18 Retro Habits Boomers Just Can’t Let Go - Boomer insight

Thomas Robinson

18 Retro Habits Boomers Just Can’t Let Go

The “good old days” have a lot going for them, according to Boomers. They were simpler times when they weren’t wrestling with technology, political correctness, and snowflakes. People had respect for each other, and learning was something valuable. Boomers like to keep their connection with these times by indulging in some retro routines. Generation X and Millennials might enjoy some of these too. So let’s take a look at how the past stays present for these people.

Listening to the Radio

Editorial credit: jakkapan / Shutterstock.

While younger generations might not appreciate tuning into the radio each day, Boomers love to get their daily dose of listening pleasure. They are leading by example, as most Americans listen to the radio on a daily basis.

Reading Newspapers

Editorial credit: sebra / Shutterstock.

While many people get their news online, newspapers remain the chosen way to start the day for 93% of Boomers. Perusing the latest headlines over a cup of coffee is a ritual that older generations just can’t do without.

Using a Landline

Editorial credit: OlgaLis / Shutterstock.

While Boomers can and do use cell phones, they like the reassurance of having a landline. A permanent phone connection that can be relied on in emergencies like a power cut gives a sense of security. The ability to screen calls and not always be available is another plus point that Boomers love.

Eating Meat and Potatoes

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Boomers aren’t keen on salads, vegetarian options, or adventurous eating. They like the solid comfort of a meal that contains meat and potatoes. It’s filling and tasty and won’t upset their stomachs.

Going to a Checkout

Editorial credit: Sorbis / Shutterstock.

Boomers like to buy their groceries from a person, not a machine. They don’t want to scan their shopping themselves and contend with errors and beeps when things go wrong. They like a friendly checkout person to help them with their groceries, making the process a social pleasure too.

Getting Up Early

Editorial credit: Fit Ztudio / Shutterstock.

Wasting the day lying in bed is something Boomers really can’t stand. They pride themselves on being washed, dressed and ready to start the day by 8 am at the latest. This is why they are productive and have lovely homes and gardens.

Reading Books

Editorial credit: YAKOBCHUK-VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock.

Boomers love to delve into a good book. They read more than other generations. That’s a real book, paperback, or hardback. They like the feeling of holding the printed words in their hands, something they don’t get from using a Kindle or smartphone. They don’t understand the obsession young people have with getting all their entertainment from screens.

A Period of Silence

Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

Quiet time each day is something that’s highly valued by Boomers. They’re amazed at the tolerance of younger generations to constant noise and activity 24/7. They enjoy carving out time for peace, quiet, and reflection.

Drinking Tea

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Forget your fancy sodas or kombuchas, tea is the Boomer beverage of choice. It’s warm, comforting and tastes great. Boomers love their tea, and Millennials have followed suit and adopted similar habits with this centuries-old drink.

Leaving the House to Work

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Even though remote working has become more prevalent in the past few years, Boomers are skeptical about its benefits. They believe that it encourages people to laze around, and they don’t like the lack of sociability. Heading into the office equals greater productivity and better relationships with coworkers, say the Boomers.

Making Coffee at Home

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Boomers don’t understand why younger generations spend the equivalent of a house payment on takeout coffee. Why head out to hand over your hard-earned cash when you can make a perfectly good cup of java in the comfort of your own home?

Watching Cable TV

Editorial credit: maramade / Shutterstock.

Streaming is a source of confusion for Boomers. They love to settle down with good old cable television. They can enjoy their favorite shows without having to have a master’s in computing, and the remote is the only tool they need.

Sending Cards in the Mail

Editorial credit: MemoryMan / Shutterstock.

Every Boomer worth their salt likes to send and receive cards in the mail. A thank you card is considered great manners for many, and a practical way to express gratitude. Birthday cards are also important, giving Boomers the opportunity to send their well wishes to those they love on a special day.

Shopping in Stores

Image Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock.

While many people make most of their purchases for clothes, home goods and everything else  online, Boomers still enjoy going into physical stores. They like to check out items in the store, finding just what they’re looking for and enjoying the process rather than seeing it as a means to an end.

Listening to Vinyl Records

Editorial credit: Kite_rin / Shutterstock.

Boomers relish the opportunity to show their families what good music is really all about, so they put their records on whenever they get the chance. They have inspired other generations though, and vinyl has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in recent years.

Drive-In Movies

Editorial credit: FERNANDO MACIAS ROMO / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers have fond memories of their first dates at drive-in movies, and they continue to indulge themselves in this cinematic treat. The pandemic gave drive-in movies a boost, with people of all ages enjoying the latest releases without compromising their health.

Looking After Houseplants

Editorial credit: Freebird7977 / Shutterstock.

While having plants inside your house might seem more than a little weird to younger generations, Boomers are very at home with some interior greenery. The trend was at its height in the 1970s, and this generation is not giving up on it yet.

Talking About the Weather

Editorial credit: Aree_S / Shutterstock.

While their kids and grandkids might roll their eyes at the weather talk, Boomers love to chat about whether or not it’s going to rain, how it’s been too hot, and everything else in between. While others laugh at this kind of chitchat, Boomers see talking about the weather as an easy opener with anyone they might meet. They appreciate the fact that they can talk to their neighbors, people at the office, the checkout lady and their friends about this simple topic. It’s not controversial, so they can’t offend anyone, and that’s something that Boomers sometimes have difficulty with.

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