18 Everyday Hints That Someone Didn’t Finish School - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Everyday Hints That Someone Didn’t Finish School

Have you ever spoken to someone and wondered if they even went to school? It doesn’t mean you’re judging them; it’s just that they fumble through simple things or mix up basic words. You’re not alone. Here are 18 clues showing someone might not have had enough time in the classroom. We’re not trying to point fingers; we’re just trying to understand why someone might struggle with things we often take for granted. 

Limited Vocabulary

Editorial credit: WINDCOLORS/ Shutterstock.

Anyone who uses the same few words repeatedly, particularly simple ones, usually doesn’t get to spend much time expanding their vocabulary in school. Their word pool feels more like a puddle because they don’t know how to use things like “conundrum.” Big words aren’t better, but using them repeatedly is good. 

Difficulty With Written Communication

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov/ Shutterstock.

When someone sends messages full of spelling mistakes and grammar issues, it might be because they missed out on some key lessons in English class. Reading it feels like a jigsaw puzzle, especially when it’s a text that’s one long, run-on sentence with no punctuation in sight. Perhaps they need some communication lessons.

Struggle With Basic Math

Editorial credit: nijaomei/ Shutterstock.

When you’re at lunch, it’s normally difficult to split the bill or calculate the tip now and again. But if someone always has a mini meltdown with math, it might mean they weren’t always present in every math class. School is where most of us get the math skills that make these daily challenges far easier.

Lack of General Knowledge

Editorial credit: D H Shah/ Shutterstock.

It’s a bit of a giveaway when someone’s clueless about where countries are on a map or who fought in World War II. Missing chunks of basic facts suggest they weren’t there for full rounds of history or geography lessons. When people don’t know about major historical events or cultural landmarks, it is hard for them to participate in everyday conversations.

Misinterpretation of Common Sayings

Editorial credit: optimarc/ Shutterstock.

Mixing up common sayings, like saying “nip it in the butt” instead of “bud,” can be a funny sign that someone didn’t hear these sayings in school. It usually shows they weren’t exposed to more formal or written expressions. As funny as it is, misinterpreting these phrases can mean there’s a big gap in their learning.

Uncertainty About Current Events

Editorial credit: zimmytws/ Shutterstock.

If talking about the news makes someone change the subject fast, it might be because they’re not too sure about what’s happening worldwide. School keeps us updated or at least teaches us how to stay in the know. Of course, some people aren’t interested in world affairs, but not understanding current events generally means they’re completely out of the loop.

Poor Email Etiquette

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Starting an email with “Hey” and ending with “TTYL” is a big red flag. When someone’s emails seem a little too laid-back or aren’t formal enough, it’s often because they didn’t get to practice much professional writing in school. Unfortunately, not having this skill can mean they misunderstand things or simply aren’t professional enough in more formal settings.

Inability to Debate or Discuss Opinions

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

When discussions turn into “yes” or “no” answers without much else, it’s usually a sign that this person missed out on school debates or essays. These assignments teach us to back up our opinions with some solid thinking, so not doing them can mean you struggle to fully engage in discussions. It’s an important skill that sets you up for life. 

Reliance on Others for Basic Tasks

Editorial credit: ALPA PROD/ Shutterstock.

Relying too much on other people for basic tasks, like filling out forms or following a recipe, is sometimes bad. It suggests that this person didn’t learn these everyday skills at school, or at least they didn’t learn to be independent. Without independence, there’s no way you can hope to be self-sufficient or confident. 

Frequent Misunderstandings in Communication

Editorial credit: Ekateryna Zubal/ Shutterstock.

Most people underestimate the listening and speaking skills we develop in school, and regular mix-ups in conversations mean someone didn’t learn in school. Misunderstandings usually make social interactions more difficult and complicate relationships. After all, how can you have a strong connection without effective communication?

Avoidance of Reading and Writing

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia/ Shutterstock.

If someone would rather do anything but read a book or write a note, it could be because they didn’t have the greatest time with these skills in school. Unfortunately, it’s not something they can get away from, and avoiding them will affect their job prospects. They simply don’t have access to much information and cultural experiences.

Oversimplification of Complex Topics

Editorial credit: Giulio_Fornasar/ Shutterstock

When someone brushes off big issues with simple answers, it might be because they didn’t get to properly look at subjects at school. They never learned that most big issues are like onions, which have many layers. As such, they can’t really engage in conversations about complicated issues because they just don’t understand them. 

Always Thinking They’re Right

Editorial credit: Ariya J/ Shutterstock.

Some people never seem to doubt they’re right, and it’s never easy to deal with. This kind of person didn’t have good educational experiences, where we usually get to debate and have open discussions. Schools teach us to question, consider multiple perspectives, and admit when we’re wrong. All of these are important skills for personal growth.

Resistance to New Ideas

Editorial credit: Andrii Yalanskyi/ Shutterstock.

Some people just can’t get on board with anything new and are quick to shut down fresh ideas. Most of the time, this means they might not have been in a school setting that pushed them to think differently or adapt. School is where you get the tools to look at new information and roll with the changes, which is super important today.

Difficulty Accepting Feedback

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

It’s never nice to meet someone who can’t take a bit of constructive criticism without getting upset, and this may mean they didn’t get enough practice with this during their school days. You’re supposed to learn in class that feedback isn’t supposed to bring you down. Instead, it’s meant to help you climb higher.

Lack of Curiosity

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock.

Any friends who don’t ask questions or wonder how things work are likely to have truly missed out on schooling. During your school years, you learn about things that encourage you to develop your sense of curiosity. Classrooms should be places that light a fire under you to find your passion and keep learning, no matter how old you get.

Blaming Others for Personal Mistakes

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It’s a huge red flag when someone always points the finger at others for their own slip-ups. This usually means they never learned the big deal about owning up to their actions, which is something schools focus on. Whether it’s with group or solo projects, education prepares you for some serious self-reflection.

Overreliance on Social Media for Information

Editorial credit: Primakov / Shutterstock.

You should never rely too much on social media for your news because you can’t always trust what you read. Anyone who does this might not have been taught to look deeper and check facts in school. You have to be critical of where your information comes from, and without those skills, it’s easy to fall for flashy headlines that don’t tell the full story.

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