18 Reasons Gen Z Demands Pay Without Working - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

18 Reasons Gen Z Demands Pay Without Working

Generation Z has grown up very differently from Millennials and Baby Boomers, and they appear to have a unique set of values compared to their predecessors. 

A combination of growing up with the internet, and smartphones, and an enhanced sense of self-awareness, and empathy has resulted in Gen Z having higher expectations for themselves, others, and work.

This has contributed to a perception that this generation is reluctant to work, but still expects to be employed, and paid well. 

Here are 18 reasons why Gen Z are perceived as not wanting to work, while still expecting to be paid.

Universal Basic Income  

Editorial credit: Bits And Splits / Shutterstock.

Gen Z are big advocates of Universal Basic Income (UBI) This is the idea that everyone in society gets a basic monthly income to live off, regardless of their wealth, status, or employment. 

This is a very progressive concept that argues each person in society should be given access to a basic amount of money that covers essential needs such as housing, food, and energy costs. Gen Z claims that UBI would allow people to climb out of poverty and engage in meaningful work, instead of taking jobs out of financial desperation.  

Mental Health Awareness

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Gen Z have a better understanding of mental health than other generations, and they are more likely to prioritize their mental well-being over their careers. 

While this is a good thing, some employers perceive Gen Z’s reluctance to sacrifice their well-being for a job as laziness, or poor work ethic. 

Digital Natives 

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

This is the first generation born into the internet age, and since they were toddlers, Gen Z has been playing with mobile phones, watching TV, and interacting with technology. 

This means that this generation is digitally fluent, and also, digitally dependent, and they expect everything to be done online, which also involves working. This has resulted in Gen Z having expectations of remote work, flexible hours, and provision of company tech equipment. 

Work-Life Balance

Editorial credit: takasu / Shutterstock.

Gen Z is redefining traditional working patterns, with many rejecting the 9-5 model as too restrictive, and rigid. Instead, Gen Z expects employers to offer flexible working options that support a balanced lifestyle, which can appear somewhat entitled to employers. 

Digital Nomads 

Editorial credit: shellygraphy/ Shutterstock.

The fact that Gen Z has grown up as digital natives, means that many have aspirations of being digital nomads too. This generation learned from a young age that technology allows you to do anything from anywhere, and many Gen Z’s can’t understand why they can’t do their job from a hammock in the Caribbean. 

Remote Work 

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The pandemic reinforced Gen Z’s penchant for remote working, and now, they are more reluctant than ever to go into an office for work. 

While Gen Z genuinely loves working from home, traditional employers see their preference for remote work as a sign of laziness, when in fact, most work just as efficiently at home, if not more. 

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion 

Editorial credit: bangoland / Shutterstock.

Gen Z values equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace in a big way. This generation fiercely protects fairness and rallies against any kind of stigma or discrimination. 

These young people prioritize employers whose values are aligned with their own, more than pay, bonuses, or status, and they will happily decline well-paying jobs, in favor of a more ethically motivated employer.

Environmental Activism 

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

This generation cares about the planet and they’re willing to take action to protect it. 

Whether this means making greener decisions in their personal life, attending protests about climate change, or seeking employment with organizations that operate in environmentally ethical ways, Gen Z’s career choices are often influenced by a company’s green status, more than the wages they pay. 

Purpose Over Payment 

Editorial credit: ASDF_MEDIA / Shutterstock.

While previous generations have focused on good jobs, with good salaries, Gen Z appears to value alignment with personal values more than what a job pays.

This can lead Gen Z to reject jobs that don’t resonate with their core beliefs, and often employers view this as entitled, or arrogant. 

The Gig Economy 

Editorial credit: TierneyMJ / Shutterstock.

Gen Z is reshaping the world of work with many valuing freelance work for its flexibility, and autonomous working options. Even though these jobs lack the security of traditional work, the freedom they offer is much more attractive to Gen Z workers. 


Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

Gen Z don’t want to be “staff” they want to be the CEO, and the boss of their own business with many aiming to start entrepreneurial ventures that allow them to work flexible hours in a field they enjoy.  

Rebelling Against Traditional Jobs 

Editorial credit: Pixels Hunter / Shutterstock.

With the rise in job automation, and AI, Gen Z fears that many traditional jobs will soon become redundant in one way or another, and this puts many off engaging in conventional training, or following prescribed career pathways which they feel, might be leading to nowhere. 

Passive Income Streams

Editorial credit:Ariya J / Shutterstock.

Gen Z believes in working smarter, not harder and they feel that passive incomes should replace physical labor. They see being paid by the hour as a waste of time whenever you could be making much higher amounts of money for a lot less hard work. 

Instant Gratification 

Editorial credit: ImYanis / Shutterstock.

For a generation who have grown up with fast feedback, and instant access to everyone, and everything, from online gaming to social media notifications, patience is not a virtue that comes naturally to Gen Z. 

Therefore they don’t want to spend years training at College to qualify for traditional careers, instead, they want jobs that are quick, and easy to learn, like online marketing, and virtual selling.  

Multiple Income Streams 

Editorial credit: Dubo / Shutterstock.

Most Gen Z’s think only having one job is a risky business, instead, they advocate for having two or three income streams that generate money simultaneously. Gen Z sees this as a way to spread risk, so if one job or industry fails, they will be kept afloat financially by the others. 

The idea of earning money from more than one source makes the concept of having one traditional main job seem outdated to this generation.  

Disillusioned by Debt 

Editorial credit: ShutterstockProfessional / Shutterstock.

The high rate of student debt has left many Gen Z’s disillusioned with traditional educational routes to professional careers, as they feel the investment is no longer worth the reward. 

This has resulted in more Gen Z’s shunning College degrees in favor of vocational training that offers faster routes to employment, and income generation. 

Social Media Influence

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock

Online platforms like Instagram and TikTok have popularized the idea of generating an income from social influencing, and content creation which feels more modern, and trendy than traditional careers. 

Flat Hierarchies

Editorial Credit: fotogestoeber / Shutterstock.

Younger generations believe that flat hierarchical structures lead to greater inclusion and equality, stimulating increased employee participation, and allowing for rapid career advancement. 

However, most traditional employers already have established top-down hierarchies in place and operate more authoritarian processes, which Gen Z generally finds unattractive, and tends to avoid. 

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