18 Pricey Errors Car Owners Make When Purchasing Tires - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Pricey Errors Car Owners Make When Purchasing Tires

Shopping for new tires isn’t exactly the highlight of anyone’s week. Unfortunately, picking the right set is important for keeping your ride safe, and you might not realize you’re doing plenty of things wrong. Here are 18 mistakes that most people make when buying tires and how to avoid them. 

Getting the Wrong Size

Editorial credit: Chonlatee42/ Shutterstock.

Buying the wrong tire size for your car can completely ruin things because it’ll force it to use more gas and handle quickly. Make sure to check out your car’s manual or the sticker inside the driver’s door for the perfect tire size. You really don’t want to risk getting this wrong.

Forgetting About the Tread Life

Editorial credit: Andri wahyudi/ Shutterstock.

Your tread wear is like your tire’s expiration date; if you don’t check it, you’ll end up shopping for tires again sooner than you think. Each tire has a treadwear rating that tells you how long it should last. Going for tires with a better rating can help you avoid buying tires too frequently, which will save you money and hassle in the long run.

Overlooking Seasonal Tires

Editorial credit: Alex Polo/ Shutterstock.

Sticking to all-season tires in a blizzard is a big mistake because your car will slip more. Winter tires hold onto snowy and icy roads far better, so your ride will be much easier. Not using winter tires in colder areas can be a huge mistake in more ways than one.

Not Shopping Around

Editorial credit: UfaBizPhoto/ Shutterstock.

Buying the first set of tires you spot will likely cost you, as prices can be pretty different between shops and websites. Take a moment to browse around because you could find a better deal a few clicks away or at a shop across town. Never settle for the first set you see unless you want to pay more.

Buying Old Tires

Editorial credit: Roberto Sorin/ Shutterstock.

Make sure you check how old your tires are by looking for a four-digit number afterDOT. The rubber in the tires degrades, losing elasticity and strength, which can lead to cracks and leaks. When you get the newest tires possible, you’ll know you can avoid the hassle and danger of old or weakened tires.

Ignoring the Warranty

Editorial credit: BELL KA PANG/ Shutterstock.

Some tires come with a guarantee that you can get a free replacement or your money back if they wear out too soon, which you should definitely consider. Why take the risk when you could have a backup? Many warranties also cover road hazards or defects, which can be pretty useful on busy roads, so always take a moment to understand the warranty details.

Picking Price Over Performance

Editorial credit: FrankHH/ Shutterstock.

Cheap tires might save you some cash at checkout, but they often don’t last as long as the more expensive ones. Invest a bit more in quality tires, and you’ll have a safer ride that won’t need constant replacements. Higher-priced tires also usually come with better technology and materials that’ll give you more safety features, like better grip and shorter braking distances.

Skipping Expert Advice

Editorial credit: Igor Link/ Shutterstock.

Remember to talk to the tire shop experts before buying anything. They can tell you the best tire for your car based on how and where you drive, saving you from a bad buy. They can also inform you about any compatibility issues with your vehicle’s make and model so your choices match your vehicle’s performance and safety.

Forgetting About Alignment and Balance

Editorial credit: Vershinin89/ Shutterstock.

You should get your new tires aligned and balanced before leaving the store because if you don’t do this, your tires might wear out unevenly. Proper alignment and balance will make your tires last longer and also improve overall driving stability. They’ll also reduce strain on your car’s suspension, which is always a good thing.

Skipping Tire Rotation

Editorial credit: Parilov / Shutterstock.

Similarly, you must get your tires rotated occasionally to help them wear evenly and last longer. Rotating them will prevent your tires from suffering irregular patterns that could force you to change them early. It’s a relatively small chore that’ll almost certainly get you bigger savings. 

Ignoring Regular Pressure Checks

Editorial credit: OATZ To Go FACTORY / Shutterstock.

New tires can lose air fast, so make sure you keep an eye on your tire pressure. Otherwise, your car might start handling oddly and using more gas than usual, so make it a monthly habit to check the pressure. Maintaining optimal tire pressure will also reduce the risk of tire failure and improve your car’s efficiency.

Skipping Consumer Reviews

Editorial credit: RoBird/ Shutterstock.

Before buying tires, check out the reviews first because other drivers can tell you what those tires are like in the real world. A quick read can save you from making a bad decision because consumer reviews will tell you how tires perform under various conditions, like rainy weather and hot asphalt. This way, you’ll choose the best one for your environment.

Not Prepping for Replacement

Editorial credit: l i g h t p o e t/ Shutterstock.

Tires aren’t forever. They wear down, and sometimes it’s sooner than you think, so watch out for their tread depth and start saving up for the next set. Regularly checking them for wear and tear is better than being caught off guard because it’ll help you avoid sudden tire failures and keep your car running smoothly.

Using Standard Tires for Special Conditions

Editorial credit: Mr.Anuwat Rumrod/ Shutterstock.

Driving through rocky areas or hauling heavy loads with regular tires is just asking for trouble. While specialty tires may cost more, they’ll stand up to the challenge without too many issues, meaning you should invest in the right tires for specific conditions. They’ll keep you safe and also help your vehicle last longer.

Judging by Looks Alone

Editorial credit: Krasula/ Shutterstock.

While it’s easy to go for a tire because it looks nice or has a name you trust, that’s not always the best decision. Make sure they perform as well as they look, especially for how you’re going to drive. Functionality and safety are far more important than any sort of aesthetic, and reliable performance beats a flashy sidewall every time.

Not Minding the Speed Rating

Editorial credit: BLKstudio/ Shutterstock.

Your tires’ speed rating tells you how fast they can go safely. If you love pushing your pedal to the metal, ensure your tires can keep up. Going too fast on low-rated tires can be pretty dangerous, but following the appropriate speed rating can prevent accidents. It’ll also ensure that your car gives you the best performance when going high-speed.

Missing Out on Rebates

Editorial credit: igor kisselev / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love a good deal? Many tire makers have rebates that can reduce your costs, so always ask or check online for them before you buy. Getting a rebate during promotional periods can reduce the cost of your new tires by quite a bit, making buying higher-quality options easier.

Going for Used Tires

Editorial credit: Nitiphonphat/ Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that used tires are cheaper, but you don’t really know what you’re getting into. They could be close to wearing or hiding some damage, meaning it’s usually safer and smarter to stick with new. Used tires may not give you the reliability or the remaining tread life you need, which will cost you more in the long run.

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