18 Traits of People Who Are Respected by Everyone Around Them - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Traits of People Who Are Respected by Everyone Around Them

We all want to be that person everyone seems to respect, but that doesn’t just come from having loads of money or a fancy job title. People respect others who handle themselves correctly and treat others well, too. Here are 18 habits of people who are well-respected by others and how you can do them yourself.

They’re All Ears

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Listening is a superpower, and the people who really get respect don’t just wait for their turn to talk. They listen to the people around them and make them feel like they’re the only people in the room by nodding and asking follow-up questions. These people make sure you know your words matter. 

Promise Keepers

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You know those people who say they’ll do something and actually do it? They’re more valuable than gold. They don’t make promises they can’t keep, which makes other people trust them because their consistency shows they respect others. You just can’t get better than someone like that.

On the Dot

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Similarly, these people don’t mess around with your time because they’re always punctual. They’ll show up when they say they will to show that they value your time as much as their own, and they plan ahead to make sure they’re never late. You know that you can always count on this kind of person.

Keeping It Positive

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No matter the situation, these people always see the sunny side and find a silver lining, even when things get tough. This leadership trait pulls people together and keeps them motivated. When you’re around this kind of person, you’ll realize that everyone approaches challenges with resilience and teamwork rather than despair.

Straight Shooters

Editorial credit: Daniel M Ernst / Shutterstock.

The most respected people are often the most honest, and they’ll almost always tell it like it is. Being so honest means that your every interaction with them is straightforward and drama-free, which is why so many people trust them. After all, wouldn’t you want to be around someone when you know there’s no hidden agenda?

They Feel With You

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Empathy is important, and you’ll find that well-respected people always put themselves in your shoes and connect on another level. Doing so makes them incredibly supportive friends and colleagues. Their sense of empathy means they’re always trying to make a real difference in other people’s lives, which is admirable.

Curious Minds

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock.

Well-respected people are naturally curious and eager to learn more about others. They ask questions that make you think and open up because they genuinely want to know more about you and go beyond surface-level chit-chat. It’s also pretty useful for them, as curiosity helps them create relationships based on mutual respect.

Owning Up

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Nobody’s perfect, and the people we respect the most are the first to admit it. They own their mistakes and think they’re a chance to learn instead of something to be ashamed of. This humility makes them approachable. They can acknowledge their faults, setting a good example for others.

No Gossip

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You won’t catch these people spreading rumors; they’d rather talk to you than about you. This makes them more trustworthy, and anyone around them feels much safer. After all, you’ll know they’ll be discreet and respect your private matters, which builds a sense of trust you can’t replace.

Everyone’s Included

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Well-respected people ensure everyone in a group feels included and valued, whether during conversations or decision-making. Being so inclusive improves their leadership skills and breaks down the barrier. It creates a feeling of community, where everyone feels like they belong and their contributions matter.

Always in the Know

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

These people try to keep up with what’s happening in the world, making them great conversationalists and showing they care about more than just their own little bubble. Their awareness helps them make informed decisions and stay relevant in discussions. You know you can trust what they’re talking about, and that makes us respect them more. 

Never Stop Learning

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Likewise, it doesn’t matter if they’re picking up a new hobby or reading up on the latest industry news because well-respected people are always learning. They want to grow personally because they’re unhappy with staying where they are. Their dedication to learning is almost a guarantee of personal and professional success.

Helping Hand

Editorial credit: Bignai/ Shutterstock.

They’re the first to offer help when you need it and don’t even have to ask. They have a proactive sort of kindness that really sets them apart, and they’re always willing to help, even when it’s not convenient for them. It’s just a part of them genuinely caring about the welfare of people around them.

Patience Pays

Editorial credit: Min C. Chiu / Shutterstock.

Patience is a virtue, and well-respected people have it in spades because they know that good things take time, so they don’t rush or pressure other people. These people are calming in any team, making everyone feel at ease. You can take as long as you need when you’re with this kind of person.

Cool Under Pressure

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Keeping their cool in a crisis is second nature to these people, and they’re easily able to handle pressure without freaking out. They’ll be your calm during the storm, which is both reassuring and inspiring to anyone lucky enough to meet them. Whatever the situation, they’re the kind of people who encourage you to stay focused and persevere.

Cheering for You

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When someone succeeds, these people are ready to celebrate and are not jealous. They’re secure enough in themselves to be truly happy for your wins, which is utterly selfless. Being around this person makes you feel supported because you know they’ll share and celebrate everyone’s achievements.

Orderly Ways

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Being organized might not sound exciting, but it’s one of the best ways to be respected. It means you can keep your stuff and schedules in order. These people respect themselves and those around them, making things better for everyone. Being so organized means they’re always prepared, no matter what happens.

Clean and Tidy

Editorial credit: Stanislaw Mikulski / Shutterstock.

Good hygiene goes a long way, but that doesn’t mean looking good. You must show respect for yourself and other people by taking care of your body and appearance. Their attention to cleanliness is an important part of their respect, affecting how others perceive and treat them.

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