18 Ways Baby Boomers Prove Tougher Than Today’s Overprotected Youth - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Ways Baby Boomers Prove Tougher Than Today’s Overprotected Youth

Boomers grew up without smartphones or instant Google answers, among other things. They’ve lived through stuff that would make most of us sweat just thinking about it, and that’s one of the reasons they’re so tough. Here are 18 reasons why this generation is one of the strongest around and the lessons we can learn from them.

Life Before Wi-Fi

Editorial credit: highlight Mike / Shutterstock.

Boomers had to solve math without a calculator and plan road trips without GPS, as technology wasn’t as big as it is now. They had to rely on their brains and intuition to do practically everything. This talent for solving problems the old-school way usually gives Boomers an edge in thinking outside the box.

No Modern Medicine

Editorial credit: i viewfinder / Shutterstock.

Most of the medicine and medical technology we take for granted didn’t exist back then. Boomers had to use simpler treatments and more home remedies to get through their illnesses. And sometimes, they had to just grin and bear it, which made them tougher when dealing with medical problems.

Tough Times, Tough People

Editorial credit: David Falconer /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

They were also raised during difficult historical times like the 1970s oil crisis, which helped them learn that nothing comes easy. Tight budgets and job instability just became part of their everyday lives and taught them to work hard and stay tough. While these weren’t fun experiences, they certainly helped to build some character.

Drafted and Disciplined

Editorial credit: Master1305 / Shutterstock.

Unlike today, many Boomer guys were forced to protect the country thanks to the draft. Some of them served at home, while some of them served overseas, but they all understood the importance of discipline and resilience. This helped to make them into the tough guys they are today.

Do It Yourself

Editorial credit: ElenaYakimova / Shutterstock.

Back then, if something broke, you had no choice but to fix it. Government handouts weren’t as common as they are today, so Boomers had to figure things out on their own or with some help from their neighbors. They understood how to “do it yourself” like no other generation, which taught them to stand on their own two feet with practically everything in life.

The Great Outdoors

Editorial credit: Andrea Slatter / Shutterstock.

There were no PlayStations back then, just plain old stations like tree forts and bike ramps. When they were kids, Boomers spent a lot of time outdoors climbing real trees, not virtual ones. This real experience taught them all about risk and reward in a way you just can’t get from an online game or anything digital.

Born to Be Responsible

Editorial credit: MIA Studio / Shutterstock.

In the past, parents trusted their kids with far more responsibility than the younger generations get today. Lots of them would watch their little siblings or even help run the house before they could drive. It gave them a sense of responsibility that made them wise beyond their years and ready to take on the world when they grew up. 

Complete Freedom

Editorial credit: maxim ibragimov / Shutterstock.

Likewise, during their childhood, parents were far more hands-off than they are today. This independence taught them to make decisions from a young age and gave them the confidence to deal with life head-on. They learned how to deal with risks and face the consequences of their actions, no matter how bad they were.

Learning the Old Way

Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Without technology, school was somewhere you actually had to listen and take notes. You had to memorize everything you learned because there was no Google to rely on for the answers. As boring as it might sound, it taught Boomers to be focused and helped them sharpen their memory, which was way more useful a skill when there wasn’t so much technology around.

Super Tough Schools

Editorial credit: nimito / Shutterstock.

Speaking of schools, Boomers didn’t have it easy in school. They were expected to meet or even exceed high standards but with fewer resources than kids today. Right from kindergarten, they were under a lot of pressure, and this prepared them for life’s challenges. It made them tougher and ready to face anything.

Hard Work Is Normal

Editorial credit: LookerStudio / Shutterstock.

When they grew up, lots of Boomers worked in factories or on the land, as there were no robots to do manual work for them. It was a daily grind unlike anything today, as it was more physically demanding and far more challenging. But this gave Boomers a sense of determination and an understanding that you should take pride in doing a job well.

Strict Parents

Editorial credit: Melnikov Dmitriy / Shutterstock.

Boomers aren’t lying when they talk about how harsh their parents were. Back then, adults weren’t afraid to lay down the law by forcing their kids to respect them, which sometimes included physical punishment. Of course, we know now that that’s wrong, but Boomers learned early that life wasn’t going to hand them anything, so they had to work for everything.

Constant Change

Editorial credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/ Shutterstock.

With all the social changes of the time, like civil rights and women’s lib, it’s no surprise that Boomers had to learn to adapt to sudden changes. They had to have inner strength and determination to keep pushing forward, no matter what happened. Boomers had to be resilient and stand up for what they believed in, as they had no other choice.

Cold War Kids

Editorial credit: Walter Albertin /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Growing up with the constant threat of nuclear war gave stress a whole new meaning for Boomers. The idea of all-out nuclear destruction was a daily reality that made them grateful for each day and taught them the value of being prepared. This lesson in toughness has stuck with many boomers today.

Creativity Over Channels

Editorial credit: Panchenko Vladimir / Shutterstock.

Since entertainment was so limited back then, Boomers used their imagination to do things. Instead of just sitting around, they had their own adventures and made games that involved using their own creativity. In doing so, many boomers developed critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are always useful.

Harsher Environment

Editorial Credit: Pearl PhotoPix / Shutterstock.

Boomers faced the elements without the conveniences we have today, and this taught them to endure the pain. All those boiling hot summers and freezing winters made them resourceful because the only other option was to give up. Even today, you might find that many of them can deal with any kind of challenge with a can-do attitude.

Straight Talker

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Communication was more direct back then because Boomers had face-to-face conversations, not digital ones. Being honest and clear was the most important of all, and it developed their interpersonal skills. They’re not afraid to have tough conversations because they had to do this without a screen.

Economically Self-Sufficient

Editorial credit: Kemal Taner / Shutterstock.

It was pretty rare to have a dual-income household back then, which meant that Boomers learned to be economically self-sufficient. They had to manage with less and balance their budget by making more sacrifices. Without being so tough, they’d never be able to make it to the future.

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