18 Once-Common Behaviors That Are Now Seen as Rude - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Once-Common Behaviors That Are Now Seen as Rude

Over time, the things we used to think were polite completely changed and now seem a little bit rude. It’s perfectly normal, but it’s still important to keep an eye on what’s acceptable and what isn’t. Here are 18 things that used to be polite but are now considered rude.

Calling Someone Without Texting First

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It used to be totally normal to just ring someone up, but not so much anymore. If you call without sending someone a quick text first, you could catch them at a bad time, especially since we’re all juggling so much these days. It’s far more considerate for you to send them a heads-up text first and then choose a good time to speak.

Coming Over Unannounced

Editorial credit: VH-studio/ Shutterstock.

Similarly, going over to someone’s house unannounced isn’t the friendly surprise it used to be. If anything, it’s more of an intrusion now because everyone’s schedules are so packed. Showing up out of the blue can throw off someone’s whole day, and giving them a call or text first can make all the difference.

Smoking in Public Spaces

Editorial credit: drpnncpptak/ Shutterstock.

Lighting up a cigarette around other people was once okay because we didn’t really know about secondhand smoke. While you can still smoke, you’re restricted to certain areas. It’s a lot more considerate to people who don’t smoke or have health issues, as nobody likes that stench of smoke hanging around.


Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

Throwing your trash anywhere never looked good, but it was a little more acceptable in the past. Now that we care a lot more about keeping our planet clean and green, throwing litter on the floor shows more about you than anything. It tells people you don’t care about your community or the environment, and that’s never a good look.

Talking Loudly on Phones

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

Yelling into your phone in public is a big no-no these days. It used to be acceptable because it was so difficult to hear on those early cell phones, although technology has come a long way since then. Keeping your conversation at a polite volume is just part of being in public nowadays because not everyone wants to listen to your drama.

Ignoring Message

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock.

Similarly, ignoring text messages or emails might have been less of a deal when this technology was new. These days, though, if you don’t get back to people in a timely manner, then they’ll think you neither care nor respect them. Not ignoring them keeps everyone in the loop and makes sure things stay smooth.

Answering Someone Else’s Phone

Editorial credit: Prathankarnpap / Shutterstock.

Before, picking up someone else’s phone without asking them wasn’t really a big deal. But now, our phones are far more personal and full of private information, so it’s impolite to pick up someone’s cell phone without permission. People prefer to keep their calls and messages private, so we should respect this.

Borrowing Without Asking

Editorial credit: Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock.

Similarly, it used to be a neighborly thing to borrow something from a neighbor or friend without asking first. Today, we see it as a little presumptuous because people care more about their belongings and privacy. You’re more likely to cause an argument by borrowing something without asking.

Using Pet Names for Strangers

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio/ Shutterstock.

There was once a time when calling strangers “honey” or “sweetie” was completely normal, especially if they were a woman. Today, it comes off as condescending or even misogynistic to do so. You’re much better off using someone’s first name or keeping things more formal until you know them better.

Commenting on Someone’s Appearance

Editorial credit: Nestor Rizhniak/ Shutterstock.

Talking about someone’s weight or height used to be regular small talk and a good way to start a conversation, but not anymore. Today, we see these comments as rude, and rightly so. Of course, compliments are okay, but unwanted opinions on someone’s appearance just make them feel uncomfortable.

Giving Unwanted Parenting Advice

Editorial credit: pixelheadphoto digitalskillet / Shutterstock.

If you were a parent in the past, then you know that you’d constantly get advice from people on how to raise your kids, even if you didn’t ask for it. While it might’ve been helpful before, most people think it’s just judgment today. Parenting is completely personal, and telling someone how to raise their kids comes across as offensive.

Wearing Strong Perfume or Cologne

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

It might’ve been a sign of sophistication in the past, but wearing heavy scents can actually be quite overwhelming. In some cases, it can actually cause allergic reactions, so you should go light on it. This way, everyone feels comfortable, and you won’t be the one stinking out of the office or public transport.

Ignoring Service Workers

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic/ Shutterstock.

There was a time when it was normal not to acknowledge service workers like cashiers or waitstaff when making a transaction. After all, they were “just” service workers. But nowadays, we know that behaving like that is completely rude, and simply acknowledging them with a smile or “hello” is much more respectful.

Not Cleaning Up After Your Dog

Editorial credit: Monika Wisniewska/ Shutterstock.

It wasn’t that bad if you left your dog’s mess on the ground because it was someone else’s problem to deal with. But today, we recognize that this is actually a huge mistake and quite inconsiderate. You have to clean up after your pet to show that you care for the world around you, whether that’s in public or private, and some states have laws about it.

Phones at the Theater

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

Not everyone used to have a cell phone, meaning that the norms around having them at the movie theatre were quite different. These days, forgetting to switch it off or silence your phone is utterly rude. It ruins everybody’s movie experience and makes it hard for both the performers and the audience.

Splitting the Bill

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, you didn’t have to worry so much about splitting the bill at dinner because it was just expected for the men to pay. Things are quite different now because not putting in your fair share, especially if you ordered more, is pretty rude. We’ve all got easy access to calculators on our phones, so there’s no reason to make anyone feel like you’re taking advantage of them.

Reclining Your Seats 

Editorial credit: CandyBox Images / Shutterstock.

You didn’t have to think twice about reclining your airplane seat because you paid for the space. But most planes have more customers and tighter spaces, so it’s far more considerate to check with the person behind you before leaning back. This way, everyone’s comfortable during the flight.

Texting During Conversations

Editorial credit: Friends Stock / Shutterstock.

Texting while talking to someone is quite rude now because tapping away at your phone mid-conversation comes across as though you’re not interested. It wasn’t that serious before because phones weren’t all that common. You should give your full attention to the person you’re with instead.

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