18 Once-Wise Sayings That Now Seem Ridiculous - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Once-Wise Sayings That Now Seem Ridiculous

When you look back at things from the past, you might ask yourself, “What were we thinking?” We used to have so many great things that sadly haven’t stood the test of time, and today, we’re looking at some of them. Here are 18 bits of wisdom that even the most experienced of us might find a little silly now.

Wear Pantyhose in Professional Settings

Editorial credit: Olexandr Taranukhin / Shutterstock.

At times, not wearing pantyhose at the office was a big mistake because it was rude. But now, comfort is way more important in office attire, and if you show up in pantyhose, you might just be the most dressed-up person in the room. Many offices now encourage a more relaxed dress code, and there are different rules for wearing pantyhose now.

Keep Change for Payphones

Editorial credit: n_defender/ Shutterstock.

Keeping a stash of quarters for payphones is a real blast from the past. With cell phones in every pocket, finding a payphone today is pretty rare, and if you do find one, it’s probably just for a cool Instagram pic, not an actual call. Most people wouldn’t even know where to find a working payphone or how to use one if they did.

Send Film for Developing

Editorial credit: sunstep/ Shutterstock.

The anticipation of waiting to develop your photos was so real in the past, although telling someone you need a few days to see how a selfie turned out sounds ridiculous now. These days, you can see your photos immediately, edit them right on your phone, and share them within seconds. Who wants to wait?

Pay Bills via Mail

Editorial credit: MemoryMan / Shutterstock.

Mailing your bill payments was once just part of being an adult. Thankfully, making online payments is much easier and more secure, as they’re far quicker, and you don’t need a stamp to make them. Moving from paper to digital has completely changed how we manage our finances. It’s much less of a chore and more of a few quick clicks.

Record Shows on VCR

Editorial credit: Eakrin Rasadonyindee/ Shutterstock.

Setting up a VCR to record your favorite show was pretty difficult, and, more often than not, it got messed up. But with DVR and streaming, missing a show isn’t a big deal anymore, and you can even pause or rewind live TV. You can watch what you want, when you want, without the hassle of tapes or programming a VCR.

Take Typing Classes

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, typing classes were important because keyboards were completely new, although kids today are typing before they can write. Most schools have made typing part of their regular curriculum so that by the time students hit middle school, they’re already proficient. Dedicated typing classes now feel pretty pointless.

Use Ashtrays in Homes and Offices

Editorial credit: nonneestudio / Shutterstock.

Smoking indoors was pretty common and socially accepted, so you’d see ashtrays at home and even on office desks. But now we have smoking bans in public places and more health awareness; indoor smoking is a big mistake. Most people would rather go outside for a smoke than light up indoors.

Handwrite Shopping Lists

Editorial credit: SeventyFour / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, you’d write down your grocery needs on a scrap of paper, and some people still swear by it. Even so, it’s a lot easier to use our smartphones for our shopping lists because you can add items on the fly and share them with family members. Some apps even sort your list by the store’s layout, which makes shopping a breeze.

Change TV Channels Using a Dial

Editorial credit: KsanderDN / Shutterstock.

Before, if you wanted to change the TV channel, you had to get up from your comfy couch to turn a dial on the TV set. But today, you can simply use your voice, as many channel changers include voice control instead. The idea of manually changing a channel now seems as outdated as watching TV in black and white.

Iron Your Clothes Daily

Editorial credit: pikselstock / Shutterstock.

In the past, you wouldn’t dare leave your home without ironing every piece of clothing. However, changes in clothing and attitudes now mean we have wrinkle-free fabrics and more casual dress codes, so daily ironing seems like too much work. Most people would rather wear clothes that are straight from the dryer or the closet.

Fax Documents

Editorial credit: junpiiiiiiiiiii/ Shutterstock.

Back when fax machines were everywhere, sending a fax was the quickest way to get documents from point A to point B. Today, though, we’ve got email attachments and cloud sharing that make fax machines look completely outdated. Don’t be surprised if the younger people in the office have never used one before, although they do still exist.

Use a Public Computer for Internet Access

Editorial credit: Public Computer/ Shutterstock.

There was a time when public computers were the only way to check your email or print something because owning one yourself was too expensive. But now, almost everyone has a smartphone or laptop, and seeing someone hunched over a library computer is pretty rare. We’ve moved on, and our technology has definitely kept up with the pace.

Develop Pictures at a One-Hour Photo

Editorial credit: iamanewbee / Shutterstock.

Back then, a one-hour photo shop was the fastest way to get photos. You’d drop off your film, then shop around while waiting for your prints, and an hour seemed like no time. If you want prints, you can do so yourself or just order them online and have them shipped to your door. It’s a lot easier, but maybe not as magical.

Check a Thesaurus or Dictionary

Editorial credit: RTimages/ Shutterstock.

Whenever you needed a definition or a synonym, you’d have to use a physical dictionary or thesaurus, as there was no such thing as asking Siri or Alexa. These days, a quick online search does the job faster, and it’ll give you so much more. Plus, since language is changing so quickly now, physical dictionaries are becoming outdated by the second.

Use Clip Art in Presentations

Editorial credit: DC Studio/ Shutterstock.

Clip art used to be a great way to make your presentation look good, but let’s be honest, those days are over. You can use sites like Canva to get much more professional images, and stylish templates, which makes using clip art seem pretty outdated. Thankfully, our presentations have had major improvements.

Carry a Physical Fitness Tracker

Editorial credit: Angela Schmidt / Shutterstock.

Not long ago, the only way to track your steps was by strapping a pedometer to your belt, although we’ve got smartwatches and phone apps to do that now. They’ll tell you how many steps you’ve taken and even let you know about your heart rate and sleep quality. There’s no need for extra gadgets because your phone or watch has it covered.

Watch Saturday Morning Cartoons

Editorial credit: Rech Alcances Frisardi / Shutterstock.

Saturday mornings once meant sitting in front of the TV, waiting for your favorite cartoons to come on because that was the only time you could see them. But why wait for Saturday? Streaming services have made cartoons available 24/7 so everybody can enjoy their favorite shows whenever they feel like it.

Have a Dedicated Home Phone Line

Editorial credit: BenSlater/ Shutterstock.

The idea of a home phone line was just natural in every household. Today, though, practically everyone has a cell phone, and many homes use VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services if they even have a line. Traditional landlines have pretty much entirely disappeared, although you may still see them in some houses.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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