18 Tech Treasures From 20 Years Ago That Were Ahead of Their Time - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Tech Treasures From 20 Years Ago That Were Ahead of Their Time

Today, we’re traveling back 20 years to when some electronics were the hottest items on the block. These were the days of bulky TVs and wired phones when music players actually fit in your pocket. We’ll look at 18 classic electronics that were the talk of the town back then and learn why they were worth their weight in gold.

Original Apple iPod

Editorial credit: Saku Schildt / Shutterstock.

The original iPod was huge for technology and music back in 2001. Instead of streaming music, you actually owned your music, meaning you’d have 1,000 songs that were truly yours in your pocket. This little gadget changed how we enjoyed our tunes on the go, making it a must-have at the time.

Nokia 3310

Editorial credit: Nidnids/ Shutterstock.

The Nokia 3310 was truly the little phone that could, especially since it was tough as nails. This phone kept going longer than any smartphone dares to today. The 2000s were a time when phones were for calling and texting, making this phone the best of them all.

Sony PlayStation 2

Editorial credit: Yanuar45/ Shutterstock.

The PlayStation 2 was a true gaming beast, with graphics that amazed us and a library of games that kept us glued to our controllers. Unsurprisingly, everyone had to have one, even if it meant saving up for months. This console also worked as a DVD player and soon became a staple in living rooms everywhere, giving us countless hours of entertainment.

Microsoft Windows XP Software

Editorial credit: Friemann/ Shutterstock.

Upgrading your PC used to feel like a big deal, and Windows XP made your computer feel like it was from the future. It was smoother and overall better at everything than anything that came before, although it seems pretty outdated these days. Since it was so user-friendly, it got many more people interested in computing, and many people still use it today.

BlackBerry 6210

Editorial credit: Liftarn /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Before smartphones were everywhere, the BlackBerry 6210 was the ultimate business phone, especially since it gave you email on the go. Of course, it wasn’t cheap, but being connected 24/7? Utterly priceless. The 6210 also had a battery life that could last for days, unlike today’s smartphones, which need charging every few hours.

Palm Pilot Personal Digital Assistants

Editorial credit: J. Helgason/ Shutterstock.

Palm Pilots kept your life organized with a tap and a stylus, which was revolutionary at the time. Whether you needed a calendar or your contacts, these pocket-sized secretaries were a kind of tool that businesspeople couldn’t live without. They could manage practically everything since they were so customizable and had so many third-party applications.

TiVo Series1 DVR

Editorial credit: Jared C. Benedict / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

TiVo was magic for anyone with a TV because you could pause and rewind live programs. This meant no more missing out on your favorite shows just because you had to answer the phone, although it didn’t come cheap. You could also schedule recordings, meaning you could come home to a list of your favorite shows ready to watch on your own time.

Motorola Razr V3

Editorial credit: Velimir Zeland/ Shutterstock.

Thanks to its sleek design, the Razr V3 was a phone that also made a fashion statement. While it only did the basics, it looked so good doing them that everyone just had to have one, especially since it came in a range of colors. The Razr V3 was as much a personal accessory as it was a communication device.

Sony Trinitron TV

Editorial credit: LIAL/ Shutterstock.

When flat screens were just a dream, Sony’s Trinitron TVs delivered some of the best pictures we’d ever seen, bringing the movie theater into your living room. Of course, that was only if you were willing to pay the price. The brand’s reputation for quality made these TVs a long-term investment for many people.

Nintendo GameCube

Editorial credit: CaptNorth/ Shutterstock.

The Nintendo GameCube brought us some of the best games ever, like “Mario Kart: Double Dash” and “The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.” Owning one made your house the most popular one on the block, and the system’s unique controller design is something you just don’t see today. Even today, it’s hard to deny how revolutionary this was.

Sega Dreamcast

Editorial credit: Luciano Marques/ Shutterstock.

The Dreamcast was way ahead of its time, as it had features like online gaming that we take for granted today. While the console didn’t last long, it sure made a splash while it was here and set the stage for future consoles. The introduction of online multiplayer gaming and DLC started a standard trend for all the following gaming systems.

Panasonic DVX100 Video Camera

Editorial credit: Terwiel / CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

For aspiring filmmakers on a budget, the Panasonic DVX100 was a dream come true because it shot video that looked like film. At the time, that was unheard of at its price point. The DVX100 was also durable, thanks to its solid build that could handle all demands of fieldwork, making it a good choice for both students and professionals.

Apple Cinema Display

Editorial credit: Nick Name Two / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 2.0

Apple’s Cinema Display felt futuristic at the time, with its stunning resolution and incredible design. This device was perfect for graphic design and video work professionals, even though it cost quite a bit. After all, you can’t put a price on quality, especially something with such a large screen size and sharp image.

Bose QuietComfort Headphones

Editorial credit: Random NZ Photography/ Shutterstock.

The first time you tried Bose QuietComfort headphones, you felt like you were hearing your music how it was meant to be heard. The noise-canceling technology lets you get lost in your music without the real world bothering you, making it a real treat for rich audiophiles. These headphones were comfortable enough to wear for hours, so they were great for travel or long commutes.

Xbox Live Starter Kit

Editorial credit: Evan-Amos/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Getting online with your Xbox with Xbox Live Starter Kit was incredible, so it was no surprise it was so successful. This device allowed you to play with friends worldwide and gave you a whole new gaming experience. With the included headset, you could talk with your friends while you played, which was pretty much unheard of back then.

Canon EOS 1D

Editorial credit: Wirestock Creators/ Shutterstock.

The Canon EOS 1D was the tool of the trade for any professional photographer, mostly because it was so fast and reliable. Of course, this camera was a hefty investment, but its results were well worth it. It also had weather sealing that made it perfect for shooting in any condition, so you could capture stunning shots no matter the environment.


Editorial credit: Aviad Bublil / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

JVC’s D-Series CRT TVs broke the mold because they brought a new kind of color to our screens. They were great for movie fans and gamers, who truly appreciated the richer visuals and were happy to pay a bit extra for them. But it wasn’t just video performance, as these TVs also had sound quality that was just as great.

Sony Ericsson T68i

Editorial credit: Lenscap Photography/ Shutterstock.

The Sony Ericsson T68i brought color screens to the masses, along with Bluetooth and a clip-on camera. It was one of the first phones that showed us what smartphones could become, and it was also among the first to have customizable themes and wallpapers. Now, your phone was something completely personal.

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