18 Reasons Americans Are Struggling with Living Within Their Means - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Americans Are Struggling with Living Within Their Means

Spending more than we have is almost a national sport in the U.S. nowadays. No matter what you choose to splurge on, it feels like the finish line keeps moving further away. Why do we do it? There are plenty of reasons, and none of them are because we’re bad with money. Let’s look at 18 real reasons why our wallets are always a bit lighter than we’d like.

Can’t Resist Those Plastic Cards

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

It’s no secret that America is big on credit. It has just become too easy to swipe a credit card for every purchase, whether that’s a big TV or tacos from the local food stall. Before you know it, you’re in deeper than you planned. Thisspend now, worry laterattitude is a trap many of us fall into without realizing it.

All About the Image

Editorial credit: Mykola Romanovskyy / Shutterstock.

We all want to look good, and there’s no harm in that. But sometimes, keeping up with the latest trends and matching other people’s lifestyles causes problems for our bank accounts. Some of us care too much about looking the part and are willing to sacrifice our money to buy that new car or fancy vacation.

College Debt Mountain

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Education doesn’t come cheap; for many families, it means dealing with a mountain of debt. Soon enough, it’s a financial burden that doesn’t just go away with that diploma and, in some cases, doesn’t even seem worth it. When you graduate with a backpack full of debt, it’s much harder to get ahead or even think about investing for the future.

Costly Health Scares

Editorial credit: Natee Meepian / Shutterstock.

Even with insurance, getting sick or just a routine check-up can mean financial issues that many of us aren’t ready for. These costs can destroy even the most well-planned budget; for those without insurance, a single emergency can completely destroy your savings. This leaves little room for anything else.

Dream Homes That Cost

Editorial credit: Olga Maksimava/Shutterstock.

We all dream of that perfect home, but with real estate prices skyrocketing, buying a house often means stretching our budgets way beyond our comfort zone. You have the taxes and maintenance to worry about, along with the mortgage. And don’t forget those unpredictable repairs, which can make owning your dream home a real drain on your finances.

Financial What?

Editorial credit: Kmpzzz / Shutterstock.

Not everyone knows exactly how to manage their money, and without this knowledge, it’s no surprise that many make mistakes that cost them big time. Many people only learn through trial and error. Unfortunately, this is an expensive way to figure out how to manage a budget or save for the future.

Fancy Wheels on Finance

Editorial credit: North Monaco / Shutterstock.

America is a nation of cars, but do they always have to be luxury models? Many of us get tricked into leasing or buying cars that are better for our street cred than our finances. This often means we make monthly payments that last year and such payments can ruin our budgets and stop us from saving money.

The One-Click Buying Trap

Editorial credit: VAKS-Stock Agency / Shutterstock.

As nice as online shopping is, it’s also a fast track to spending money we don’t always have. It’s all too easy to fill a virtual cart with things we don’t need from the comfort of our couch. Before you know it, those small purchases add up, and we’re wondering where the money went at the end of the month.

Luxury Isn’t Cheap

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

Of course, treating ourselves to something fancy now and then is okay, but it shouldn’t become a habit. If you’re constantly chasing designer labels without the means to pay for them, your finances will suffer. The price of a high-end brand isn’t always worth it, no matter how tempting it might be.

Risky Investment Bets

Editorial credit: William Potter / Shutterstock.

If you’re smart about it, investing can be a great way to make your money go further. Sadly, too many Americans make risky decisions without doing the proper research, leading to losses instead of gains. It’s a difficult lesson that many of us learn the hard way. Don’t get caught up in the excitement of a hot tip or a booming market unless you’ve done your homework.

Retirement? Later, Please

Editorial credit: Cozine / Shutterstock.

Most Americans forget about saving for retirement because they’re caught up in the now, although neglecting this can lead to some serious financial challenges. Without enough retirement savings, we might have to work far beyond when we hoped to retire. Or worse, we may have to deal with a much tighter budget in our golden years.

Now, Not Later

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

We live in a time where waiting for anything feels old-fashioned, and this rush for instant satisfaction often means we spend before we think. Unfortunately, this can set us up for financial issues when the bills come in. Soon enough, we’re left figuring out how to cover these costs without going further into debt.

Wedding Bells

Editorial credit: zimmytws / Shutterstock.

American weddings aren’t cheap. There’s so much to spend on, including the venue, catering, and everything in between, like flowers and the dress. Everyone wants their special day to be perfect, but that perfection usually comes with a high price tag that couples spend years paying off.

Green Thumb

Editorial credit: Artazum / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that gardening is a relaxing hobby, but it’s not necessarily cheap. For anyone who really gets into it, the costs can grow quicker than their plants, as you’ve got to pay for high-quality soil and tools, among other things. You’ll soon realize that this budget-friendly hobby has become an expensive passion.

Charity and Donations

Editorial credit: Oleg Golovnev / Shutterstock.

Giving back is an important part of being American, although sometimes our hearts are bigger than our budgets. Regularly giving to charities or school fundraisers can cause issues for our finances. It’s a nice idea, but some of us give more money than we can actually afford. 

Holiday Extravagance

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Americans often go all out for holidays, including elaborate Halloween decorations and huge Christmas light displays. When we’re spreading holiday cheer, these festivities can put a huge dent in our budgets, sometimes causing us to spend well beyond what’s reasonable or even necessary. 

Premium Childcare Costs

Editorial credit: pu_kibun / Shutterstock.

Childcare might be important, but sadly, it is not cheap. Premium daycares or exclusive afterschool programs are expensive, and many families choose them because they seem to offer better care or more prestige. We all want the best for our kids, making it tempting to stretch our budget.

Home Tech Upgrades

Editorial credit: RossHelen / Shutterstock.

Keeping up with the latest home technology becomes pretty expensive. Many Americans prioritize these upgrades because they want to stay current, and they’ll often spend more than they can afford on the latest tech trends. Resisting the latest gadget can be hard, even when it’s affecting your budget.

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