18 Ways You’re Unknowingly Losing Money Each Day - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Ways You’re Unknowingly Losing Money Each Day

Let’s talk money. Specifically, how to hang on to more of yours when you’re dealing with bills left and right. There are quite a few expenses that are eating away at your budget that you might not even notice. Here are 18 of them and the reason they’re so bad for your budget.

Casual Shopping

Editorial credit: VAKS-Stock Agency / Shutterstock.

It’s so easy to get sucked into buying things online just because they’re a click away. To avoid overspending, set yourself a shopping limit each month or only buy what you need. This way, you’ll think twice before adding any non-essentials to your cart. Plus, waiting for a bigger haul means you’ll save on delivery fees.

Daily Deal Sites

Editorial credit: David Gyung / Shutterstock.

Similarly, those deal sites with huge discounts can be tempting. But let’s be honest, do you really need another set of sheets or another kitchen gadget? Think about whether it’s a need or just a want, and skip those impulse buys so you can hold onto your money. It’s not a good deal if you’re buying something you don’t need.

Expensive Car Washes

Editorial credit: SofikoS / Shutterstock.

We all love having a clean car, but those full-service washes seriously add up. If you’re really determined to get a wash regularly, just stick to the basics, or better yet, wash your car at home. It’ll give you a good workout and can actually be quite fun, especially if you get the kids involved.

Baby Clothes

Editorial credit: misfire_studio / Shutterstock.

Babies grow so fast that they usually outgrow their new clothes before they wear out. You’re better off buying used or accepting hand-me-downs from family and friends. It’ll save you lots of cash, and you’ll still get some high-quality products, just so long as you make sure they pass safety regulations.

Boutique Fitness

Editorial credit: Roman J Royce / Shutterstock.

As motivating as those boutique fitness classes might be, they’re usually a lot more expensive than they’re worth. Look for community classes because they are usually just as effective and much cheaper. You could even follow along with online workout videos at home, which will keep your budget and you in shape.

Anything Artisanal

Editorial credit: Marcos Campos / Shutterstock.

They might be tasty, but artisanal products come with a high price, and they’re not always worth the price. You can try making some of those costly cheeses at home or even shop at local markets to get a better deal. Sometimes, the most satisfying kind of treat is one you’ve made yourself.

Premium Parking

Editorial Credit: Supamotionstock.com / Shutterstock.

There’s really no point in paying for premium parking spots in busy downtown areas or near the entrance of where you want to go. Instead, try parking a bit further away for cheaper or even free parking. That short walk can save you a few bucks each time, and it can really add up if you’re commuting often.

Craft Supplies

Editorial credit: Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock.

Specialty craft stores often charge a premium for things you can find for a lot cheaper elsewhere. Look for discounts or try online stores where you can get some gently-used supplies for a fraction of the price. You can even try dollar stores to flex your creative muscles without draining your wallet.

Party Planning

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock.

If you’re throwing a big party, just keep it simple. You don’t need to go all out with expensive decorations and catering because homemade decorations and food can make a party truly unforgettable. After all, your loved ones are there to enjoy your company, not critique your party planning skills.

Premium Ice Cream

Editorial credit: Atsushi Hirao / Shutterstock.

Everyone loves a sweet treat, but the cost of premium ice cream? Not so sweet. Many store brands will have delicious favors at a much lower cost, and they’re worth a try. The alternatives usually taste just as good, if not better, and you might even find a new favorite that won’t freeze your budget.

High-Cost Sports

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that kids’ sports are good for their health and social skills, although you should remember that you don’t need to spend a fortune on league fees or gear. Check out some community sports programs, or perhaps try volunteering as an assistant. It’ll reduce the cost, and it’s a great way to spend extra time with your kids.

Top-Shelf Liquor

Editorial credit: MollieGPhoto / Shutterstock.

You don’t need top-shelf spirits for a great cocktail, and mid-range brands can taste just as good. That doesn’t mean you can’t buy expensive liquor, just that you should save it for special toasts. If you mix them correctly, you’ll be able to make those average spirits taste like they’re top-shelf.

Designer Glasses

Editorial credit: Netrun78 / Shutterstock.

There’s no point paying for designer frames when you can get fashionable and functional glasses online at a fraction of the cost. Lots of them even have virtual technology that’ll allow you to “try on” a pair so you can find what looks good for a lower cost. Keep your eyes peeled for any sales at discounts that can give you some of the greatest savings.

Premium Scented Candles

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Despite what you might think, scented candles don’t have to come from high-end brands, as many local markets and even big-box stores carry a wide range for a lower price. Take a trip and find your new favorite scent, just without the markup. If you’ve got the time and patience, you could even try making candles at home.

Designer Diapers

Editorial credit: Tipy_Pleydell / Shutterstock.

Your baby really doesn’t care about what kind of diapers they’re wearing, so why are you? Go for a cheaper brand that does the job just as well because it’ll save you a lot of money before your kid’s potty-trained. You should also try buying them in bulk so you can keep the cost per diaper as low as possible.

Specialty Teas

Editorial credit: fotohunter / Shutterstock.

Many grocery stores stock a wide variety of high-quality teas that are a lot cheaper than what you’ll find at a specialty tea shop. Usually, those expensive tea bags are way overpriced. And don’t forget that brewing your own blends with bulk herbs and spices can be a fun and cheap way to enjoy a great cuppa.

Gourmet Baking Ingredients

Editorial credit: Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock.

If you love to bake, it’s easy to get tricked into buying gourmet baking ingredients. For most recipes, standard ingredients work well, and you should save the specialty items for those really special occasions. A chocolate cake tastes the same whether you’ve spent $10 or $100 on the ingredients.

Premium Car Features

Editorial credit: SAHACHATZ / Shutterstock.

Whenever you buy a new car, skip the fancy add-ons like heated seats and built-in GPS. As nice as these features might be, they’ll increase the price of your vehicle quite a bit, and you can just use your smartphone to get around instead. If you really want these features, most after-market products will do the same thing for a fraction of the cost.

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