to find a way to make things fairer for both men and women if we want to achieve true equality. 

Misogyny Linked to Misinformation

Editorial credit: bangoland/ Shutterstock.

When young men buy into false ideas about feminism, it can make them feel angry or even resentful towards the movement, so we’ve got to help them understand these emotions. This way, we can address the root causes of misogyny. Instead of shutting them down, we should address and debunk the myths that divide us more.

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