18 Hidden Problems in Retirement Communities No One Discusses - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Hidden Problems in Retirement Communities No One Discusses

When you’re older, settling into a retirement community certainly sounds like a slice of paradise, as you’ll have no chores to do and lots of new friends to meet. But the truth is, it’s not always smooth sailing. There are plenty of problems plaguing adult retirement communities in America, and here are 18 of them.

High Costs

Editorial credit: SewCreamStudio/ Shutterstock.

Who knew retirement could be so expensive? Those monthly fees can really take a chunk of your savings, and they’ll have you wishing you kept the old family family home. It’s difficult when you’re supposed to be kicking back and enjoying life, but instead, you’re worried about your budget all the time.

Payment Schemes

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

Speaking of money, lots of retirement communities aren’t exactly flexible with their payment schemes. If you can’t pay on time, good luck because you’ll have to deal with strict payment options that’ll cause you more stress than they’re worth. It’s sad, but living in a retirement home can actually be more worrying than relaxing.

Limited Medical Services

Editorial credit: Marcos Castillo / Shutterstock.

You might expect the best medical care at these places, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to go it. Some places have great centers, but others? Not so much. If you end up needing specialized treatment like most seniors do, you’ll have to travel quite far, and that’s a pain, both literally and figuratively.

Poor Transportation

Editorial credit: AstroStar / Shutterstock.

A lot of retirement homes don’t have good shuttle services, meaning you won’t have a reliable way to get anywhere. Unless you have your own car, getting to appointments or even just visiting friends can become a major hassle. You’ll soon find yourself wishing you had a way to get around yourself.

Bad Food Quality

Editorial credit: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock.

Having food that’s prepared for you should feel good, but sometimes, the food in these places can be a real letdown. If you’re expecting grandma’s home cooking, then think again. You’ll probably be left looking at meals that don’t even look edible, and you’ll be missing your own kitchen soon enough.

Restrictive Rules

Editorial credit: Thinglass / Shutterstock.

Some communities are strict about everything under the sun, including when you can have visitors and how you can decorate your place. It might feel like you’re back at school because there are so many rules. Retirement is meant to be a time for freedom and doing what you want, but an adult retirement community may give you the opposite.

Inadequate Staffing

Editorial Credit: Lomb / Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, lots of these places don’t have enough staff around, and high staff turnover doesn’t help either. It just isn’t right that so many older people are struggling to find help in a place that’s meant to readily provide it. In some cases, residents just can’t get the care and attention they deserve on a regular basis.

Community Isolation

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Feeling cut off from the world is a horrible feeling, but it’s sadly more common in retirement communities that are out in the boonies or keep to themselves. Of course, you can talk to the other people in the community, but what about the friends you had before? It’s not exactly easy to talk to them when you’re miles away.

Limited Activity Options

Editorial credit: Roman Chazov / Shutterstock.

In some retirement communities, boredom is the real enemy because there just isn’t enough to do. If the most exciting thing to do on Fridays is play bingo, but you’re not into it, you’ll probably end up watching a lot of TV. Everyone needs a little fun, and that doesn’t change as you get older. These communities need a wider range of activities to help everyone find something they love.

Maintenance Issues

Editorial credit: Pushish Images / Shutterstock.

Leaky faucets? Check. Flickering lights? Checks? The maintenance issues in some retirement communities can be a nightmare, making retiree’s dream homes into a nightmare. A lot of these places just ignore the regular upkeep they need to do, and it makes some people feel like they’re not getting the value they paid for.

Inconsistent Care Quality

Editorial credit: Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock.

Although there are plenty of staff out there who really put in their all to look after their patients, not all of them are like that. Switching from amazing to indifferent really makes some retirees feel uneasy, and in some cases, it can actually impact their mental and physical health. After all, older people deserve to be treated with respect.

Privacy Issues

Editorial credit: stoatphoto / Shutterstock.

Say hello to Big Brother because in some communities, the walls are paper thin, and privacy is just a word in the dictionary. While it’s meant to keep you safe, feeling watched or overheard all the time doesn’t exactly make you feel calm. Everyone should feel like they have their own space to be themselves without prying eyes or ears, and that includes older people.

Technical Difficulties

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

In retirement homes, many older people are left to deal with technology and understand how to use it without any instructions. Sadly, this means many of them miss out on the opportunities to video call their grandkids over breakfast or even catch up on their favorite shows. Teaching them how to use these devices is important, especially since you really can teach an old dog new tricks.

Noise Problems

Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

If you’re looking for some peace and quiet, you might have to try really hard in some retirement communities. Since you’re around so many people, it’s natural that you’ll hear noise from your neighbors or construction, which can make things feel less peaceful. These communities need to remember that, sometimes, older people just want to get away from it all.

Lack of Diversity

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

It’s always nice to meet people with different backgrounds, but some retirement spots don’t have this diversity. This makes it a lot harder to find new friends who can teach you something new about the world or even find someone who shares your unique experiences. For some retirees, these homes are just packed with the same people and the same stories.

Environmental Issues

Editorial credit: Iryna Inshyna/ Shutterstock.

Nothing ruins a good day like bad air or water problems, although you might have to get used to them in a retirement community. And don’t get us started on the heating and cooling issues, as one minute you’re freezing, the next, you’re boiling. It’s hard to enjoy retirement when you’re so frustrated by these environmental problems.

Mad Mismanagement 

Editorial credit: Bonsales / Shutterstock.

Sadly, the biggest problem in some communities simply comes down to mismanagement. This affects everything, including service quality and maintenance, which makes the whole experience feel horrible. Good management might go unnoticed, but bad management is always obvious and harmful.

Unexpected Fees

Editorial credit: Wanan Wanan / Shutterstock.

You may think you’ve got your budget figured out, but your retirement community has different ideas. There are always surprise fees popping up in these places, like extra activities or services that you thought were included in the monthly payment. This can really cause problems for retirees because many of them are living on a fixed income.

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