18 Reasons Why Baby Boomers in America Are in Serious Financial Trouble - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Why Baby Boomers in America Are in Serious Financial Trouble

Many boomers find their wallets a bit thinner than they expected during their golden years. Whether it’s the rising cost of living or unexpected expenses popping up, stretching a dollar seems like a full-time job for them. Here are 18 reasons why they’re finding their finances difficult.

Goodbye, Guaranteed Pensions

Editorial credit: Andrii Yalanskyi / Shutterstock.

In the good old days, you could count on a solid pension after decades of hard work, but those days are mostly gone. Now, we’ve got 401(k)s that depend a lot on how the market’s doing and how well we manage to save on our own. For lots of us, this switch means we’re not doing as well with our finances as we hoped we’d be right now.

The Issue of Inflation

Editorial credit: d.ee_angelo/ Shutterstock.

Just when you think you’ve got your budget figured out, the price of everything from eggs to electricity starts climbing. Inflation is eating away at our buying power, which makes it tougher each year to keep up with our usual spending. Many boomers now have to go further into savings just to make ends meet.

Healthcare Costs Through the Roof

Editorial credit: Michail Petrov/Shutterstock.

Getting older means more doctor visits, which aren’t cheap. Even with Medicare, the out-of-pocket costs for medical care and prescriptions create a big dent in our budgets. It feels almost impossible to stay healthy as these bills get higher and higher each year.

Savings? What Savings?

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Many of us either didn’t save enough or thought we’d need less because living costs are high, and our savings accounts weren’t as big as we hoped. Many boomers realize their money might run out way before the road does. They’re now having to look at their financial statements to figure out how to stretch their funds to cover all their needs.

Social Security Problems

Editorial credit: Marta Design / Shutterstock.

Many retirees rely on Social Security for a regular income, but there’s always the worry that they might cut back benefits or move the goalposts on age limits. And with the rumors that Social Security might disappear in the next few years, these concerns seem valid. It’s not easy knowing your finances may not be as secure as you once thought.

We’re Living Too Long

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

While it’s great that we’re living longer and healthier lives, not everybody’s wallet is prepared for this. Longevity means needing more money to keep the lights on and the water running longer than expected. Many people are struggling to make up for shortfalls in their savings.

Stock Market

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Anyone with money in the stock market knows it’s not something you can rely on, as changes in the market can cause issues for your savings, especially if you’re pulling money out to live on. Timing is everything, and sometimes our timing stinks. This makes some boomers panic because they can’t rely on these funds for a steady retirement income.

Risky Business With Investments

Editorial credit: William Potter / Shutterstock.

Speaking of investments, some of us gambled with high-risk investments, hoping for big payoffs. When they don’t pan out, the losses can be pretty serious and cause major financial issues. For some people, learning to reassess risk tolerance and potential returns is a lesson that comes far too late, leaving them with fewer options to recover financially.

Lowballing Retirement Needs

Editorial credit: Cozine / Shutterstock.

Many of us underestimated how much we’d actually spend in retirement, as those trips cost quite a bit. Dealing with these higher-than-expected expenses is difficult, and many retirees aren’t sure how to maintain their lifestyle without compromising their savings dramatically. It’s a hard situation to be in.

Debt Doesn’t Retire When We Do

Editorial credit: leolintang / Shutterstock.

Who thought we’d still pay off a house or even student loans into our 60s and beyond? Debt doesn’t go away just because we stop working, and it eats into our retirement quite easily. Ongoing financial issues like this have become a harsh reality for people who imagined their golden years being debt-free.

Flying Solo Without a Plan

Editorial credit: Bacho / Shutterstock.

Not all of us were taught how to plan financially for retirement, so it’s easy to make mistakes that leave us strapped for cash when needed. Many of us struggle with our retirement years without a clear financial plan. Eventually, each decision becomes more stressful than the last.

Bad Timing With Recessions

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If your retirement happened at the same time as a big economic downturn, you know how difficult it can be to manage your finances when the market is down. You can’t exactly rebuild your savings when you’re not working. These recessions can make your funds disappear when you need them most, forcing some people to change their lifestyles drastically.

Can’t Afford to Move

Editorial credit: Inna Dodor / Shutterstock.

It’s no surprise that housing prices are rising, and those of us who rent or still have a mortgage find it particularly difficult. Housing expenses take up much of our monthly budget and keep getting bigger. Unfortunately, many retirees have to downsize or are forced to move to less-affluent areas, which isn’t ideal. 

Kids Still on the Payroll

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

Being generous doesn’t come cheap, whether that’s helping our kids with college or just getting by. There’s no denying that it does feel good to support our children, but this often comes at the expense of our own financial security. Trying to help those around us with our financial problems is hard, and many boomers sacrifice their own comfort to help their families.

The Costly Side of Splitting Up

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Divorce rates are pretty high, which forces many boomers to deal with living on a single income. It was particularly difficult when they were planning their expenses for two people, which caused huge financial issues. These are supposed to be your relaxing years, but for many boomers, it’s anything but.

Misguided by Myths

Editorial credit: Myths/ Shutterstock.

There’s so much conflicting info out there about retirement planning. Some of us got the wrong advice about how much retirement would cost or how much help we’d actually get from Social Security, which has left many people unprepared for their financial future. The best way to avoid this is to stick to the facts.

Unprepared for Taxes in Retirement

Editorial credit: FAMILY STOCK / Shutterstock.

Many retirees are shocked by the tax bills on their retirement savings withdrawals, whether that’s 401(k) withdrawals or Social Security benefits. Sadly, many retirees didn’t factor this into their initial retirement plans, meaning they must spend more of their hard-earned savings. This leaves less for everyday expenses and medical bills.

Lack of Technological Understanding

Editorial credit: pathdoc/ Shutterstock.

Let’s face it: understanding technology can be difficult, costing some boomers big time. They may not compare prices online or simply miss out on digital discounts from investment opportunities. Understanding technology helps you keep in touch and also keep your finances in check.

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